Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1009 Summer family sincerity

The son is not a waste, and it is very self-motivated; with independent thinking and insights, this is stronger than anything. For them this century-old commercial family, outstanding people are of course best, but they are not so much striking.

The first generation of family is very important, it is not to balance the internal interests. It is not necessarily a good thing if there is a function of the whole family in the future. If there is a contradiction, it will make a split. In the past few years, the family does not need to develop rapidly, and it is stable and more focused on them.

Summour Yi Lila does not need a strong son, which is also a threat to him. Family competition is so cruel, no wonder anyone.

Of course, if you are like Bao Xuan, you will work another way to be weak than the family's family.

Sumitomo, I thought: "I will finish your thoughts. I will go back with me. When I got it, I will do it as soon as possible."

I heard my father said that Sumitomi knows that I am gambling. Sumitomo family has been 400 years of history. It has developed to have a lot of people, and some meet is not necessarily known. The blood is on the one hand, the most important is to contribute to the family.

There are too many brothers who are staring at him. If you can't stand it, you can only be a rich figure, so his future people will be difficult to come in a short time. This is the reality, strength, and the contribution to the family to determine everything.

The two are talking about it, and it has been coming to the Headquarters of the Black Cloud Bank. Yuan Tianfan greeted at the door, and the head of the bag did not come out. Summour is no unfair, if it is a family of people. Bao Zi Xuan didn't come out, but it was a little rite, but he obviously not so right with each other.

Many of Japanese are not worthy of praise, but they can do very in place aspects.

In the hearts of Sumitomo, Bunxuan is a strong, but also people who have not met in the millennium. It is very rare that Yuan Tianqing can come out.

Yuan Tianfan said with a smile: "Welcomes Mr. Shengyou, as a predecessor in the bank; I hope you can guide our bank's work."

Yuan Tianfan's attitude, so that Sumitomo is very satisfied. The son is as good as the black cloud bank, and it is also a purpose.

Other fields don't dare to say that the industrial may be more professional. But involving banking business, Sumitomiyo has absolute confidence. After all, in the bank, it has been more than 20 years, and the Bank of Management of Sumitomo has also been ten years. It is in his leadership, Sumitomo Bank's performance increases. Although there is a certain relationship with the high-speed development of the Japanese economy, his ability is also widely recognized.

Since the Black Cloud Bank wants to guide himself, then it is not.

But go to the bank, Sumitomo, Lang, found that he was really wrong; and still a missed outrage. Black Cloud Bank's internal decoration and layout, watching a lot more reasonably than Sumitomo Bank.

Sumitomo, one lang expression, standing up, he wants to look at it, and the black cloud silver is so layout.

Seeing the staff in an orderly manner, and each customer enters the bank to get the number before the machine. There will be a liquid crystal display on each counter, when it is the number; the screen will be displayed, and the broadcast will also notify the customer.

This method is really great, you can say that you don't queue in the past. And there is no customer who has a business, you can rest next to it. There are even children's game areas, as well as reading books; customers want to smoke, there are special smoking rooms.

Everything is so reasonable. Sumitomo Bank is more than people, it is simply like the product of the last century.

The banking industry, it is also a kind of service industry. If the customer is dissatisfied, how can you save the money to the bank. No payment funds, alone on its own funds. Even if there is money, it is impossible to make banks grow.

When I went to the ATM automatic cash machine next to the lobby, Summoy Yilo was really surprised. Before I heard how the ATM machine is convenient, I see it knows his greatness. A machine is like an employee at work, and even a lot of work better than workers.

There is currently no computer security, so the automatic deposit machine that relying on the computer is evolved for ATM. There is still a decisional trust; even if the computer network is molded, there is a virus and network security issue; there is a hacker who attacks the banking system.

Sumitomo, Li Lir said to the Sumitomo, said: "This kind of machine is the ATM machine you report to headquarters, you can achieve large banknotes."

In fact, after the use of the ATM machine in the Black Cloud Bank, Sumitomo Yi has already reported the intelligence to his father. Of course, the process is still going, can only report to the Japanese headquarters.

But the stubborn Japanese did not take serious events, after all, they were specially visited by the ATM machine. At present, it is not very suitable in Japan, at least lives do not purchase and app; you can also make banks develop very well.

But today I saw the convenience of the Black Cloud Bank used the ATM machine; Sumitomo Lang know, if it does not change, it will be eliminated in the morning.

Because he also saw the ATM machine of the Black Cloud Bank in the big supermarkets in Xiangjiang. That is to say that the Black Cloud Bank is open for 24 hours, never rest. However, their daily working hours are only 8 hours. Under the two-phase comparison, the customer will certainly make a choice.

Even if the conditions are poor, the deposit interest is not much less relationship because the black cloud bank has more convenient. Especially in response to the difference in security, the location is relatively remote areas, but there is absolute advantage.

Sumitomo Yi heard his father asked him that his plan was working. The reason for choosing the headquarters of the Black Cloud Bank is entirely his idea.

The purpose is to let the father look at the equipment for those devices. At present, other banks in Japan have not reacted. Once other banks use the related auxiliary equipment such as the black cloud ATM machine, Summit Bank will will be passive.

Now this situation is very good, at least my father has paid attention. The grandfather who is inadvertent in the US is not coming, or something is absolutely.

Sumitomo Yi: "Yes, Black Cloud Bank uses the ATM machine for some time. I have reported to the headquarters, and the comments given by the headquarters are not purchased."

"But I think this is the future of the banking industry, I hope that the headquarters will pay attention to it."

I heard the words of my son, as well as expressions; Komo Mo Ruoyu, Sumitomo, one lang, and one of course, what is going on. So I am very pleased: "I know, there will be a professional inspection afterwards, but I hope that Yuan Han can give help."

The boss will want to open the Japanese market, and now it is a good opportunity, of course, can't let go.

Yuan Tianfan: "The ATM machine is a system engineering, we see just a machine; but in our feet, there is a super industrial computer with the cooperation, otherwise it doesn't work too much."

Summour, Yilan, is the existence of people, of course, understand what it means. So smiled: "Yuan Sang's big name I have long heard that now you are not just a qualified bank manager, but also an excellent salesman. Sumitomo Bank is destined to purchase a group of super industrial computers, Otherwise I am sorry for Yuanzang. "

Of course, this is just a joke, but it also reflects the recognition of Yuan Tianfan capacity from the side.

Sumitomo Yilo continued to say: "The cabinet window of Black Cloud Bank is not worried about the emergency!"

In the 1980s, no matter the Xiangjiang, or Japan, public security is not very good. Many bank counters are designed with the safe, everything is dominated by practical principles.

It's really uncomfortable like a black cloud. And there are many staff inside the lobby, which can be an object that is easy to be robbed.

Yuan Tianfan said: "For this piece of security, the Black Cloud Bank will have huge investment every year. But the core or the bank's money is not a lot of money, and after a certain amount, there will be staff through internal channels, transport to the safe; There is currently no problem. "

Although it is said that the content is written, the content involved is very intriguing. Not only is absolute confidence in security, but also demonstrates the internal process of the black cloud bank and the construction is very reasonable.

Today, the Black Cloud Bank is really coming, at least I saw other banks, including the technical advantages of Sumitomo Bank.

After returning to Japan, you must make changes; else to be exceeded in the morning and evening, even eliminated.

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