Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1011 Summer Family sincere Four

Baozi Xuan can only be considered a fur, and is still in a constant exploration. Sometimes it is also very helpless, the cause is going all the way, too smooth, not all good things. Moreover, the strength increases too fast, the company's capital scale is getting bigger and bigger, and some flaws are covered. This is very bad, at least it is difficult to find out which small problems are there.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Sumitomo Wealth Group and the Black Cloud Group are big companies, I don't know where Mr. Sumitami wants to cooperate. Also let me have a number in my heart, see whether the two sides can create a miracle."

I didn't expect this kid to be so actually, and there was almost the same rumor. However, this is good, so you can waste time.

Summour Yi Lir: "Black Cloud Bank currently does not enter the Japanese market, Sumitomo Bank can give appropriate help. Let Black Cloud Bank entered Tokyo, the Osaka market, I believe this sincerity is enough!"

The Japanese banking industry is very serious; don't say that Black Cloud Bank is that European and American banks are difficult to enter, and Wall Street financial institutions are not so good.

It actually agreed to help the Black Cloud Bank entered Tokyo and the Osaka market, it was sincere. It is important to know that the two places can be the most economical area in Japan. Once the black cloud bank enters, it means that it is directly confronted with local banks. If there is no internal support, it will be difficult to stand firm.

Now Summer Yilo has made a promise and has set out all obstacles. This gift is not a big enough, and it is imperative to operate.

But the greater the gift, the greater the other party.

In fact, the hate of Sumitomo family think tank analysis, the Black Cloud Bank is playing to develop Huaxia mainland and the US market. Entering the Japanese market is a morning and evening, and it is not as good as Sumitombest family in advance.

This can be tied to the end, and it is a very good place for the next negotiation. Sumitomo family just played ahead, and all things are already good. Although Bao Zixuan has a lot of money, there is more place to use money. Therefore, it is the best choice to enter the Tokyo and Osaka market in the early stage. Comprehensive entry is not only a funding problem, which will cause rebound in Japan's other forces.

At present, the main investment site of Black Cloud Group is Tokyo and Osaka, which is not very interesting to other regions. The Japanese financial market is also mainly concentrated in two areas. If your bank enters, things will be better.

Whether it is funded or transferred, it will have a hand. If it is a war, do this must be a member of the business. But now who is an enemy, who is a friend, is really not good to evaluate.

Suddenly this big gift came over, the average person really can't help. Fortunately, the head of the building is from the national engineering division, thinking about the problem is still a gap with ordinary people; will be more rational,

Otherwise, I really don't know what commitment will be made.

Bao Zi Xuan: "I don't know where Mr. Sumitami wants to cooperate in, without being reached, and I know that I have a few pounds."

After listening to Bao Zi Xuan, Sumitomo, Li Lir, I looked at this young man. At the same time, thinking about it when he is so big, it will be the same.

It is reasonable that Bunxuan wants to let Black Cloud Bank enters the Japanese market, and the scale is not too big. After all, the main attack is in the Chinese mainland and the United States. At this time, I am vigorously expanded to Japan. Whether it is a talent reserve, it is still not possible to have some funds. Development requires a process, no one can eat a fat man in a breath.

It can be said that the gift of the family family is definitely a good time, but it is still the existence of the other party. If the total gift is 100 points, this gift can reach 101 points; more than 1 point is not afraid of the other person.

Sumitomo, Yilo: "Sumitomo Wealth Group wants to fully cooperate with the Black Cloud Group, and the two companies have too many places that can be complementary."

"For example, the Black Cloud Group needs to purchase a large number of metal raw materials, Sumiti metal, and it should be clear."

"At the same time, Sumitomi Chemistry can also provide any raw materials needed to be required to Black Cloud Group. For this point, I have absolute confidence. Sumitomo Bank can launch cooperation with Black Cloud Bank, such as two can build fast channels, will be more convenient when remittance "

"Different Sumitomes need to enter the Yulin Institute of Technology Reading, and our engineers can also go to school guests. This is definitely a win--win choice, you said yes!"

It's more than a lot, but Bao Zi Xuan knows that the purpose of Sumitomo Yilo is not limited. If this is completely directly competitive, I believe the strength of all branches of Sumitomo; I really want to get orders, or very easy.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "If this is the so-called all-round cooperation, Sumitomo family is too sincere."

I heard Bunzu Xuan said that Sumitomo Li Lilan suddenly. But immediately understand what it means, so I said: "I don't know what to add to the bags."

Many things can only begin first, and it is impossible to make a family finish. That is not in cooperation, but ask for the other party. Sumitomo family is a big name, come over to Xiangjiang and other door visits that have shown attitudes, it is impossible to lower three.

Bao Zixuan: "Since you want to cooperate in all directions, you should take the steps of the steps."

"Yulin Institute of Technology can recruit children's children; the conditions can be the same as Sony and Panasonic. Sumitomo chemistry and Sumitomo metal two companies, if just want to sell some products to black clouds, then will lose the true meaning of cooperation between enterprises."

"Summit metal and Sumitamiochemistry two companies can establish joint research laboratories within Yulin Institute of Technology. The results, the two can not only share, but also authorize other companies."

"Currently in the field of metal and chemistry, the Germans have come to the forefront. No matter whether they admitted, this is the truth."

"If Summer and Black Clouds are chasing straight, it will be difficult to have a place in the market."

"At the same time, Black Cloud Bank and Sumitomo Bank can cooperate more closely. For example, both banks can participate in direct exchange of foreign exchange business. Summour banks will provide the currency that Black Cloud Bank will provide any money."

"Of course, this is just the first step, and the future two banks can implement a fast cross-bank exchange business. That is to say, I will send the amount to the Black Cloud Bank through Sumitomo Bank, and we will pay the payment within 1 minute."

Summour metal and Sumitomi chemical heritage are deep, and if you can establish a joint laboratory at Yulin Institute of Technology, then Black Cloud can jump in front of the world in the field of metal and chemistry. I am afraid that the other party will have a scruple and worry, but the black cloud is a more powerful party; the sales volume of R & D products is really amazing, the profit is unimaginable, the cash flow can be very abundant.

There is no institution that can calculate it, how much is the annual revenue in Black Cloud. Because there are only more products, as well as too many countries; Joint accounting firm in cooperation with Black Clouds just knows a matter; it is estimated that only the financial director of the black cloud and Baozi Xuan two people are clear.

Come to Xiangjiang to establish overseas research institutions, no different from technology leakage. Shoumou metals and Sumitomo chemistry can only be considered technology, then they have to look at who.

It is indeed like Bunxuan said that German talent is the absolute king in the field of metal and chemical industry. With this relationship between this small child with the Germans, it is not difficult to get the technology of Japan.

Let the Black Cloud Group master the metal and chemical most cutting-edge technology, which is equivalent to adding chips to the other party. At that time, two companies turned their faces, and Sumitomo consortium did not account for any cheap.

Summour, Yilo, caught two difficulties, do not know how to choose. However, the other party proposed any currency who wants to exchange the family of Sumitomo family, so that Sumitomo is very interested. This is both the air of the Black Cloud Group, and the vast majority of countries around the world have trade. If you want any currency, it is very simple, and the residents' consortium is not a one-point half.

Not every country is so recognized, even if the US dollar needs to be exchanged. Summourning, the currency group is not too much for US trade, and there will be no more dollar balances at all.

Every time I exchange other currency, I need to exchange it to the US dollar, and Americans have earned a difference. If the two banks are inside, you don't have to use the US dollar to implement the transaction, and the annual balance fee is a huge wealth.

Although it will make the United States unhappy, but in front of the profit, I am not happy again! This is just the internal trading between the enterprise, which does not involve political issues.

Japan does need to protect in the United States, but what is the relationship with the family family. Toshiba dares to sell large CNC machines to the Soviet Union, which can be seen in this period, and the expansion is very powerful.

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