Zhang Tiran is very emotional, or a mother. No wonder can live in Zhang's family, and the more live and more moist. Now because I have her, I can rely on myself.

Among the many ladies in Zhang Yuliang, it can be said that it is the weaker in the world. Although it is also crowded, it is not so serious, at least large and second rooms will not deliberately target her. This is an ability to become a tutor of a daughter, and it is true that it is true.

The Xiangjiang just abolished a wife and didn't have long. The Xiangjiang woman in this era did not be so good. Especially a woman who marry into the giants, it is not a background. Zhang Ziran can take the death of Bao Zi Xuan as long as it is able to learn her mother, but now there is no complete play.

The plane landed in Xiangjiang International Airport, and the black cloud security personnel have already waited there. There are many people who come over, just don't want the boss to be disturbed. Xiangjiang Media also understands, knowing that some things belong to the red line, no matter how you can't touch it; no one dares to block the bag richest interview in the airport.

In fact, there is an important reason, most reporters have passed Dongjia. In recent days, Dong Malian is the most important news in Xiangjiang. With the influence of his old man in the world, many national royal family, and politics will send representatives to participate in the funeral.

Zhang Chang said to her husband: "If you are anxious, I will go home. If I need me to attend, I will call me. Mother is definitely boring for a long time, we can't always be "

In this way, the two people will travel in different directions.

Baozi Xuan came to Dongjia directly, and now I can't take a rest. Or look at Dongjia's arrangement, he can cooperate.

At this time, Dongjia has come over, and outside the door is a reporter. I don't look very well, I'm very knowledgeable. After all, someone is passed away, and it is still such an important person. At this point, you can sin it will be guilty of your friends, and friends from Dong Dong.

When I saw Bun Zixuan, everyone stood up. Although the funeral is not yet held, it is already a lot of people in this time.

Baozi Xuan came to Dong Lao's madam, and the low said: "The old lady also invited the festival, take care of the body. Dong Lao gone, you can't have problems."

Mrs. Dong Lao gave a few decades with her husband. If it is not sad, it is certainly impossible. But people are old, and the sadness is too prone to problems. Although there are already many people persuaded that Bao Zi Xuan knows that he means to express it. In fact, there is still no experience, after all, before the first time, the parents have never participated in any person's funeral.

The old lady also knows,

Bao Zi Xuan has been in the UK. After receiving the message, I came back and I can say it is very difficult.

Mrs. Dong, "Small bag, you are just catching up, there is this kind of heart. Although you are young, you should also pay attention to the body."

"The body of the old man has not been good, I have already prepared. I don't have to worry about me, wait until I will go back and take a break."

Going back to Xiangjiang, even the family came back directly. If it is an ordinary person, it is nothing, but as the rivers of Xiangjiang, it can come directly, it is very rare.

Bun Zixuan: "I am coming back by private plane. It is not tired. It doesn't matter if you don't have to rest, but your old man has to take a break. There are other people in the home. Many things should be let go, but to let go."

Advise the old lady, just after the plane; Dong Jia Duozi called the meaning, and his words should be able to use some. That's not a way, whoever persuades it is useless, can only pin you hope in the head of the bag.

Although there is not much time in the last two years, the Black Cloud Group will send Dong Lao couple to Dong Lao couple. Let them feel and experience it, and they are also in the forefront of the times.

Therefore, the impression of Bunzi Xuan, Dong Lao Mrs. And this young man is very rushing, just starting with the black cloud employee to send shipping shipping, this is what I don't want to think before. It is enough to explain that doing business is very credible, I don't like to take advantage of the kind of person.

After the old lady's persuasion, I finally agreed to return to the room to rest. When everyone is incredible, there is no emotion; or the identity, the status is not enough, how to say the same, the difference will be so big!

In fact, the old lady is really not that kind of person, but it is only very respectful for the two old people. It has already launched a good foundation to persuade.

Baozi Xuan looked at Dong Dynasty and said: "What need me do, don't be polite."

Before the family was persuading the old lady, but did not succeed. Bun Zixuan can solve the problem over, seeing his position in the hearts of the two old people.

Before the father left, always emphasized that if there is no direction and response method; you can go to Bao Zixuan. I want to enter the new field development, you can also consult more. Don't be embarrassed, you have to see people than you are still bigger than you.

This evaluation is very high, and Dong Jiagong is absolutely belonging to the Chinese Dragonfly Five. Can Dong Lao still don't worry, how much attention to Bao Zixuan is, it is difficult to imagine.

Dong Dagui: "The day after tomorrow is out of life, the father of my father will come. I don't know if the birthplace can be the Philong of the family."

The Philini is a kind of person who is lifting spirit; it is a custom in the traditional Chinese funeral. During the ship's coffin delivery, it will be rolled up by the people of the dead (generally 8 people) to move forward, meaning that the escort will last, this is the Qi Ling.

Of course, the Phili River's Philip is limited to the word "helping"; the Philong people have a white glove, put your hand on the coffin. The coffin is placed on a small shelf with wheels below, and the Philong people are not a car; just support the coffin, it means that the accompanying people go through the last journey.

Bunzi Xuan: "No problem, this is the honor. And can accompany the old and old, and make up for some regrets."

Dong Da's son, of course, knows what it means; Dong Lao finally invited him, there is no time to refuse, but the number of gifts in the festival is not falling; so it seems, just don't want to produce other riches of Xiangjiang Excessive intersection.

Didn't stay in Dongjia for a long time, it has been clearly expressed, and the number of gifts have been done. Now is a family, outsiders are not good. And I just didn't have a rest on the plane, and things didn't worry, but I was somewhat trap.

When a wife, Zhang Hairan came home with his mother, and as his son was never yet. Although the relationship between the two is very harmonious, it can be absolutely unable to play in family life.

Although it is a hurry to leave the UK, Zhang Tiger is not ready. Time for Diana Wang Hao, but prepared a lot of gifts to your mother-in-law. And the purchase process never look at the price, it is to feel the Diana prince, many times the businessman is more free than the royal family.

If she spends too much money for personal consumption, the British people will certainly not agree. Which is like a lady, spending money to do not soft.

For the son and the daughter-in-law, I have been married to honeymoon, Li Yulin is nothing. It can be long, and it is inevitable that there is something uncomfortable. But if the two can't go out, when can I hold a grandson. So in recent time, the heart is very contradictory. It's not good to eat, you can't sleep, people are somewhat thin.

The same is a woman, in the form of a mother's told, Zhang Tiran, of course, to understand Li Yulin's ideas. Buying so many gifts in the UK, the purpose is to make your mother-in-law.

When the head is rich in home, see the mother and wife are unpacking. There are too many things, and for unpacking gifts. All women are the same, like the pro-pro.

If it is usually, the two may continue. But Bunzi Xuan is the past Dongjia, plus Dong Lao has just passed away. There is definitely what is needed to cooperate, and the two do not have to stop the motion, it seems to be a good discussion. It can also be explained here that there is a certain tacit understanding between his mother-in-law.

Bunzi Xuan: "You continue, there is nothing. Directors, I am one of the Philong people. As for my mom and leisure, I can don't have to have to pass. If people will definitely be a lot of things; and the two interactions are long-lasting things, and You don't need to make fun at people. "

"When people entertain you, you will be troublesome, not to entertain, it will be insufficient; it is giving the owner 's puzzle."

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