Li Yueming’s outrageous construction progress really made a group of new visitors a little dizzy.

Others are still talking about catching up with the project!

As a result, a group of people tied together, not as fast as Li Yueming’s own surveying and mapping progress.

It’s outrageous.

In the broadcast room, Mr. Guo also witnessed Li Yueming’s design process.

While watching, he couldn’t help but nod.

Even with his critical gaze, he couldn’t pick out the thorn in Li Yueming’s sketch.

So this young man is really very talented!

It’s just that I have just come out of society and lack some practical experience.

If not surprisingly.

In time, this young man will become a new evergreen in the field of old house renovation!

Guo Tian touched his beard and felt very relieved!

Bing Bing saw that the old man had a smile in his expression, and knew that the old man should appreciate Li Yueming’s design drawings.

So he hurriedly asked: “Old man, what do you think of this sketch of the designer?” ”

Old man Guo Tian said happily: “The old man is old. ”

“When I saw this drawing, the first reaction in my heart was actually a hero out of a teenager!”

“Sure enough, the back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave, and in this design drawing, I see not only the sharpness of the young man, but also the warmth of being a designer…”

“There is a very warm tone behind the sharp exterior, and the designers have perfectly combined these two points!”

“My old man was so old that he thought he had seen everything, but I didn’t expect that today I actually began to be a little curious about what this old house looks like after renovation!”


The old man said very emotionally.

The look is also very sincere.

Therefore, all the viewers in the live broadcast room can feel the emotions of the old man.

As an old man of nearly eighty years, he has long reached the age of An Tianmei.

I didn’t expect that today I would actually show such a big mood swing about the design of a junior.

It can be imagined that Old Master Guo must like Li Yueming’s design.

“It’s not easy to get the praise of Mr. Guo, and it can actually make Mr. Guo move, the designer is so powerful!”

“No blowing or black, this drawing is indeed magical!”

“The use of space has almost reached the pinnacle!”

“A small house of more than ten square meters, designed with an independent entrance, an independent living room, an independent bathroom and three independent bedrooms!”

“There is even a wet and dry separation between the cloakroom and the bathroom!”

“In order to increase the lighting area and spatial depth, the designer also boldly designed a spiral patio, so that so many functions do not interfere with each other.”

“This is simply unimaginable for ordinary people!”

“As long as it can be successfully built, it will be a dimensionality reduction blow for the other players!”

“It is estimated that only a few teachers such as Teacher Lai and Teacher Shi can touch it!”

There are also many discerning viewers in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, they all sincerely expressed their amazement in the barrage.

“Unfortunately, if it weren’t for the deviation in the early stage, the designer’s set would be perfect!”

“I hope that the deviation between the two walls is not too exaggerated, and even if problems are found during construction, they can be corrected in time!”

“I’m looking forward to what this house will be transformed into by the designer!”


In the old room, Li Yueming checked all the parameters of the sketch.

Eventually some small details were tweaked.

For example, the slope and height of the stairs, because most of the people living in the house are elderly.

Therefore, the slope and height of the stairs should be designed with cushions to improve these hidden dangers.

There is also the bedroom of Wang Fang and his son on the second floor, and Li Yueming feels that he can also add a window to the load-bearing wall.

Because it has reached the top of the building, opening a window will not have much effect on the load-bearing beam.

And this window can not only increase lighting, but also help the ventilation of the bedroom.

The little girl’s room can also be added with a small study.

Contribute to a better learning environment.

After reworking all the details, Li Yueming finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Glancing at the sky outside, the hottest noon had passed.

The staff of the program group with a complicated face handed him a box lunch.

Li Yueming was not polite with them.

I took the box lunch, found a place to sit down, and started eating.

Many people in the live broadcast room felt a little sad when they saw this scene.

A talented designer.

In today’s society, that’s an annual income of millions or even tens of millions.

But now such a person, in the scorching sun, sits alone next to the old house against the wall and eats a bowl of boxed lunches for a few dollars.

Just by looking at the appearance, it is similar to those migrant workers working under the scorching sun.

Designers selected for the Dream Makeover show are all randomly selected.

But this random selection does not mean that it is completely randomly selected among tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of players.

The director and the program team make the show more interesting, and also make the designers have their own characteristics.

Designers are selected after classification.

Therefore, there is a handsome designer like Li Yueming.

There are also beautiful designers like Wang Linlin who returned from overseas.

There are also powerful designers such as Teacher Shi and Teacher Lai.

If you look closely.

You’ll find that several other designers are also different.

The biggest purpose of this is to attract different audiences from different groups.

It is also to make the program more diversified and have higher highlights.

So the director and screenwriter didn’t expect much money from the show.

But a lot of effort was spent designing the show.


At noon before, the staff of the program group invited Li Yueming to take a car to eat in the restaurant.

But at that time, Li Yueming was still drawing sketches.

So he refused.

Just let them bring him a box of fast food after eating.

This simple simplicity.

It seems a bit incredible to many people.

“I don’t know why, I feel solid when I look at this designer!”

“Yes, I feel that way too!”

“Upstairs, I know why, because this designer is down-to-earth and not pretentious at all!”

“It’s not like some people at all, and they think they are sorry for a little knowledge!”

“Gorgeous design, simple designer, love love!”

“I feel that except for No. 3 and No. 6, that is, Mr. Lai and Mr. Shi, all of these designers seem to be a bit pretentious!”

“That No. 10 beautiful designer Wang Linlin graduated from the Cambridge Royal Academy of Design in the country of Chanchan, and when people enter the door, the client talks to her without reason!”

“The cow is coaxing, and he thinks that if he has gone abroad and stayed in the ocean, he is superior!”

“The old man is on the man!”

In the live broadcast room, there are more barrages.

Countless people are discussing.

Li Yueming, who was sitting on the stairs, was surprised to find that he ate a box lunch.

The popularity value in the system store actually rose by almost 20,000 points!

Plus what was left over from yesterday and harvested in the morning.

His popularity has almost exceeded the 100,000 mark.

It’s a bit of an exaggeration!

Why do so many people have the popularity of eating a box lunch?

He thought that after the show was filmed, it would be good to lose his job and become a food broadcaster?!


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