Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1020 constantly fermentation

Although the press conference ended, the impact on major companies around the world is constantly fermented. Of course, the first part of the US National Iron and Steel Company, the Black Cloud Group purchases raw materials from Sumitomols, but it is reduced from their share. But now wood has become a boat, everything has been settled, but it is difficult to change.

Since the black clouds are not passing, then they want to find ways from other aspects. And the contradiction between Bunzi Xuan and the Morgan family, does not say that the world is well known, but at least the shareholders of the National Iron and Steel Company can be clear.

Just did not affect the company's business, and it is a private issue, and there is no more people who say more about the authority of the old Morgan. But now, it is not the same, the Black Cloud Group purchases raw materials from the Japanese, so the US national steel company is not very booming. Although it is not a fatal blow, it is absolutely the behavior of the snow.

There is no way to convene a board, after all, things are too big, have exceed the company's normal business category. The Morgan family purchased this company has been more than 80 years, basically no one can turn their authority in the company. Now I now know that I have to explain the situation to the shareholders and discuss the next countermeasures.

It is also clear that Bunxuan will choose other partners. It can be investigated that there is no company that does not have such a large order. After all, the amount of black clouds is too big, and it is also increasing in the year.

Contradictions are contradictory, business is business. This is two yards, and if the two need to take it, it is not so easy to cut. I didn't expect the Japanese to make a split, and it seems that it is too polite to them.

But at this time, it is a critical period of the cold war. The Americans don't dare to fight Japan too embarrassing, and they can not be blindly offenders. In case the other party, the Soviet Union is huge for the entire Western world. Although this possibility is low, it is not necessarily.

Old Morgan came to the headquarters of the Pingsburg Iron and Steel Company, seeing all shareholders in the conference room. This is a rule, and the old Morgan has not come, no one can open. Although some hegemony, who can make people have that strength!

Seeing Lao Morgan coming in, the shareholder seems to be the same as the main bone.

Old Morgan sat down and said: "Since people are all, then the meeting begins!"

This sentence is absolutely like a sacred idea, the National Iron Corporation CEO Riqi said to everyone: "If you want to happen in Xiangjiang, everyone has seen many projects with Summourcing Group. These include raw materials procurement, of course The biggest amount is metal raw material procurement. "

"At present, Black Cloud Group can purchase $ 4 billion metal raw materials to national steel companies, which can be said to be the company's largest customer.

Moreover, the black cloud group is different from other companies, the payment pays very timely; never arrears; at the same time, the price is also very reasonable, it is the best quality customers who have been seen in 30 years. "

"But I opposite us, I actually take the initiative to visit. This is not common in such a large trade, even unique."

"Customer has a more suitable partner, of course, will give up a part of the supplier. We are currently giving up, if you don't want to countermere, the profits of national steel companies will be lower, even loss."

In fact, as the CEO of American National Steel Company, Ricki is also very complained to old Morgan. Previously, Morgan issued a ban on the company; that is, all companies, can not take the initiative to visit Bunxuan. It is a surname package that kids think about the company, but also directly.

At that time, Rui did not agree, even looking for the situation in the case. But how can a stubborn person easily compromise, of course, there is no agree. And given the two options for Rick, either accept or leave.

There is a problem now, and Ricki does not want to back this black pot for the old Morgan. Although there will be no better in the national steel company, but it is better than this unclear.

Old Morgan looked at everyone and said while smiling: "Do you think so!"

"I think that as long as it is for customers, take the initiative to visit, people will give us orders. This is too big, even ignorance. I don't say you know that Bunzi Xuan has contradictory. Of course, this is a private matter, I didn't want to say in the company's board. Now you think it is because of the relationship between the same Morgan's family, it causes the Black Cloud Group to reduce or stop from the national steel company to purchase metal raw materials. "

"Black Cloud Group reduces the purchase of raw materials from the National Iron and Steel Company. It is a morning and evening. Not because the Japanese give more cheap prices, it is not because of the same contradiction with the Morgan family."

"To say to Bunzi Xuan's understanding, you may have more than me. Morgan's family about the child's intelligence information, there is a high-point, which can be said to have a full range of investigations, almost No dead end. "

"Bun Zixuan this people are very big, and don't look at him young, but I like to live peace. In his opinion, the raw materials master in the hands of the Americans will make it very safe. Once we break the raw materials, then black Many factories in cloud will be affected. "

"There is an old saying in Huaxia, the eggs can't be placed in the same basket. The current US National Iron and Steel Company is the most important raw material supplier of the Black Cloud Group; if there is a problem between us, the black cloud can not afford this loss."

"The Japanese actively put the door, Zhenghe Bao Xuanxuan. And put this in this, ten years later; relative to what the money will be lost, the Japanese will lose more."

It can be said that Lao Morgan also saw everything very much, the real thoughts of Bao Zi Xuan, the old guy can be described as a clear.

A shareholder suddenly said: "Since Morgan has already thought, I don't know if there is any countermeasure."

When someone talks, everyone looked at the person who just said. After all, this is a bit trying to challenge the old Morgan authority. It means very obvious; since you can, it must have a policy.

After you know who is talking, everyone has a kind of view to the play.

James - Carnegie is the sterilization of the founder of American Iron and Steel Company Andrew-Carnegie.

The predecessor of American Iron and Steel is an established Carnegie Iron and Steel Company in 1864. Carnegie Iron and Steel Company was able to implement a tariff barrier in the middle of the 19th century. This is completely canceled in 1913. Prior to this, most US steel industries made a profit in the competition with free trade in the UK. Carnegie Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. established a large-scale steel joint enterprise producing steel, and decades to maintain the status of the world's largest steel plant.

For the year Andrew Carneg, the company sold the company to the Morgan family, and the future generations are very disintegration. After all, how can I let others go cheap when the company is the most booming.

In 1901, the United States was in an absolute protection of domestic steel companies. Carnegi Iron and Steel Company can say the day of the day, earn a lot of money.

Although I got a $ 400 billion in cash, it is useless, and the family will soon recession. Is it so beautiful, Andrew-Carnesnes, I don't know, it is definitely another hidden.

Nothing to death and Denu-Carnegie is why, this is more doubtful. In particular, the Carnegie family is also very gratope for the sale company.

It is believed that it is definitely the Morgan family through a non-optical color means, forcing Andrew-Carnegie. If you don't sell the company, you may not be able to make your life. Although this is just a guess, it can be at the time of the business environment; the things that murderers often happen; they can't blame the lack of people.

Although I lost the US National Steel Co., Ltd., the Karneg family also has huge wealth. The future generations saw the company created by the ancestors, has always been the Morgan family in the post, of course, will not take the gas.

Four years ago, an accidental opportunity; Carnegie family finally caught the opportunity, using billions of dollars to purchase US National Steel Co., Ltd., can say that it is already the second largest shareholder of the company, and it has a trend to take the company.

However, it is only forbidden. The Morgan family has already operated more than 80 years; Carnegie has no shadows, and how the shareholders and employees will recognize and trust the Carnegie family.

The Carnegie family entered the board, and the old Morgan did not stop. If you do it, it is the challenge for US law, no one is not so bold.

Previously, the Carnegi family was still very stunned. At the board of directors, it was basically invisible. Today, I suddenly questioned the old Morgan. Is it going to compete for the power?

The gentleman has revenge for ten years, but the Carnegie family is more interesting. Actually, for 80 years, I waited until the fifth generation of the family, and it also confirmed the terrorist strength of the Morgan family. It's really good to be a good turn back, and you will spare.

Shareholders are not stupid, no one dares to speak at this time. Although the Morgan family is stronger, the Carnegie family is not so good, there is no need to go. It is very good to watch the play, don't take yourself; this is the true idea of ​​all shareholders.

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