Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1005, the boat king sing two

I have heard that my son didn't force her to participate in her and her daughter-in-law, and immediately understood what it means. It should be worried about her; about the richest mother Li Yulin doesn't like to come out to participate in various activities, and there is no secret to the entire Xiangjiang. Plus the last disease, in Xiangjiang is also known. Everyone will not blame, Zhang Tiran as a newly married wife, can not participate in it. And you usually walk more, we are stronger than anything.

I didn't ask her that her husband did not ask her, Zhang Tiran did not say anything. Although there are still some don't understand, but the things at home, I can't drive to her.

Baozi Xuan has not explained too much, and some must have to understand himself.

On June 15, 1984, Xiangjiang funeral parlor.

Xiangjiang funeral parlor, commonly known as Xiangjiang Hotel, is the only funeral home in Xiangjiang Island, located in the junction of the Crown Cross of the North Point. From the 1930s, the history is the same as Xiao Ming and his family management named with the king of the Kowloon. Initially, only a simple bamboo studio in Wan Chai, to 1964 The year is moved to the ready-on-site, the newly completed North Point Xiangjiang funeral home continues to operate. Xiangjiang funeral homes have a higher charge, but the transportation is convenient, and many famous people are in Hong Kong Island, so they become the first choice for the celebrity of the celebrity in the city.

As the founder and manager of the funeral home, Xiao Ming did not dare to neglect. Because he knows what will happen today, a generation of boat king is falling, and there is a great impact on the world. After the first rich Bao Zi Xuan learned the news, let go directly to the British business and immediately come back.

With the great propaganda of the British, the people of Xiangjiang know that Bunzi Xuan has invested in the UK. And when a sudden is three projects, now the project is just landing, and it is definitely the right time. It is said that Bun Zi Xuan and Dong Jians are very good, and now they seem to be inevitable.

Dong Lao has always been good to people, and there is basically no sin. More people who come over and worship a lot, most of them are social celebrity. The reporter will inevitably come over, and see so many business tycons at once. This opportunity is not when there is. If there is a problem today, there is a problem in the funeral home, so this business can not do it.

Baozi Xuan as a Philoupese must first arrive first, so I have rushed over the morning. After that, I found that it is still the earliest.

Huo Yingdong and Hu Yingxiang came early than him, and the two and Dong Lao had a deep profit. This is not a simple surface work, usually not, come over, it is useless. Of course, it is still disdainful to do surface work with the identity and status of the two.

Last time in the Chinese mainland, I was very embarrassed. Huo Yingdong saw the Bunzi Xuan, some embarrassed. It can not be expressed in today, and the last one of the older is the main task.

As for Hu Yingxiang, it is nothing, and does not know the specific situation.

Just I heard that Bunxuan is unhappy in the Chinese mainland, and it is not much why it is.

I have seen it today, I have to say hello, at least he and the head of the head are not. In addition, there are American famous school studies, many things can still come.

Hu Yingxiang: "The small bag is long time, you are constantly making us a surprise. In the past, a British investment money is much more than our entire price, it is really to admire."

Baozi Xuan knows that the Humen Bridge has always been staring in Hu Yingxiang. It is also an embarrassment for this business to this matter. After all, it is under his power, and the Humen Bridge can be built in advance. And the Black Cloud Group is the largest shareholder of the high speed and bridge. Now let Hu Ying have run before running, how many people can't say it.

Baozi Xuan: "Humen Bridge, and high-speed construction connecting deep sea and Yangcheng very rapid, engineering progress is much faster than expected; quality is more powerful, these are Hook. So I don't joke, I, In the United Kingdom, the future will definitely feel nothing. "

Dong Lao passed away, maybe in Xiangjiang, Hu Yingxiang is a few friends. Cherish is on the one hand, more than two people can form a good complement.

Baozi Xuan is to learn mechanical manufacturing and aviation power, and there is a deep foundation in the computer field. Hu Yingxiang is a professional studying civil engineering, house construction, and bridge design. The Middle East is certainly available, and it is necessary to vigorously develop prosperous Ira. After all, I have promised salad, then I have to do things.

Hu Yingxiang: "Where is the small bags say, it is a high efficiency of the mainland staff, and never bowed to difficulties, it will not say hardship and tired. End of the industry has never seen such a hardworking and hard work. I believe that the continent will be able to develop. "

Here, Huo Yingdong is very happy. Hu Yingxiang is an alternative, abroad, and it is very high, and the ability is very high. Before the same as them, although it looks very harmonious. But it is still not understood to many aspects. After all, the education is too much.

Due to the emergence of Bunzi Xuan, the situation will change; the two have a lot of common languages. It is all the students who have worked hard, and there is no hindrance to cooperation.

Baozi Xuan: "When Dong Lao funeral is over, I don't know if His has time. I have a meal together. If you have anything to find you."

Hu Yingxiang: "Xiangjiang is probably no one can refuse the invitation of small boys, and tell me in advance. It will stay in Xiangjiang in the last period of time, the construction progress of the mainland does not have to worry, temporarily do not have to use it."

Huo Yingdong knows that Bao Zixuan has comments on him. Invite Hu Yingxiang, no Huojia, it is enough to explain the problem. But many things have no way, after all, he is very different from Bao Zixuan.

For the invitation of the bag, Hu Yingxiang does not know what to do. But one thing he always believes, it is absolutely not to suffer. And it is necessary to have a big business in the future, it must have a very considerable profit and benefit in the future.

In less than five minutes, some people have come over. All of them are Qi Lingren, all of the tycoon levels can enter.

Bao Ship King, Li Chao, Li Zhai, Zheng Yumi, He Hongsheng five people walked into the room; although Zheng Yurong and the boat king have some contradictions, today is the days of Dong Lao, no one can save the branches.

And all of them have identity, and it is impossible to just meet.

He Hongsheng's main industries and business are in the casino, usually there is not much intensive integration with others. Up to Hawing East has more intense, after all, two are partnerships.

There is no conflict in interest, which means safe. I didn't talk about everyone. He first opened: "I wanted to visit the door. This time I have a chance. After a while, I was a 60-year-old birthday, so I want to invite the gambling city to gather. And between China As far as the Xiangjiang problem is unknown. While Ho Mou is in the casino; can be in Xiangjiang people. Plus the relationship between Xiangjiang and the gambling city, everyone is clear, sit down and talk together; how do you feel! "

Although this occasion is not suitable, there is no too much relationship. No one can always live in sorrow, many things can't be too true. And everyone is together, always find a topic, and can't stand alone.

For the wife, people present in the scene are not Ho Hongsheng opponent. But for the original, he will also give a respect and concern. The wind flow is not down, it is also a man.

Huo Yingdong first opens: "My lady has been saying, I haven't seen He too long, just in the past."

After Huo Yingdong, others have repeatedly expressed no problem.

The former Baoxuan also knew He Hongsheng's original lady, that is the first beauty of the city, definitely a famous existence.

Li Weihua married He Hongsheng in 1942 and gave birth to a three girl. The first year after marriage, how successfully earned the first bucket of gold, and paved the way in the future. In 1957, Li Yuhua suddenly suffered colonitis, and it has not been cured throughout the famous doctor. Plus other complications, you must cut the stomach, long-term medication, can only eat fluid food, weighted 115 pounds (about 52 kg) To 70 pounds (about 31 kg).

The gambling king of the year, I discussed a wife according to the big law, that is, the second wife. He said in the book: "I can't be a monk for a lifetime, and I have already big big business, I have been very busy, and there are many kinds of entertainment, I need a female to take housework, and often accompany yourself."

In 1973, Li Weihua has encountered a car accident in Portugal, and the brain is hurt, coma is a whole month, and the health is worse. Three daughters super-class recall: "When the mother wakes up, there have been most memories. I don't know how to eat for a long time."

The disaster is not alone, and this tragedy repeatedly acts in the singularity and daughter-in-law. In June 1981, the two had just finished his dinner in the residence of Lisbon, Portugal, and there was an accident on the way back to his home. The gambling king is extremely sad, and he has always been a bigger hit by the son, such as Li Weihua.

Baozi Xuan is thinking, suddenly seeing everyone looks to him, and then said: "No problem, must be on time."

In fact, just a richest body is thinking, if Zhang Tiran appears similar problems, what he will do. The result will definitely, it will be the same as a man, and everyone can understand.

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