Summeri is joined in, can only be considered a small episode. The name is to help Bunxuan, in fact, I want to show an attitude. Sumitomo family will have invested in Huaxia mainland, and will be tied together with the Black Cloud Group;

Some things are only a sufficient, not saying; it is too clear.

Both people have already determined that the remaining specific implementation is good. Of course, there are many projects of cooperation, involving too many interest allocation. The brothers must also make calculations, finance, and financial issues must be clear. But there is no need to worry about Bao Zi Xuan and Sumitomo, and there will be a professionally responsible for this.

Lunch decided to resolve the internal cafeteria in the Black Cloud, after seeing the staff of the staff, Sumitomo is incredible. And very seriously said: "Bao Sang, black cloud employee is so good every day!"

The mean of the old guy is very obvious, is it done to see us. Usually the food may not be so good, after all, the black cloud staff meal is really too high. Almost included all dishes. Japanese sushi can only be an ordinary dish, as long as you want to eat, how much can you.

At this level of Summer, I haven't valued this level, and I have someone who wants anything. However, the Black Cloud Group has hundreds of thousands of employees. If it is the same every day, a single employee meal is an astronomical figure.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Xiangjiang has a lot of different places in Japan, many of Japan is a lot of full-time; they will prepare meals to husband. But the girl in Xiangjiang will cook, and there is no meal. few."

"If the company does not arrange a canteen, they have to go outside. Not only is expensive, but it is not very healthy. Therefore, the Black Cloud Group purchased some farms in Australia, Brazil, the United States, Canada, specializing in meals to internal employees; This calculates a lot of costs. "

"Employees have fun, nutrients are reasonable, and the work efficiency will naturally increase. If you eat, you can save a lot of time. This will change the time to work. No matter how much you don't suffer, as long as you are every day. Half an hour, this meal is what it is. "

If Bao Zi Xuan's words make the lives and sons, they can be so speaking.

When you see the employee after eating, you will take the initiative to pack the table; the most important is that there is no waste, let them feel emotion. There is no nation in the world who likes to waste food, obviously the quality of the black cloud staff is indeed high.

Such a company, condensed the combat power, simply unimaginable.

In Japanese effect, the black cloud engage in the staff canteen, the standard is also so high; it is obviously not very suitable. There are a lot of Japanese professional housewives, if so, don't you let the housewife are unemployed,

That is a violation of the traditional practice. And Sumitomo is like this, other companies should not follow the imitation, do not follow the meeting by the media to report, absolutely sin many people.

In Xiangjiang, Baozi Xuan does not matter. After all, the whole Xiangjiang is a high-tech enterprise; and where the strength is put, no one dares to say three four.

At the same time, there are many members of the Sumitomo family, need everyone to discuss. The things that cooperate to make money are well said that it is really not dare to decide. After all, the residents of the residents are not the Black Cloud Group, and the Bao Zi Xuan decided nothing.

Summour is still growing, and the elder meeting. These people are not dead, and he is more performers more.

After the food in the cafeteria finished, Sumitomo, Yilo, more curious about the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi Xuan. I think next to the Yulin Institute of Technology, just can go see. Sumitomo's children have to study, and in advance.

After strict inspection, a group came to Yulin Institute of Technology. For this kind of check, Summo Yilo has no uncomfortable.

As a key university, the internal research institution must be a lot, if anyone can easily go, then what is wrong. There is also a thug, and the child's safety is guaranteed.

After entering the campus, Sumitomo, Li Lir, has a feeling of refreshingness. This is definitely a garden university, can't pick any problems from the environment.

And I saw that students are studying, discussing problems together, or if they are using laptops; can be said that almost no one is idle. Prove that the academic atmosphere is very good, come over here, you won't waste time.

A male student attracted the attention of Sumitomo, and I saw that the boy's hand kept hitting on the computer, and the speed is fast. Although the computer is still not fully popular in Japan; however, the family family also realizes that the computer will play an important position in the future development, so there are also required family children to learn with heart. But that is most a fur, just use.

However, this little young is definitely he has seen the fastest person.

Several people look at it, including Bao Zixuan; there is no top more, after all, watching the boy tap the keyboard is also a kind of enjoyment. Fortunately, I haven't let you wait, the boy quickly completed his hands and showed a satisfactory smile. Just wanted to get up, heard someone behind him.

I didn't want to reply, but I said that I was Japanese, listening to the audio, I have to reply to courtesy. Japanese is still in place, respecting the highest principles.

When the boy turned back, I saw a group of people looking at him. Others may not know, but the principal Baozi Xuan has seen many times. And I personally gave them to the class, just familiar.

Baozi Xuan also clearly understood students who just rapidly hitting the keyboard, and finally understood why the Japanese will actively stop.

In front of you, this boy is Sony's children, Gao Zhong Shulang; this year is already four, there is no college graduation in a month.

Gao Zhong Shu said to the Bunzi Xuan said: "Principal, Hello!"

I heard the other party is also a Japanese, and Summer Yilo is more interested. Note that this young man is definitely a Japanese, in the state of thinking of just tapping the keyboard, indicating that the other party is a computer master. And I look at the same bunxuan is very familiar, and it is inevitable to be a category of excellent graduates.

Currently in the computer field, Sumitomo consortships have been behind. Mitsubishi layout earlier, after all, I have already given an authorization of the Black Cloud Group in industrial computers. Nowadays, there are now industrial computers sold in Japan, most of them are Mitsubishi production, and only individual companies will use IBM products. Black cloud has an agreement with Mitsubishi - Sony and does not enter the Japanese market.

However, the license fee charged annually is also an astronomical figure, and it is still increasing year by year.

When the Japanese are using local products, they are really spared, they are all unconditional support. This is really going to study hard, of course, extreme ideas must be. Customer chooses the best product that is best for you, the cost-effective product, what is wrong with it!

Sumitomo, Yilan, I really want to bring this young man back to Japan, and the computer majors of Yulin Institute of Technology have achieved a certain amount of arrogance in the world. There are often teachers and students to express their new papers and are widely recognized internationally.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "It turned out to be a high King Jun. It seems that your technology has improved a lot. How is the graduation papers ready, how to consider you with you; it is effective!"

I heard the dialogue between the Bunzu Xuan's student in front of him, Sumitomo is more interested in this boy in front of him. What is the need for people, and this is still a Japanese in front of you, then you can't let go. Sumitomo consortium has decided to vigorously develop computer related industries, it is a large number of recruitment to buy horses. Come over Xiangjiang also wanted to spend people from Yulin Institute of Technology in the past, and did not expect to meet today.

Gao Zhong Lang said seriously: "Thank you for your kindness, but Sony has cultivated me. So I decided to go back to Japan after graduation, and my father also called. Sony has established a software development department, and the knowledge can be exerted. effect."

"But I would like to thank the school for these four years, I am grateful to my principal. Your teachings will never be forgotten, but after all, Sony pays for me to come over, I can't learn, I can't learn. "

"Even if I returned to Japan without a good opportunity, but I have to tell a conscience."

I heard the dialogue between this student in front of him, Sumitomo is very curious. Is it that Bao Zi Xuan wants to go to the black cloud, and this young man is insisted in Sibe; it is estimated to be like this.

Although it is Sony's child, but the Shouyou is still to give a good study before the heart is silently; this is what the Japanese youth should have.

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