Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1006, the boat king sang three

Soon that Dong Jia two masters came to the room where the eight Eli Ling people was in the room. It means very obvious; time is coming, let everyone get ready. It is already a good friend who can come over to participate in the father's funeral. Be your family thanks, thank you.

Moreover, the identity and status of the 8-bit Qilong people is absolutely impeccable; at least in the Xiangjiang Chinese circle, there is no such card existence. That is, Dong Lao is separated from the world.

Huo Yingdong intends to communicate with Dongjia and has a great impact on it. So in many critical moments, or he wants him to talk. This is not just the recognition of Huojia strength, it is a respect.

Huo Yingdong: "The old two, is it the ceremony to start."

Dong Ergongzi hurriedly replied: "Yes, everything is ready; just wait for the appearance."

Eight people didn't say anything, but hurriedly organized their own crown. This is a solemn occasion, no one can show a little error.

Soon eight Eli, appeared on both sides of the coffin. Huo Yingdong and Bao Yugang are all listed in the first row. They are Zheng Yong and He Hongsheng, followed by Li Chao and Li Zhaki, Hu Yingxiang and Baozi Xuan at the end.

Seeing that the eight ELL people appeared, everyone taking a breath of cold. It is really powerful to Dongjia, and has a new cognition. The identity and status of the Philongper is on the one hand, and they can be in order to Dong Lao; formerly, there is no need for tat strokes.

The contradiction between Zheng Yu, who is the first rich Bao Xuan and Jewelry, know each other. The two meet do not say it, but at least not to see the other face. But now I see them, I am looking for the last one of the old people. Not only the problem, is the respect of the dead.

The host's low voice begins to introduce Dong Lao's life: "Mr. Dong Haoyun, from the childhood to the sea, 16 years old, to join the shipping industry, the end of life, and the end of life. In 1931, he only 20 years old. To Jinmen, at the hard work of Jinmen Ava, from the Secretary to the Director of the Shipping Department, until the Executive Committee of the Jinmen Aviation Association; in early 1938, after accumulating rich shipping experience, he returned to Shanghai, Having Huaxia Shipping Trust Company has created a number of first in China, Asia and even world shipping history, so there is a reputation of "Modern Zheng He". "

"He is a giant of the shipping industry, but it is more important that he is a kindness, generous, unveiled person; he is a great man, but there is a charm that makes people are happy."

"Today, we have lost a friend relative; Xiangjiang lost a great entrepreneur; the world shipping industry lost a pilot."

"Mr. Dong Hao Yun came over to serve together for his friends.

I thank my family to thank you. At the same time, I would like to thank the eight Eli Ling people today, they have finished the last journey. "

"They are Mr. Huo Yingdong, chairman of Huo Xingying Hall, Bao Yugang, Chairman of Global Shipping Group; Zheng Yugang, Chairman of Zhou Dafu Jewelry; Mr. He Hongsheng, Chairman of the Casino, Changjiang Industrial Company, Mr. Li Chairman Mr. Li Zhaki, Chairman of Hengji Zhande Co., Ltd .; Mr. Hu Yinxiang, Chairman of Hehe Industrial Co., Ltd.

"Mr. Dong, Mr. Dong, must see his eight friends in heaven, to his mood and care."

Introducing that Qilong people are also recognized by the deceased; if there is no strength, I can ask such a large tycoon for its pilgrim.

After walking through the process, you will start a worship.

The media reporter once again was shocked by Dongjia's people, and there were people who came over and worship. However, there must be a little must recognize that the elite in various countries and various fields; this can not be denied.

Monaco National Head, Renier II, first came to the Tang, facing the photo of Dong's photo and the coffin. As a head of state, you can personally participate in a businessman's funeral, but it is very difficult.

Seeing this bunxuan suddenly remembered; in the past, Dong Hao Yun is in the vision of the Hong Kong-headed Renier III to come to Hong Kong, and enjoy the death of heart disease. I didn't expect the funeral of this life, the other party actually worship the first. It seems that it is destined in meditation, and some things will not be opened at all.

Xiangjiang is also a British in management, and the British royal family must repay himself. This is a good opportunity to buy people, no one will go.

Prince Andrew, representing the British royal family, worshiping Dong, is also a face. Although he is the Queen's two masters, but in many cases, the influence is not much smaller than his big brother.

Immediately in the governor, Yude appeared in the spiritual hall, it seems that this is just a routine operation. However, today, Youde is very solemn, but it is still a slack.

The appearance of Shen Yan makes Bunzi Xuan feel a short, after all, Dongjia has no money to travel with HSBC. I saw that Shen Yizhen was very old, there was a lot of heroes, and I really hurt this old guy.

From the perspective of HSBC and the British, there is no mistake to do it. After all, the future will develop in the future, no one is not allowed; many policies are not very clear. HSBC as the existence of the central bank, and itself belonging to the British company, of course, there will be a variety of concerns.

It is normal to make things that do not meet other companies and individual interests, but it is only harmed too many people's interests to cause this situation today.

In fact, there is another most important reason, that is, it should not be criminalized to the Black Cloud Group. It's late when you know it. It is almost possible to remedy, and Bao Zixuan will not give him this opportunity.

Zhang Yuliang's appearance allows media reporters feel unbelievable, after all, understand Zhang Jia's people know. This can be an old-fashioned family, and the interaction with Xiangjiang's emerging forces is not deep. Zhang Yuliang did not attend any important activities, funeral was the first time.

Is it because the head is rich, after all, the two are now, but wengr relations. It is not too likely that Zhang family has inherent pride. It can only be explained that Dong Lao's face is large enough;

After that, there was a new circulation of Xiangjiang Society to worship. It's so good to understand that there are a lot of people coming today, worshiping, saying that the mind is good. Never give the owner to add a chaos, even the entertainment star is also the same; today is not their show.

The Japanese Sumitomo family is not just the person in charge of the Xiangjiang Branch, and even his father, it is urgent to come to Xiangjiang from Japan.

Father and Dong Lao, who lived in Friends, can say that it can be said that it is impressive. Old friends have to send their last rules, and they are still a little bit.

As the future family of Sumitomo family, his arrival has also caused a big response. Sumitomo family is absolutely famous in Japan, there is a strong influence. People have no emotion, Dongjia's person's circle is really wide, and even such a family must send a major figure to come to the sacrifice.

After that, the media also saw Guo Qi Sheng, Zeng Xianli, Lin Baixin and other business bians; with previous laying, these people came over to let the media habitually.

Dong Jia also arranged only a day, in fact, according to Dong Lao's meaning, the funeral and everything from simple. However, considering many problems and influence, although Dongjia people did not fully comply with the willingness of the old man, it was also appropriately reduced scale.

But even if there is still too many people come and worship the sacrifice; enough to explain the prestige of the old man, and the people.

But at the same time, everyone also knows that this is the last sore of the boat. Dong Jia wants to continue to prosper; the future generation, especially Dong Jiazheng must put the banner. If you can't inherit your father's clothes, or there is a weak ability, then Dongjia's situation will become very embarrassed.

Want to contact, or mix in a circle, strength is important. If the family has a serious failure, or the strength is damaged; even if anyone else is discarding, you may be embarrassed.

Dong Jia is absolutely one of the top richest people in Xiangjiang. There is no problem before the rankings. Whether Dong Lao is passed away, it is very important to face a family. Of course, this is the focus of the media concerns, or the employees of Dongjia's branch will also be concerned. The impact on other people will not be very large, of course, there is no lack of watching the presence.

In the thrill of Xiangjiang Media and the people, Dong Hao Yun's funeral was over. Until for many years, there is no feeling of emotion of Dong La. At the same time, people also found that Dong Lao funeral is actually the last time in the Chinese people, the last time; after the same, no one can let all the tycoon heart is sitting together.

Even the Baozi Xuan and Huo Yingdong can't do it, maybe when they two, maybe it!

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