Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1017 Who is the most worry?

Most reporters work about the cooperation between the Black Cloud Group and Sumitomi Territories, but the US and Siede reporters have different ideas. Although the black cloud group is large, it can increase from the raw materials purchased from Japan, and it will be reduced accordingly in other countries. At present, Black Cloud Group metal raw materials are mainly concentrated in the United States and Side.

In fact, cooperate with the Summour Group, Bunzi Xuan also wants to transfer US raw materials to other places. At present, the metal materials, black clouds can solve some, after all, Bao Huo's factory has been owned by the factory, which is owned by the Black Cloud Group.

However, China's domestic demand for metal products is really too big, and it is increasing every year, which is not enough to ship. In the Soviet Union, it is mainly to buy titanium alloy products; Germany is mainly high-end products. Mid-end products are mainly US companies, but also the company with the same buns and the enterprise of Guapo.

At present, Black Cloud Group's main supplier in the United States is a US steel company. Its predecessor is a famous Carnegi steel company; but now the largest shareholder is a Morgan family, Bunzi Xuan does not want to cooperate with them. But a good supplier is not easy to find, only from a long report. Today, the Japanese actively go door, then there is no need to be welcome.

That is, how is the crime of the Root family, and it has long been not standing. However, there is no good way to do so, there is no difficulty to be worried. Now I have the opportunity to get rid of some dependence on their raw materials, of course, to be implemented. In fact, Bunzi Xuan has a bottom gas reason is that the Morgan family did not dare to say anything, and the relationship between the two parties is on the one hand. It is important that US steel companies are shares, although the Morgan family is the biggest shareholder, but they can't cover the sky.

It is necessary to meet the interests of other shareholders, so enterprise development can be harmonious. They have to be sinned, but also the biggest customers of the company, if they dare to come out, they don't think of their own faces. Moreover, Baozi Xuan also did not make things happen at once, or gave the US steel company.

Product quality and matching are on the one hand, doing business in the United States, or balance the interests of all aspects, otherwise the US Department of Commerce will come out to find you trouble, everyone will not be better.

It is very satisfied that the reporters have been talking about it. Although some noisy, he wants this effect. Even if the US and Siede reporters have an idea, it will not be so much.

Summeri saw almost, continue to say: "At the same time, Summer Chemistry, Sumiti Metal Two companies will jointly establish a research laboratory with the Black Cloud Group, place in Yulin Institute of Technology. I believe that the strength of the two companies will be able to develop Out of the world's best raw materials. "

"At the same time, the children of Sumitomo will come over to study in the Yulin Institute of Technology, and cultivate talents for the consortium of the consortium."

"Sumitomo Bank has reached an agreement with the Black Cloud Bank, and will transfer from Sumitomo Bank to Black Cloud Bank, will arrive within ten minutes.

It is also true that both banks cooperate in all directions in funds, foreign exchange, transfer, and transfer of customers in Xiangjiang and Japan. "

The previous one-minute arrived before, Sumitomo Bank is still not available. However, ten minutes is a little problem. Of course, it is only for the two banks in the Asian business, and other continents are currently unable to force. But this is also scary, you know that this is involved in two regions, two banks; if there is no absolute trust, no one dares to do it.

In fact, both parties are not stupid, and currently can only be remitted for small remitts. That is, less than one million US dollars, the amount is too big; if there is a problem, no one can afford risk.

But this column cooperation is also exciting, especially Japanese reporters. I believe that there is no need to worry about the sales of newspapers in the next week, and the news of Sumitomo Wealth Group is enough to study for a few days.

Previously, the Black Fish Group has been purchasing raw materials from Sumitomo metal and Sumitomo, just a little worried, a little concern; at this time, the face has become a little dignified. Japanese products can only be considered mid-end products in the international market, and high-end goods have been in the Germans. After all, in terms of the development time and investment of metal materials, the Germans are indeed in front of Japan.

Therefore, the Black Cloud Group purchases raw materials from Japan, which does not have much impact on the Germans; it is only a mid-range product competition to become fierce, but German companies have never survive in mid-end products.

Now, black clouds and Sumitomo have established research laboratories. It is not necessary to know that it must be prepared to challenge the authority of the Germans. This has to pay attention to it, after all, it is involved in domestic enterprises and can be recognized by international recognition.

All Germans hope that both morality can be unified, this is the dream of the entire Germanic nation. I want to achieve unity. At present, it seems that I can lead, but everything goes to see the quality of economic development.

Want to unify Germany, there is no dream. The Soviewer didn't come over, stealing fun! It is not the first time in the Second World War, the Germans hang everything. There is no powerful economic support, and Dongde will not take care of Side. Unity is to meet the interests of all aspects, everything needs huge amount of funds to maintain.

Once two enterprise research institutions develop high-end products, even more than German products. Then Germany will lose its advantages in this field, and there is no advantage means that there is no market recognition, and there is no order; for the West German economy, it is a fatal blow.

From Sumitomo Metal and Sumitomot Chemical Purchasing Raw Materials, cooperate with Summourcing Group to establish a research laboratory; it can be said that the US and Side are unconscious.

US National Iron and Steel Company can sell the black cloud group nearly $ 4 billion raw materials every year, and now it is cut by half, and it is not hurt in his heart. With the arrival of the international shipping crisis, the steel market is not very booming. The shipbuilding industry can be large steel, no new ship started, and steel sales must not go.

The US shipyard is simultaneously dried in Japan, the United Kingdom, and South Korea enterprises in the competition. Now, the shipyard of China is also slowly rise; leading to less steel demand for US shipyards. I can't start building a warship! That don't say the Soviet Union, even the taxpayer will not agree.

Although it is currently in the cold war period, you can safely and nothing. The Army replaces the vehicle, it is enough, is it necessary to change the warship at the same time. That's nothing to find, I want to expand the situation; take the initiative to provoke a more intense military competition!

Now this state is very good, everyone can stay calm, at least the people are still very satisfied.

The US domestic infrastructure is basically completed, and there is no need to invest in large-scale investment. The days of the steel plant can be so blame, and now I will lose half of the Black Cloud Group; it is estimated that American Iron and Steel Company will quickly convene a board of directors and discuss the countermeasures.

The same is true for Germans, the products they produce have always been high-end names. Now electronics, home appliances are pressed by Black Cloud and Japanese manufacturers; the car is similar, the middle and high-end models are difficult to compete, and the low-end practical vehicle is basically taken by Japanese manufacturers. It's hard to never give it a block of hate!

In fact, Bao Zixuan also understands that cooperation with Summourcing Groups will definitely lose some things; such as the friendship of Germans. It can be in the world, with strong people, if there is no strength, only people can slaughter. Don't say respect, you are a good thing.

No one in the mall, there is no one in love, doing things, you can't always look forward to it, you must go all out. Only in this way can survive in future competition, not being eliminated by the market.

In fact, the bag must also want to introduce the Germans and can join the best, and have money to earn. Don't blame yourself if you can't.

As early as a few years ago, Bunzu Xuan had a similar idea to Rhine Metals, Tysison, and Krupp; but directly refused by three companies. After all, the core technology has mastered in the hands of people, with absolute initiative.

I believe that although they are not regretted, they can never be good. Bao Zi Xuan has money, the Japanese technology is not necessarily better than them; if it is increasing capital investment, it is very big.

The funds of industrial enterprises will not be very plenty, many times need to rely on government projects. The black cloud is an alternative. The money earned in Baozixuan is too much, and the subsidy will not have any problems in the industrial. Under the two-phase comparison, Germany Enterprises will inevitably be in a disadvantage.

It is also forcing them to change, if you don't look for black cloudwork; you can say it after it, who is the boss in this field.

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