Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1007, the wisdom of the father

Although the funeral ended, the Dong's things have not been completely solved. Dong Dagui also went to visit Bao Zixuan and Huo Yingdong, mainly before Dong Live. Which direction of Dongjia will develop in the future, you must listen to their two comments. No one can define, and Dong Lao also left two letters to give the bag and Huo.

Although I don't know what Dong Lao means, the deceased is big. Whether it is Bao Zi Xuan, or Huo Yingdong, the next day, there is no done, and once again came to Dongjia. Faced with family product allocation issues with hundreds of billions Hong Kong dollars, there must be a strong witness. Fortunately, the Dongjia in this time, but it is a difference between the difference. But assets also mean that they must be unified. This must be clear. Otherwise, there will be problems in the future, and it is a fatal blow to the entire family; even affects the feelings between brothers and sisters.

Baozi Xuan took a letter from the lawyer and looked carefully. Although Dong Lao's font is not beautiful, it is also a self-contained integration in combination with many years.

The small bag; of course, when I saw this letter, I didn't in the world. I have a lot of things in the life; in 1933, when I was 22 years old, I created the shipping company, but the Japanese aggression war was burst, the company ended. 1937; At the age of 26, the company has established a company; the same year's shipping company is bankrupt in the anti-Japanese eruption. At the age of 30, companies that were just a year of less than one year in Xiangjiang were taken over by the Japanese.

1950; 39 years old, the company's ship was buckled and facing financial dilemma. Until 1956; 45 years old, the Middle East War broke out, gradually became one of the world's largest shipowners.

So, not showing off, after all, you have a story. I don't even have anything at all, even if I have the courage to take out.

Just want to show an attitude, if the country is not strong, the individual is using it. Why did Mr. Huo Yingdong spare no effort to support the development of the mainland, and even a lot of situations will be lost, still insisting.

That is because he also seen the inner Chinese people are not easy. It is precisely that people in our era understand any position in the Xiangjiang Chinese.

The country is not strong, and individuals are too strong. The country is strong, even if someone is still still happy. I hope that you can slowly experience, of course, I am not a moral kidnapping. You are a big wisdom, and there are people with big breasts, maybe these are nothing in front of you.

If it is not your appearance, the problem facing Dongjia may be bigger than the beginning of my business. After all, the initial load rate is not so high until the emergence of Bao Huo's Mining Co., Ltd .; the situation is reversed. This is definitely the greatest investment in my life, even one.

And under your suggestion, Dongjia did not buy so many fleets, and did not have a serious loss.

now think of it,

It is also afraid of some. Is it difficult to start a lifetime, really wants to leave a bad stall to the children at the end. It is all avoided in this, or it will not be willing to be willing, even if you die.

But I still want to ask you to help, know that this requirement is some. During our way, Dongjia has always needed your help, but I have not done anything for you.

But it is more likely to involve the Shangjiang Shanghang. This busy must be helpful, and it is also the old man who leanss the old!

Dongjia wants to develop in that direction in the future, I really have no direction. But your eyes have never been suspected, Dongjia's assets have planned well, will not be divided into family. The boss is in charge of the family, and the shares are all inside the family trust fund.

I only have a shipping industry in this life, and I may know some in this regard. But other industries, still count! A family wants to grow and grow, and it is difficult to live; it is difficult to rely on a business, especially in Xiangjiang.

The wishes are very beautiful, maybe anyone, the old man can't help. I hope that you can finalize Dongjia pointed out a development path, I am here to thank you first.

The ability of the boss is not weak than me, it is somewhat not to open your hands. But I have clearly expressive, you and Huo Sheng's opinion must be listened. Whether you are willing to listen, still thank you.

After reading, Bao Zi Xuan completed, the heart was not a taste; Dong Dynasty did everything. And the two people are also very good, they don't know how to refuse.

The head of the bag and Huo Yingdong opposite the eyes, everything is in the case. Dong Dong has a similar request to him, but it is different. The deceased is big, this is the end of the elderly, there is no reason to refuse the bunxuan.

Bao Zixuan has a gesture, Huo Yingdong knows that this is to open you first. I thought: "Although Dong Lao gave us a problem, this is also trust in our two. In the development direction of the family, the small bag is more giving advice. As for the investment problem of China, I will Responsible. "

I heard that Bao Zixuan finally understood that Dong Lao wrote to Huo Yingdong may be more comprehensive. However, the division of labor is different, and it is true that the old master is really a knowledge! In fact, this kind of worry is somewhat, and Dong's future ability is not weak, and continue to develop according to the current conditions. In the future, Xiangjiang Top Ten Volunteers, Dong Jia will necessarily account for a place. But everyone wants to get more boost, even if the son's strength is strong, it will still be relieved as a father.

Everyone is relatively busy, no one has too much time to waste. And Dong Lao leaving, Dongjia people still have too many follow-up, can't be delayed here.

Huo Yingdong: "Please come in!"

Lawyers, of course, so they do not hesitate to invite Dong family to the room.

Master Dong has a total of two sons, and it is absolutely a prosperous.

The lawyer took out the director of Dong Lao: "Mr. Dong Haoyun is a will of our law firm in his law firm, and now I read it for everyone."

"Dongjia can't share it in 30 years, this is the bottom line, and it is also the principle that must be adhered to. No one can violate the family trust fund, the Mrs. Dong is responsible for supervision. At the same time, the shipping company is responsible for the Mining company. "

Of course, I have not forgotten my daughter and son-in-law, all arranged a corresponding position; it can be said that the distribution is still very reasonable, at least the person presents can't pick a little problem.

As for what is wrong, you can contact me later. The rest of today, Huo Sheng and Bao Sheng will answer your questions. This is the last request of Dong Lao, and two of them also expressed no problems, they will fully cooperate.

The lawyer said that it was very consciously retired. Now it is the exchange time of Dong Jiaren with Bao Zi Xuan and Huo Yingdong. It is inevitably involved in many secrets, knowing too much, but not good. I am just a lawyer, I have to master the scale.

Huo Yingdong: "Dong Lao has already explained that Huaxia Continental problems don't worry; as long as it is Dongjia's request, Huo must not have a lot of effort."

After Huo Yingdong, the problem will give the problem directly to Bunxuan. It means very clearly, my things have been solved; they will see you.

Bao Zi Xuan wants to say: "About shipping, my opinion should not be able to expand the fleet, at least in the next decade, the international shipping market will not be too great."

"If there is extra funds, you can invest in other aspects. After a while, I will pass the Middle East. If Dongjia is interested, you can participate in it. There are many oilfields in the Middle East; or you can buy, then slowly develop."

"Now it is the best time to start oilfield, the longer the time, the price will be more expensive."

"At the same time, I am going to vigorously develop the richness Ira, I can leave a investment seat for Dongjia."

"Huaxia mainland, whether it is steel plant, or shipyards can invest. Buying land, developing real estate can also try. Even can enter the automotive manufacturing industry, and believe in the future."

"You can buy a European and American car brand, the scale is not too big, just need to have a full set of technologies. Black Cloud Auto will conduct technical guidance and authorization to Dongjia Factory."

"There is nothing in the rest, and now only considers so much. You can analyze the specific questions, as long as the Dongjia needs, the package will definitely help."

Who doesn't know what to cooperate with Baoxuan, which is equivalent to a business that is stable. Moreover, several development paths, Dongjia wants to completely absorb and digest, and have business in the next 30 years.

Black Cloud Auto will conduct technical guidance and authorization for the factory, which is too rare. At present, Baozi Xuan has not promised no one, it can be seen that Dong Lao's face is really big.

In addition to gratitude, Dongjia people really don't know what to say. At the same time, my heart is also emotion, and the father is really a big wisdom. I'm still escorting the family; if this can not make the family grow, it is really a good intention that does not come to his old people.

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