Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1021 constantly fermenting two

No one thought that the Black Cloud Group cooperated with the Summit of Summit and also provoked the inner fighting of American steel companies. If Bao Zi Xuan knows, it may cooperate and will be advanced. He looked very unhappy, and didn't know how the old boy thought, actually let him do a woman. In fact, the head of the bag is really a bit high, even if you don't lose the order of the Black Cloud Group, the Morgan family and the Carnegie family will fight.

Carneglass family must have to retraperse the company's management, and the Morgan family has acquired the company over 80 years. Old Morgan didn't dare to take the company back directly in his hand; then he as a shame of the family of Morgan's family. How will the possession to evaluate him, and it is estimated that it will not be described in a simple incompetence.

The Carnegist family has been suspected that the old Carnegie is forced to sell, so I want to have to pay back the company. This is the contradiction between the two families, and it is still not adjustable. Conflicts are inevitable, and no one can't stop. Unless one side is actively exiting, it is basically impossible to happen.

How smarter is old Morgan, absolutely belongs to the existence of human essence. James - Carnegie suddenly took the company, plus CEO Rswi dared to question his decision. If there is no catage between two people, you will not believe it.

It seems that the Carnegie family is still not dead, but it must be the case. Since you want to see the true strength of the Morgan family, let you know what the victorious family will be.

The family has been silent for too long, basically being forgotten. The rise of emerging power makes the old high-name strongness. Although the sulking is a big fortune is king, but it is always not sound, people will bully to your head.

The head of the bag did not know because his sudden rise. Moreover, the situation is relatively high, making the mentality of the old man's family have also changed. Some are not wanting to be silent, at least can't be compared. Information society, if there is no powerful promotion, how can their products sell out.

The Black Cloud Group basically has no image spokesperson, because the head is rich is the best spokesperson. But you look at the company's performance increase, product is selling all angles to the world. There is a black cloud product in some places, which is not exaggerated.

At present, there is no good way to pay Bunxuan, after all, the industry involved in this kid, and the same Morgan family did not directly compete. And it is competitive relationship, estimated losses and injuries are also themselves. Bunzi Xuan Tong said in the Soviet Union, and it has not fully figured it out. If rapidly takes extreme measures, the Morgan family is also difficult to bear the anger of the Black Cloud Group and the Arctic Bear.

Now it is not an era of monopolizing capital, and finding a killer to make things. If it fails, then the financial resources of each other will never let the Morgan family have been better. I don't have to have already, no one is willing to use over-excited means; after all, it means that there is no rest.

Old Morgan said very seriously: "I don't know what Mr. Carnegie mean!"

People who understand the old Morgan know that

Once he is right, you can fire. At this time, other shareholders didn't dare to speak, and they were afraid to fire the fire.

James - Carnegie also knows that as long as it is a voice, it means that the combat is starting with the Morgan family. Although the old Morgan will prevent them, it is not the main goal, after all, the equity of both parties is still a lot.

At this point, I was questioned in the board of directors, and the other party would definitely understand what it means. Therefore, I can only go to black, I can say that I have not turned back. Since there is no care, then it is not necessary to welcome.

James Carnegie: "Mr. Jogupeng said that it has already realized that the Black Cloud Group's orders will have problems. It is not possible to find problems. As the chairman of the company, is it a solution. We shareholders, Thinking about making more money under your leaders. Today, you will lose such a customer.

This is obvious to find things, but you can't say that James - Carnegie is wrong. After all, people also consider the company and shareholders, and there is no problem in words.

As the main task of shareholders is to pay a penny, and the company has major decisions to participate. Most European and American companies use professional managers; relative to company management, it is also more scientific.

US steel companies can be special, especially after the Carnegist family returns to shareholders. The body is too large, completely handed over to the professional manager, and the old Morgan also didn't rest assured.

The Carnegi family returned to the board, and the old Morgan's control is tighter. This is why CEO Ricki will choose to cooperate with James - Carnegi; because he is more furnishings under the power of the old Morgan.

It is even a little bit of industry laughter. Of course, it is a very important; emotion, Regenesis is graduated from Carnegiene, and the family conditions are difficult. If it is not a school to provide full scholarship, he has not hoped to enter college reading.

Listening to the name, I know that the Carnegiemei University has a relationship with the Carnegie family.

Carnegie Melon University, referred to as CMU; Pittsburgh, located in Pennsylvania, USA, is a university with 14,800 school students and 1,483 faculty and researchers. One of the allies.

The two founders of the University of Carnegie, Andrew Carnegi and Andrew Merlon are all pivotable people in the modern American modern. Carnegie is one of the four major financial valves in the early 20th century. Its wealth is at the second place throughout the human history, second only to the oil king Rockfeller. Mellon is the old parents of the famous bankers in the United States, the old parents of Meron Financial, and served as US finance ministers in 1921 to 1932, calendar in the three governments.

In 1900, Andrew Carneglone letter gave the government, willing to invest 1 million pounds to build a technical academy. Later, the government scored 32 hectares of land near Xiao Li Park built Carnegie Technology.

According to the idea of ​​Carnegie, the college will cultivate the industry specialized talent to the Tip Pittsburgh. Initially, the college includes scientific and technical schools (cultivating artists and assistant engineers); art schools (cultivating designers and craftsmen); cultivate apprentices and skilled schools in manufacturing and construction industries, and a training housewives and secretary Margaret - Morreson - Carnegie School.

Although it is mainly to cultivate talents in their own enterprises, it is necessary to establish a lot of outstanding talents in the school. The US National Steel Company CEO is the beneficiary, at least in reading, he wants to thank Andrew Carnegie and its future generations.

Because of the kindness of school reading, adding old Morgan usually overbearing. In Morgan's view, Ricki is not a Morgan family; it is just a spokesperson selected by the board of directors; can be trustworthy.

I didn't expect people who dared to join the Carnegi family, and he questioned themselves. It seems that the two people are not a day two days, but they just let the world look at the heritage of the Morgan family, but also let everyone understand. He can become a matters of the Morgan family, not just direct blood relationships, mainly personal abilities.

Old Morgan: "The company has decided very normal, the steel industry has been affected by the ship. At present, the shipping crisis is a world-oriented problem. The US shipyard is more powerful; there is almost no advantage in the market; Not an order. "

"In the addition of the Black Cloud Group to reduce orders, you feel that companies can't do it, and companies have to collapse."

"The National Iron and Steel Company has established more than a hundred years. What kind of wind waves have never seen. The Morgan family took over more than 80 years, and it is better than this more crisis."

"After joining the company from the Morgan family, shareholders have money every year. Ask several companies to do, now I want to run over and force the palace, it is really so interest."

"Since you want to know what to deal with measures, then I will talk."

"I don't know if I find out, the biggest investment in Baozi Xuan, the black cloud group; except the Headquarters of Xiangjiang, is Huaxia Continent."

"Although Japan's investment amount may be more, but the number of single rounds is definitely the focus of the Black Cloud Group's investment. It is only relatively inexpensive, while the labor cost is extremely low."

"Although the Morgan family has a little festive with the kid, there is a little acknowledgment. I have to grasp this piece of the business opportunity, and there are no one here to get him."

"Since the Black Cloud Group has passed China, then the US steel company can also be. To be used as soon as Huaxia, you may not know; Huaxia has increased the growth rate of steel demand in China in China, and it will definitely exceed everyone. "

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