Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1010 Summer family sincerity

When Siyou Yili is here, it is more curious about Bunzi Xuan. It is a kind of person who can complete Sumitomo family 400 years in just a few years. Even the livesman banks proud proud, there is backward existence in front of others. At least in new technology applications, Sumitomo Bank is behind black clouds.

Bao Zixuan itself is a technical boss. The imagination is also the existence of Tiangha, and so far, it is said that there is no mistake. It seems that Sumitomo family must make a choice, or must inevitably fall into passive. If you are three years ago, everyone was encircled, and the Black Cloud Group disappeared from the world. But now it is impossible, the wings are abundant, and it is difficult to defeat them. What makes sense unless all countries are united.

Moreover, Baozi Xuan has a strong perspective in the world, Soviet, Huaxia, Middle East, Britain and Africa have nothing to do with Japanese companies. Mitsubishi cooperates with black clouds not only let it stand in the UK, but also mastered the manufacturing technology of oversized passenger planes.

Although I just started now, it can also be seen from it. What kind of people in the Viosaki family, there is no interest, can't see the future development, they will not do it.

For Mitsubishi Have the opportunity to master the manufacturing process of oversized passenger planes, Sumitomo family will not be embarrassed. After all, the two areas and different areas. At this point, Japanese companies is still very harmonious, at least the division of labor is very clear.

Mitsubishi made a breakthrough in the field, then Summoy could not be backward.

At this time, the most important industries, non-banking and business groups of Sumitominity. Although these two aspects can cooperate, the effect will not be particularly obvious.

Sumitomo steel wants to develop rapidly, and the customer of the Black Cloud Group must take it. At present, the world's largest demand in the world is the largest, and the Black Cloud Group is second. No one dares to say that he is the first.

Although Sumitomo, although it is not particular responsible for the family of Summourne, it is the future family; at the same time, the representative of the family is coming to Xiangjiang, of course, there is the right to negotiate with Bao Zixuan. It is important to have absolute confidence in Summit metal.

Summour metal is a Japanese steel monopoly enterprise. In 1935; the Sumitomius Stretching Co., Ltd. founded in 1897 and the consolidation of Sumitomo steel formed in 1901. The core enterprise of Sumitomo City. In 1945, he once again renamed the Fusang Metal Industry Company, and the current name was restored in 1952. Before the end of the Second World War, Sumitomo Metal Industry Co., Ltd. is only a flat-furnace steelmaking plant. In 1952, the stock of small shackles and steel mills with blast furnace operations were collected. It was officially merged in 1953 to build steel joint enterprises. And separated the original copper and aviation industry, mainly developing steel smelting and processing. Since 1961, I set up a blast furnace every other year in Wakayama, and five seats were built every other year.

During the development process,

It has established a huge subsidiary group, mostly related to steel. There is a batch of branches and offices in some countries and regions in Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Brazil, the United States, and Southeast Asia. The main products include steel pipes, steel plates, steel, castings, electric rods, train ribs, engineering machinery, etc. At present, the annual output value is close to 10 billion dollars. If the black cloud is taken, then more than 10 billion US dollars can do it at any time.

In addition, there is also a field that can cooperate, that is, the chemical field. And in this field, Sumitomo has a strong technical advantage.

In 1915, the chemical fertilizer produced from the sulfite generated in the abundracks, so that it prevents public hazards from resource reuse. Summourification Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. is developed like this. Now, it is one of Japan's representative integrated chemical companies and is one of the main companies of Sumitomo Group. It now has four departments of basic chemistry, petrochemistry, precision chemistry, agricultural chemistry, and 10 research institutes, producing and providing industrial drugs, synthetic fibrous materials, aluminum, synthetic rubber, synthetic resins, dyes, and chemical chemicals. About more than 3,000 products such as finished products, pesticides, feed additives, chemical fertilizers.

Summo Chemistry and Sumitomity Metal can become a partner of the Black Cloud Group, so there is no need to worry about development issues in the future. Although it is possible to steal technology by Black Cloud, these two companies are only larger, and there is no absolute technical advantage in comparison.

Mainly in the field of photoresist, Sumitomiic chemistry has not completely made it;

Under the leadership of Yuan Tianfan, Sumitomo Li Lilais came to Bunzi Xuan office.

The head of the head is rich in the black cloud bank, just occasionally. It is not very big, but the internal function should be, no one dares to make things in front of the boss.

Seeing Sumitomo, I can't stand, I can't stand up, I stood up and stretched out said: "Welcome Mr. Sumitomo to the Black Cloud Group, you are the business predecessors, what opinions and suggestions can not be hidden, but to boldly say Come out; it will give us 12. "

Although it is said that Summer Yiling also knows the depth. Just see the entire workflow of the Black Cloud Bank has been shocked. I dare to correct it, people are welcome to you, you can't get your nose.

Sumitomo, a laugh: "Bao Hulu is laughing, I don't dare to evaluate too much. But I saw this Black Cloud Bank, compared to Sumitomo Bank with nearly a hundred years of history, in technology is absolutely leading."

"So this time is not guidance, and learning. Sumitomo family compares to Baulu, just doing business hours. But this can also represent anything, the times are developing, and some will eventually be eliminated."

"Sumitomo family wants to survive in this era, it is really going to cooperate with the Black Cloud Group, with a lot of excellent entrepreneurs like this Sang."

The old kid is so polite, I don't know what to say.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Mr. Summer said, the Black Cloud Group has a lot of people. They have a lot of excellent quality. It is very good. It can be found in management, and Japanese companies have come to the world."

"You can be so thin, you can't be thick as the seniors of the business."

"Mr. Yifei, I have already told the purpose of this trip; and I have been very recognized by the strength of the family, and the business philosophy and integrity. This is the premise that the two can cooperate, I believe two cooperation must be achieved. 1 + 1> 2 effect. "

First compliment each other, after all, people come over your chassis. It is the behavior of the face, if it is too proud, it is not very good. Perhaps the bag is not changed yet, or it may be something in the bones, and it will change it for a while!

Although the implementation of the other party, he heard a lot of Japanese employees. Summour is still a little uncomfortable. It can come over the black cloud group, which can be the elite in Japan.

Why do these people do this, it is worth reflecting.

In fact, Sifei is also known that although Japanese employees are very obeyed. However, domestic enterprises are very serious, and if young people want to go, the old man doesn't want to think before.

Good listening point is a normative regulation of the echelon, saying that it is difficult to listen to the capacity and labor results allocation. Young people with this matter, of course, do not want to do things like this.

But the black cloud does not have so many boxes, as long as there is talented, you can play. It seems that this is worth learning family study, or the loss will inevitably.

Baozi Xuan did not expect that Sumitomo, Lang Lang will associate so much after he talks about Japanese employees. To know that he doesn't mean, you can only say that the other party thinks too much. However, here you have to admire this boy, you can analyze so many content through a little clue; it is a bit a pity that don't go to do your information.

Summer Yilo: For the strength of the Black Cloud Group, it has already been covered with the business philosophy. Sumitomo family is very recognized, I believe this cooperation must be a successful result.

Lang is affectionate, interested; this cooperation is very good. In fact, the company is big, and the famous gas is also playing. If you want to find you, you will be more, this time you have initiative, but how to use this right is very important. If it is strong, unless it is in the peak, it will be dangerous.

But a company is also good, the country is also; it is impossible to have been in a high place, and there will be a fluctuation of ups and downs in the development process. At this time, you need how to balance the interests of all aspects; if you can't control it, you don't say that you will never die, it is absolutely less than going there.

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