Cooperation may have little effect on the black cloud group, after all, a boss. As long as it is a company to make money, Bunzi will not have too much problem. But Sumitomo Wealth Group has a number of listed companies, such a good news, of course, to notify the public. I believe it will be able to drive the stock market, and Sumitomo, a personal price can also improve accordingly.

The Black Cloud Group purchased approximately $ 1.5 billion in metal raw materials to Sumitomols, and the company's chemical procurement of $ 500 million in chemical raw materials for production. In addition, Sumitomo chemistry, Sumitomo metal will also work with the Black Cloud Group to establish a related laboratory at Yulin Institute of Technology. At present, the amount of investment has not finally determined, but it must be less.

There will be 200 live children over the Yulin Institute of Technology every year, and all fees are borne by Sumitomot. Summour metal and Sumitomot chemical engineers, as well as related experts, will come over the school.

Although it is very important to recognize the education of Yulin Institute of Technology, it also recognizes Bunzi Xuan's investment in education. But for this university that has just been established, there are still some doubts. Moreover, Sumitomo Terms of Wealth has cooperated with many colleges and universities. Yulin Institute of Technology is not the only choice.

On the surface, the Sumitomo consortium has been eligible. However, only Bao Zi Xuan knows what this cooperation is what it means to the Black Cloud Group. At least in the field of photoresist, it will never hold the neck in people. With this, it is enough. As for the raw material, it doesn't matter, as long as the quality is qualified, there is no problem reasonable.

Moreover, Shoumou Fortunate Group has been deliberately reducing the quotation in order to cooperate with the Black Cloud Group, and it is also a kind of sincerity! Everyone is not stupid, of course, what is going on.

Sumitomo Yilu came over in the Xiangjiang River, it brought such a large order to the family. Of course, I have to celebrate, which will also add a boost to him. Of course, Baozi Xuan is also not idle, the Blackstone Fund Japanese team has purchased a large number of stocks of Sumitomo Steel and Sumitomiochemistry. No one will miss this kind of business that is not lost.

Since it is all talk, the contract is also signed. It is definitely to hold a signing ceremony; this is mainly the meaning of Summer Yiling, but the domestic news is there!

The reporters of the world suddenly received a news, and the Black Cloud Group Joint Sumitomo Wealth Group would hold a press conference. It is important to announce.

What kind of size is two companies, even if you don't have to say it. One is an old card with 400 years of history, one is an emerging aristocrat, although the shortage is short, can be a world's first industrial group. If the Black Cloud Group is the first company in the world, Bunzi Xuan is the world's richest, and it is estimated that no one will have objections.

Although I don't know how much Bao Zi Xuan is specific, but only the Black Cloud Group has a massive goods to the world every day. Moreover, it is a relatively high added value, machine tool, aviation, machinery, automobile and other products.

This calculates, the annual revenue will definitely exceed the GDP of many countries.

Japanese reporters value this matter more important, Sumitomo family, senior heirs, come over the river. They have already got news, and they have seen it in Dong Haoyun. As for the same bag, I did not avoid anyone. Even the second day, Sumitami's consortium staff came to Xiangjiang, and it was also known.

Everything shows that Sumitomo Wealth and Black Cloud Group have certain projects in advance. The size and volume of the two companies, personally negotiated person in charge. The project collaborate is absolutely not small. Many temporary Japanese reporters did not go back. And like a crocodile, waiting patiently.

Dong Haoyun funeral, but it is not a place in Xiangjiang. As a boat king that is very influential in Southeast Asia, and the whole world, and the main ship purchases are in Japan, and Japan will certainly report.

After all, there are many shipyards of Japan, and there are many people's livelihood issues. Lost Dongjia orders, many shipyards will be more bad. After all, the current international shipping price is low, almost no company is willing to buy new vessels to operate.

In such an economic environment, the Japanese will certainly pay attention to the situation of each shipowner in Xiangjiang.

According to the previous conventions, the major events ended, and the reporters who come over will return to the place where they work. However, finding a live group and the black cloud group in engage of things, of course, it is impossible to let go such a good opportunity. Sumitomo Yilo and Bunxuan are a busy person, no one will be gone without talking so long. Nothing, the staff of the Summmer, Japan, will not come over, so labor is hurt. No one is in cooperation, no one believes.

After receiving the two companies, I have to hold a joint press conference. The Japanese reporter knows that it is worthwhile. When they report to China, they have risen very risks. No matter which company, it will control the cost. The exist of Xiangjiang is to give subsidies, and there is no problem. It can be done in the past, not to travel, this is the need to report a value-worthy news, go back to definitely explain.

The launch spot is in the Tianshui Water Wide Black Cloud Press Release hall, which is fully equipped here, and is a place for the press conference, very professional.

All countries have a reporter in Xiangjiang, come over the Tianshui Black Cloud Group. It can be seen that the Japanese reporters are most active, even better than Xiangjiang local journalists in this regard.

Sumitomo consortium has an influential, cooperative project with black clouds, inevitably brought great push to China. It is closely related to the lives of the people, and there is no one who is unwilling to see the country; the development of domestic enterprises has grown, earning high profits.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the press conference will begin on time. Bao Zixuan was not ready to attend, but he saw that Summer Yilo's emphasis on the level of attention, it was not good to refense. And just attending a press conference, no less a pound of meat.

The head of the package does not need to be seen to anyone, as long as it is comfortable, happy, can earn money, the strength of the company can improve, these are satisfied, it is enough. As for others, it really doesn't care too much. Shoumou is different, and the family's internal competition is very intense. Although it is a family heir, it is still necessary to rely on strength and ability. This time, I will negotiate with the Black Cloud Group, which can be harvested. Of course, let the world know what he did. At the same time, it is also to let the old people of the family understand that he is the most suitable candidate.

Although Xiangjiang is already an international metropolis, it can be a temporary notice after all. Many media have not come over, of course, Japan and Xiangjiang local media are basically coming. There are already enough, and Sumitomo, one lang pays more attention to the Japanese media, so that it doesn't matter.

The first is that Sumitomo is announced to the media that the Black Cloud Group and Sumitomo Wealth Group will reach a strategic cooperation. In the next ten years, the Black Cloud Group's subsidiaries will have two companies, machinery such as Sumitomoli and Sumitomi, and other raw materials, machinery, and so on. The total amount of contract implementation is not less than 20 billion US dollars, and the specific amount is determined according to the market situation.

One of the $ 20 billion contracts has been announced, and an uproar has been released. Although it is necessary for ten years, it is $ 2 billion a year, it is also scary. Many national foreign exchange reserves do not necessarily have $ 2 billion, and this is just the raw materials purchased from a company every year; if it makes finished products, how many dollars can be sold, it is simply not to imagine.

It is necessary to know that the supplier of the Black Cloud Group is spread all over the world. Even the Soviet Union has a fixed procurement outlet. At present, there is a specific price of Bao Zixuan, it is really not good to estimate.

At this time, Japanese reporters must not immediately return the news to the country, and they also want to quickly inform their families. Rapida purchases the stock of Sumitomols and Sumitomiochemistry, there is no need to worry; how much does it cost to buy, even if you borrow money will not suffer.

It can only be thinking about it. Many Japanese reporters are hate themselves; why do they want to grab it in the first row? It is impossible to go out. At this time, I didn't give a residents. Black clouds don't have to worry too; the Shoumou City's consortium is in Japan, everyone will be afraid of one or two.

At this time, Siyu Yilo has not spoken, and ran away. It is embarrassed that it is embarrassed that the other party is embarrassed. I am afraid that I will not be mixed in Japan; don't use people to shoot, the company will take you as a sin.

Unlike Japanese reporters, Xiangjiang reporters feel that there is nothing. After all, this is just an ordinary procurement, and there is no substantial benefit to them. However, all reporters understand that it is impossible to just purchase raw materials; two companies must have surprises will bring you.

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