Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1008, Sumitami family, sincerity

Sumitomo family futures have come to Xiangjiang, not only to participate in the funeral of Mr. Dong Haoyun. There is also a very important reason, that is to investigate the Xiangjiang market, and meet with the Black Cloud Group Baozi Xuan.

Therefore, before, Shoumou Yi has already greeted with Bao Zixuan, his father wants to see it. Although it is already small than yourself, it is already uncomfortable with the man who is equal to the grandfather. But even if it is not convinced, I have to use my father to visit this word, he negotiates with people, it is really wrong.

But where the strength and the achievements have been put, there is a need to admire at this point.

Sumitomo family came over Xiangjiang, participating in Dong Lao Funeral, as well as seeing him, there must be more business. For meetings, Bao Zi Xuan did not refuse; where the strength and the heritage of the family family, the face must be given.

Here, you have to mention the composition of the Japanese economic lifeline. This year, the cognition of Japanese well-known enterprises is not so profound; Sony, Toshiba, Panasonic, Toyota, Honda, etc. may be more famous. But these companies are in Japan, it is really nothing. Up to it is only part of the consortium, and even your own fate is difficult to control.

The four major consortiums of Mixi, Mitsubishi, Sumitomi, and An Tian, ​​a four major consortium in Japan. Nowadays, Mitsubishi, Sanjing, Sumitomi, Fuji (Furong), Sanhe, First Advanture Bank, etc., the six monopoly consortiums, etc., have mastered Japan's economic lifelines, and controls Japan's large number of companies.

In any case, the Sumitomo family is worthy of famous family, a hundred years of commercial world.

After Japan's defeat, all financial valves have been disintegrated under the United States. With the disintegration of the consortium after the war, Sumitomo's company has also embarked on their own independent roads, and the influence of Sumitomo family in Japan's political economy is greatly weakened.

However, with the recovery of Japanese economy after the war, Sumitomo Terminal and Dongshan will continue to grow up. Playing in different business sectors, since then, Sumitomo Trading Co., Ltd. is more widely involved in trade activities in international metal, machinery, oil, chemical, food and textile, and become the core enterprise of Sumitomi Terms and four major trade. One of orders.

The "Wenshu Waters" of Sumitomo politicians as Sumitomo's entrepreneur was heard. At present, Sumitomo Group has become one of Japan's Yugui Group; a number of companies enter the world's top 500.

The core department of Sumitomo Group is known as "Summer's Three Three" is a three enterprises of Sumitomo Bank, Sumitomo Metal Industry, Sumitomo Chemistry. Among them, Sumitomo Bank has the highest position. Summoud Banks are in the forefront of the Urban Bank, both in the fund capacity.

But Bao Zi Xuan's most valued is Sumitomi Chemistry,

Especially in the field of photoresist, it can be said to have dominance. Even absolute pricing rights, this is the core of future development.

As for the banking business, as long as it is allowed, it is a modern transformation, and it is believed that the Black Cloud Bank will not be poor than other banks. However, the chemical industry needs step by step, and there is no shortcut to scientific research.

At present, the knowledge that Bao Zixuan can use is almost exhausted. Up to the eye, or control the future development, stronger than the competitor. But in basic research, you must continue to invest in more or crushing.

Accompanied by Yike Yi; his father, and the future family of Sumitomo family, now the position is a chairman of Sumitomo Bank, Sumito, a Lifeng, came to the Headquarters of the Black Cloud Bank.

On the way to the New Territories, you will see the continuous engineering vehicles enter. Before coming to the Black Cloud Bank, it is even more busy; the workers are far-reaching houses and roads.

Summer Yilo said to his son: "Before he heard that Bunxuan built black cloud town in New Territories, the area was very large. Today, I saw that I understood the words, even the lives, the family did not dare to invest such a huge project. "

This young man is not a madman, it is absolutely annealing, obviously the possibility of the latter is more likely.

Over the way, there is already a period of time, I saw the fastness of the Black Cloud Group. Japan is a multi-earthquake, many tsunami countries, some places really do not dare to build this well like Xiangjiang. Japan's domestic construction efficiency is absolutely low, but it is really not a star half of the black cloud town. Every time you come over, you can see the obvious change is the true idea of ​​living with friend.

Sumitomo Yi: "The construction speed here is very fast, so far to unimaginable. And the workers came over in Huaxia, rarely rest. It is definitely the most complete existence of the world. The family is considering the Chinese mainland investment construction plant."

"But there is always no understanding; the construction speed is fast, which means that the cost of construction is increased. Bun Zixuan is doing this for what is for, and normal people will never do this."

I heard the son said that the past China mainland investment, Sumitomo Yi Lir is very pleased. Prove that this kid is thinking about the problem, and can see the essence of things, this is very rare.

As long as it does not make serious mistakes, it is basically no big problem. After making a family, it is necessary to assess the next generation. Although it is said to be colleagues, people have subjective initiatives, which will inevitably have tendency and selfishness.

Sumitomo Yi Liro: "I can't understand before, until Dong Lao went to the world. Baozi Xuan is different, he is a generation; I really want to do things when I live, I will finish things. Easy, there are many. "

"And you can leave a deep brand to the family, at least one of the rear people can't surpass."

"Mr. Dong Haoyun is not in the born investment, and wants to complete the industrial layout. The same thing is the same, that is, it is to finish the limited time, and it will be done."

"The construction progress is fast, more money is spent; this is the smallest problem for Bao Zixuan. If you can do the best speed, you can take time and people; do other things, this is what he wants to The purpose of achieving. "

"In addition, you said that Huaxia mainland, the family is indeed considered. At present, China is also actively invited, the family is ready to invest in the past. If you are interested, you can invest in advance. The family will not be small in China, after all, where is the vast, the population Many. Develop potential is larger than Xiangjiang, or even Japanese local. "

I heard the father asked him to investigate the Huaxia mainland market. Sumitomo Yi Lema understood what it means. The family has passed China's mainland investment is already a nail, which is basically not changed. And the size of the vocal gas investment will be large; there is no chance to do so in Japan. Grandpa is still, his father has just mastered some real rights.

There are too many elders in the family, and he has a small letter to have a day. Come over Xiangjiang, I want to play a world. Although I have achieved a certain achievement, this result will become a mine at any time.

At present, Sumitomo Bank Xiangjiang Branch is outstanding, that is because of many black cloud groups. The Black Cloud Group is not just working with Summit Bank, and it is also a bank, and the other party has a very close cooperation in Japan with Mitsubishi Bank, and even better relationships.

That is to say, the cooperation between the Black Cloud Group with a live bank will be terminated at any time. If you lose the customer of the Black Cloud Group, then Summit Bank is not outstanding in the Xiangjiang performance.

Sumitomo Yi Xinli is like mirror, in fact, the father does not know. Otherwise, a 400-year family's future family, uu reads will take the initiative to visit a young businessman, and this businessman has no heritage.

But if there is a saying, the hero does not ask. The British royal family must stronger than the family family, but it is the respect of Bunxuan, or will give it to the respect, maybe this is strength!

Since the development of Xiangjiang is limited, then the Chinese mainland continent may be a breakthrough.

Sumitomo Yi: "I have recently been studying the investment of the Black Cloud Group in China, and also analyzing the future development of Huaxia. I feel that in China Development Industry, the investment real estate industry will be a good choice."

"Although the Black Cloud Group did not enter the real estate field, Coco Bao Zi Xuan's Hualuo Company has been engaged in the real estate. And Bunzi Xuan himself purchased many real estate in Huaxia, Shanghai and Shanghai, which is not smaller than in Japan. It is just the land price in China, the price is relatively low, and it is not reflected. "

I heard the son's analysis, Sumitomo is very pleased; it seems that this son is gradually ripening. If you can develop it in this momentum, you can really pick your own class.

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