Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1014 Conditions and Reflections

Hearing Gao Zhong Lu or insisted back to Japan and returned to Sony. Baozi Xuan did not entangle, after all, the idea of ​​this young man was already, it was impossible to change. And what is going to do too much, which will be counterproductive. If you have no talent, there is a violation of the original intention.

In front of you, this young man is indeed a rare talent, but as long as the echelon is building, what talents can be cultivated. It is not necessary to see how many other families will see because of a small thing.

Sumitomo, I couldn't help but ask: "This classmate, are you a Japanese! Is it professional."

Seeing that this person is accompanied by the principal, and the Gao Zhong Silo really doesn't know how to answer.

Bao Zi Xuan said with ": This is a Sumitomo, Sumitomo, Sumitomo, Mr. Yu, Gaoang Jun usually didn't see you so cautious. Don't be embarrassed, Mr. Shoumou, I will answer anything."

What does Sumitomo mens mean in Japan, I am afraid that three year old children will understand. And this person is still surnamedowang, and the principal is accompanying himself, it must be a core member of Sumitomo family.

Gao Zhong Silo said very seriously: "Mr. Summer, Hello! My name is Gao Zhong Shulang, Japanese; is currently a large four students in Computer Professional in Yulin Institute of Technology."

Get your own satisfaction, Summour is very happy. Although I invited a graduate student with his identity, some incredible. At this time, Shoumou City will definitely ask for a thirst for computer professional talents.

Sumitomo, Yilo: "Gaosang Jun, hello. I just heard you graduated to prepare for Japan, Sumitomo Wealth Group is ready to enter the computer field. It is a large number of recruits, if you are interested, you can see it."

Even if you want to work in front of you, you can't talk too much. To take a scruple, you have to go to the face.

Seeing the expression of Gao Zhong Lang as a difficult expression, as the principal must help it.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Mr. Summer may not know! This is the celebrity of the Yulin Institute of Technology. From the beginning of the enrollment, it is the first in computer professional. The results are very excellent, and the programming strength is not better than me."

"I found him to talk, gave a few programs to choose."

"The first is to study the graduate student directly, so you can work while you can work; more extracurricular practices."

"The second is to recommend him to my mentor, Professor, Harry, MIT Roland,

Studyed by Professor Roland, until the doctor graduated. "

"The third is to come over the black cloud group; the annual salary is 200,000 US dollars. Sign in three years of contract, the annual salary increases by 10%; and there are project bonuses, commission; treatment referred to the black cloud group P4 level."

"The fourth is to support him from entrepreneurship, I have invested 1 million US dollars, occupying half of the shares, and give him free space."

"But you know! This kid actually disagree, or choose to go back to Sony; attitude is very resolute. Yulin Institute of Technology fully respects students' choice, I can only give up. In fact, there is still a key, if Sony Sony Children, Tamada Zhaof is not looking for me. "

I heard Bunzi Xuan as a student who had just graduated, so that this other did not agree. It seems that there is a lot of talents, but more importantly, I can stick myself.

The general young people are really not necessarily sticky. Go back to Sony, mean to start. Japan's domestic enterprises have been very serious, although this kid is Sony's children, but it is not seen to get too high salary.

Moreover, Baozi Xuan actually wants to recommend him to his mentor, this opportunity is not anyone.

As for the entrepreneurial funds of US $ 1 million, it is not that important. It doesn't matter if you fail, this little money is really important in front of them.

Hearing here, Sumitomo is knew; this young man will not come over to Sumitomo. Seeing talent can't use it for yourself, it is estimated to be one of the most depressed things in every boss.

Since you can't get it, you can't transition. Baozi Xuan has opened such a condition, and people are not moving. As long as you remember the name, you may have the opportunity to meet!

Sumitomo family can develop 400 years without falling, but it is not to compete for a losses of the evening. The eye is long, it is estimated that there are very few people to get them.

Seeing the expression of Sumitomo, Bao Zi Xuan said: "The graduate ceremony will be held next month; only by the graduation certificate and degree certificate will be recognized by the school, can participate in the work. Of course there are many excellent students, usual credits It has been made to exceed it. For example, this Gaotang Jun in front of us is enough to graduate. "

"After the graduation ceremony, there will be a recruitment recommendation. If the residents' consortium is interested, you can come over and participate in the job fair, and the people who have a favorite are directly recruiting."

It is very important to get a diploma and a degree certificate. This is important to the Teaching, which is responsible for students and employers. In the field of computer, Xiangjiang Yulin Institute of Technology is definitely the first in Asia. And this is precisely the short board of Sumitomo, it can be used to take advantage of this opportunity. The school is recruiting, not which businesses can be invited.

Sumitomo has decided in his heart, and he said without hesitation: "Then I will thank you for the hullen, when you want to go to Summourcing Group, you can't stop."

It seems to be a joke, but it also hides the murder. It means very obvious, you can't take advantage of the home, bullying outsiders.

Baozi Xuan said: "If you stay, you can't stay. Just like which student is just, you must return to Sony. Don't I tie people? Although it is very uncomfortable, it must be released. Here is Schools, students have only the right to choose. If the transition interference, there may be the original intention of violations. "

I heard that Sumitomo is very emotional, Bunzi Xuan puts all things to face. Even if the competitors know that there is no need to be strong in front of powerful strength, any conspiracy is so pale.

Sumitomo, Yilo: "Bao Sang, according to my knowledge of Yulin Institute of Technology is a computer. Do you really know the first one to a Japanese; there is no other meaning, just feel some irrepect."

Asia is relatively traditional in this regard, there is still a strong national idea. I can't accept it for the first place in the school.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Here is a university, everything spoke with a grade. No matter which country, it is the student of the Yulin Institute of Technology. Therefore, there will be no discovery; "

"The school is only responsible for teaching students knowledge, as well as people's truth. Other aspects never involved, Yulin Institute of Technology is not a talent training base of the Black Cloud Group. The goal is to create a world-class university, education itself is pure. "

If you hear the Bunxuan's words, Sumitomo, Lang, can be described as a sweetness. I am so older, sometimes there is no small young look. The pride in the Japanese bones is a double-edged sword. The spirit of not convince is very good, it is worthy of appreciation. It can also take the emotions at the same time, that is, think they are the best existence. Others must be somewhat, do not believe out.

This seems that the black cloud can develop, and this person will never be exclusively. Moreover, there is no technological talent in Xiangjiang itself, and the local parties are not as serious.

In contrast, Japan is very far in this piece, at least outsiders are difficult to get too high, even if the ability is strong. Almost all of the high-end businesses of major enterprises are almost all. To know that they don't understand the situation in the country, they will default.

Going back to Japan to find that the old guy talks well, can't always follow the class. No matter what the Times is unpredictable, no one knows what will happen tomorrow. If you are born, you can finally only a dead road.

Baozi Xuan didn't know, it is to say a few words to himself; Sumitomo, Lang Lang, will be associated with so much. The old guy is worthy of managing the master level. And very well understood, know more about keeping pace with the times.

Such a person will become a enemy will be very difficult, as a friend is also careful.

However, for the Japanese, the principles of the bag will be available. But absolutely can't trust 100%, even if the group has so many senior executives. Also have never let them contact negotiations with Japan, as well as the more. As long as it is to grasp the scale, I believe what the wind is can't.

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