Baozi Xuan invited this beautiful reporter and was also decided after thinking. At present, the name of the Yulin Institute of Technology is still very general, and it is far from a well-known university in the old fair. Although it is absolutely not bad in teaching, it can be afraid of the depth of the alley. The first phase of graduates become a social pillar, that is the best propaganda.

If there is a media report during the growth process. It will be famous for the school, then there will be more enterprises to choose cooperation; more people are willing to come to school reading; more parents hope that children can enter Yulin Polytechnic. The school's reputation is on the one hand, attracting more quality students come over and reading is the weight.

In the field of scientific research, IQ is critical; whether it admitted, this is the fact. If the school has no name, how to attract high-quality students. Newton, Einstein itself is a genius, so it can become a technician master. Baozi Xuan is the ability to be big, and it is impossible to cultivate a mediocre student into a physics master character.

There is no other TV station to pay attention to the Yulin Institute of Technology. Since it comes to Xiangjiang, it must not let this opportunity.

Other places don't dare to say, as long as it is reported, then in the Japanese Yulin Institute of Technology will be famous; after the enrollment will be relaxed. If you want to build a school into a world's top university, you must pay, while inclusive is very important.

Abe Miki feels that he has a big and cheap, but she doesn't know that Bunzi Xuan is not using her. Can only be said that each parties need, do not suffer.

The press conference is still going on, after all, I just asked two questions. The Japanese reporter has finished asking, and it must be handed over to the Xiangjiang or British media. The homeland is still to take care of it, can't do too much.

Times said: "Mr. Bao, hello! Just come back from the UK, we will cooperate with Summourcing Group so many projects, do not know if the funds of the Black Cloud Group are allowed."

This is the topic that everyone pays attention to. A company strength is powerful, and it is impossible to do much. Need to go to the market, you can't print the money itself.

In fact, the British is also worried, the black cloud town project, the British investment plan, the Middle East project, there are so many investments in the Chinese mainland, Japan's investment has never stopped; now it is so moving with Summourcing Group. How much is Bao Zixuan to support such a large number of projects.

The Black Cloud Group is not a listed company, and all funds must be self-colorant of enterprises. This can be very testive, in case the fund chain breaks, the British government must follow bad luck.

In fact, it is not only a British, and everyone is curious about Bao Zi Xuan. After all, the layout is too short, even if it is making money. It is now like a no-hole now.

How is money coming?

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Thanks to this reporter friend's concern, the current project can also support it. One point I can explain it with you, the Black Cloud Group has no loan."

"That is to say, the company does not owe money, all of the profits from these years have been earned. The subsidiaries may have short-term disassembly, but the mother company has never done this."

"At present, Black Cloud Mobile Phone Company, Game Company, Toy Company, Computer Company, and Effective Aircraft Company's profits are very considerable, and another company, Blackstone fund has also earned a lot in recent years."

"The profit is considerable, there is still something important. That is the company's company has no loss, this is also my bottom. There is a long-term behavior of the same as a Summit Week, and the annual input will not be too high. And most funds are used in purchasing raw materials; purchasing raw materials themselves are in order to produce services, the profits are rational. "

"There is also a very important, black clouds are in construction, most of them are under construction. It is relatively low in artificial, so there is a lot of cost savings."

"This is why it dares to go to so many projects in the short term, at least everything is still controlled."

Bao Zi Xuan's words, let the scene can't be pensive; including Sumitomo, a father and son are also the same.

Summourning Troupe has been over 400 years, and it has developed to this scale now, and sometimes it is necessary to loans to banks. Of course, you will have a bank, relatively convenient.

However, the Black Cloud Group is less than ten years, it is so powerful, I really can't imagine.

Baozi Xuan did not only boast his own record, and also gave the Huaxia Engineering Team to advertise. I believe that after the press conference, there will be many companies to take the initiative to seek very good. Although it's hard, it's hard, but nothing, your family is more hard; now I can only help so much!

In fact, the bag must have no bottom, after all, there are so many projects at the same time; in case the Americans suddenly launched, they will be very difficult. This is also to prove to the world, at least in funds, the Black Cloud Group does not have any problems.

And you can make the small generations converge, don't feel young; in addition to the guts, there is no plan. If you dare to find a doctor, then you will not be better.

Whether the effect is obviously not important, but all companies want to investigate the black clouds must first investigate; as long as they are time, even a victory.

Japanese reporters are incredible, including Abenene, who just prepared to interview with the head of the bag. It is very curious now that this man makes people feel fear. At present, it is a good time to collect material. Only by understanding the other party, the problem will be readily representative.

Bunzi Xuan didn't know, his words have made Japanese beautiful reporters seriously; I believe that after the completion of the graduation ceremony, it will not be so easy to get it.

The wheel is also anxiety reporter, after all, they are the real owner.

Oriental Daily has been a good relationship with the Black Cloud Group. It is estimated that no one dares to be unresolved. Before you can bullivate your family, you can live in terms of old qualifications. Now as long as you don't want to die too ugly, don't touch the black cloud group and the head.

Hu Xian is a deep understanding of this, and the sales of newspapers are not less than the Bunxuan. Even in the press conference, it is not given to the aspect, many gossips and black materials are their report. How is the result, in Xiangjiang, the sales of the Sing Tao Daily can't see the Sing Tao Daily, is basically exiting the Xiangjiang market.

Back to Southeast Asia is also often suppressed, you have to know that this is still Bao Zi Xuan without shot. If the headers are really trying to retaliate, it is estimated that there may be no residue.

The reporter of the Oriental Daily stood up and asked: "Banheng, hello! How do you think about this time with a Summourcing Group.

This is a medium that gives the face, so that the interviewee is free to play. Bao Zi Xuan said: "Thank you for your questions, working with the Summourcing Group of the Summit, is not a temporary decision; and after detailed investigation, and thoughtful results."

"Summer's profile is not needed, I am reciting, I want everyone to know."

"I have a good private hand with Mr. You Yi. I have considered whether two companies can cooperate in the right time. For Mr. Sumitomi, Mr. Yilu came to Xiangjiang, visiting the black cloud for a day. Take each other's business philosophy, and It is very recognized by doing things, so I decided to cooperate two companies. "

"As the saying goes, the father and son. Sumitomo family is really talented, at least I personally teach. Although the Black Cloud Group does not account for cheap, but there is no loss. Both parties are complete in equal situation Under cooperation, of course, only this will last. "

"The Black Cloud Group is a business that has been creating time. Our advantage is dare to think, dare to fight; think that it is necessary to do, the execution ability is more powerful. Sumitomot Foundation is an old company, and it will be stronger than black cloud. The resource integration is more overwhelming. "

"Two companies work together to form a good complementary complementary. Although only a decade agreement; but I think, as long as the business philosophy of the two companies has continued, the future will work together."

Bao Zi Xuan's answer allows Sumitomo, and the father and son are very satisfied. There are still people who have recognized in Xiangjiang bags in the world.

After that, several reporters have asked two conventional issues to the two, and the two sides answered more than a long time.

After the press conference, two companies held a thank you banquet. All reporters who come over have the latest electronic products of Black Cloud, but the media reporters are not happy. Gifts are enough for them a month, and the head is really generous enough.

Sumitomo, a father and son; and the media reporter can be described as full, at least there is at least the black cloud group and Bunxuan anything.

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