Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1024 Graduation Ceremony 2

At this time, Baixuan is advised to say his mother at home. After all, it is a school named by Yulin. The first phase of graduation is not participating, it is obvious that it is not very good. Can Yulin's heart has decided, saying is useless.

Finally, Zhang Youran came out and said: "Since my mother doesn't want to go, then I will accompany her at home. You still don't understand your mother's mind, hurry, you can be late. As the host, late, it is very unprypped behavior."

Seeing the wife's constantly giving yourself, the first fortune can only give up. Originally, according to his will, the mother as a school-selling, attending the student graduation ceremony is normal, especially this is the first phase of students.

It's really confirmed that sentence, the woman's mind must not guess, anyway, guess, I don't understand.

In this way, it can only be a person who has passed by Bao Zixuan's past school, and his wife accompany her mother at home. But this is good, it is also quiet.

On Tuesday, July 10, 1984; Xiangjiang New Tianshui Wai Yulin Institute of Technology.

From the morning, the whole school became lively. Most of the students wear uniforms; of course, except for graduates, they have to wear a bachelor's service to accept the degree certificate granted by the school.

Baozi Xuan also deliberately founded the Ph.D. who worked in the year of Massachusetts. The degree is a serious thing, you must pay attention to it. Especially the first new graduates in the school need to give them a memories that are unforgettable.

As for the guests, the most powerful is a Japanese team. In addition to Panasonic Fortunately, Honda Zhaofeng, and Rice Sheng Hao has come to participate. At once, I will come to the four major operations of Japan, and it is estimated that in addition to the Japanese prime minister in this world, it is Bao Zi Xuan.

Here is a record here, and the four major operations of the four operations come over and participate in the event; except for the Japanese native, it is definitely the first time. It is Japanese native, nor is it very common. Four people are basically not very much, and they are different in the fields, sometimes it will be slightly embarrassed.

In addition to the four major operations of the holy, Sumitomo, Sumitomo, Sumitomo, Sumitomo, Summit, Son. Mitsubishi City Viosaki Hongyi; Suzuki Car Suzuki, Toyota Toyota, Toyota. It can be said that these people usually do not have to meet Japan, and they did not expect to meet in Xiangjiang.

These people are all pivotable people in Japan, absolutely crashed wings, business leaders. Can all come over, the river is definitely, it is quite to face; and it also confirms the status and components of the head of the head of the Japanese.

Many people have come in the Middle East, and the prince Surdan took a daughter, and Iraqi two masters were also personally. Hussein and Saids have attended; although Baozi Xuan does not want to see it,

Two after all, it belongs to school funders; in love, there is no problem with the graduation ceremony of the public.

The United States, Wheat Tiena, Phil-Hawkins and Louis-Rockefeller couples are active; let Bao Zi Xuan did not expect that Diana Rockefeller came over.

Anjila, England, has been expanding in the Xiangjiang River, which will of course come in this lively scene today.

It can be said that the single will be sufficient.

It's all celebrities, and media reporters are excited. Of course, which reporter is the happiest, Miss Abe Miss in the TV station. At the beginning of Bao Zixuan's invitation, it is not particularly care, thinking that it is a kind of victory to interviewing the other party, and I didn't expect to come over so many business crocodile. This time, an exclusive news, if the ratings are not going, that is, you can't.

As for other media, they can only be turned outside the Yulin Institute of Technology. Bao Zixuan did not invite, they didn't dare to be too arrogant. And it is a very important thing. Today, black clouds increase security power. No invitation, a bird can't enter.

Come over so many weights, if there is a problem in the school, Bun Zixuan also can't afford this responsibility. So this is the principle that I would like to kill, never let go. The Black Cloud Security Department has done multiple previews, and its purpose is to ensure that there is no loss.

But let the media reporters are incredible that Xiangjiang's local rich is not invited. This is simply unimaginable, what is the meaning of the head of the bag, and people don't understand.

Baozi Xuan Tong Huangdong has a good relationship, at least the public thinks so. Tong Li Chao, Hu Yingxiang, Li Zhai also has a situation. If you invite them, you will have to come over.

It may be a big idea that ordinary people will not understand for a while, it seems that it can only prove it.

Graduation Ceremony begins to start at ten o'clock in the morning, and everyone can talk to the sky.

Relatively speaking, the Japanese still united, but several royal members of the Middle East are very polite. The economy is in developing, and oil is also required to purchase oil from the Middle East. Seeing a piece of cloth on the head, the world's richest person, or respects to respect.

In front of the interest, there is a little low-key.

But it is not all friendly exchanges, including Diana Rockefeller and Angel Rosierd conflict in words. Two are all beautiful women, and they are not cool to see each other. Of course, there is a contradiction between the family, which has a deep origin.

There is such a sentence in the United States; the Democratic Party belongs to the Morgan family, and the Republican party belongs to the Lockefeller family ... and Rockefeller and Morgan have all belong to the Rosenie family.

The Rosenie family that constantly consolidates the right to financial domain control of the old continent is not willing to have an independent of the Western countries outside them. So they treated the impact of the United States through the development of the support of the Morgan Wealth Group, and strive to fully control the United States.

At that time, the Lockefeller family, DuPont family and Mellon family did not have strength against excessive powerful Rosierd families, so they used compromise. Citigroup, Morgan, US First Second National Bank is in indirect control of the Rosenie family, and the Rosielda family reached his first peak.

However, due to excessive tuning funds to control the new continent, the Rosenie family has fallen rapidly in the old continent. Bismarck Prime Minister grabbed this Tianzhi, and established a German Bank through the law of law, and quickly formed a new Room 4 major banks through industrialization and a series of dazzled mergers and acquisitions.

Europe has risen new financial groups. The excessive crime of capitalism and the shortage of demand have led to an outbreak of a war. The Rockefi family, DuPont family, Morgan family and Mellon family seized the Rosierd family influence due to the chance to fall due to war, and launched counterattacks in the United States and tried to get rid of controlled fate.

This attempt seems to be successful at the end of the battle, and the United States got rid of long-term debt. But with the counterattack of the Rosena family, the United States 4 major families found their own power or unable to fight the Rosierde family. The Rolls of the Rolls is suffering in a heavy losses in the war, and the German consortium consisting of 4 major banks in Deutsche will also succumb to the will of the Rosien family. The Rosielda family reached its second peak and the highest peak: controlling the global financial lifeline.

It is a good reason to be in a reimachability. The World War I broke out, the Rosielda family planned a major mistake, making the family forces suffer. In addition to the United States to replace the UK and become new things in Western world. Morgan and the Rockefeller family just seized the opportunity and took the opportunity to counterattack. The Roselde family that makes this is in the wind and rain, there is no strength to fight against the US emerging power, and the final result can be imagined.

The younger brother has driven out of the US market, and the influence is even more than a thousand feet. Especially after entering the 1960s, the international economy has undergone earth-shaking changes, Japan, the rise of the West Germany. Make the Rosenian family influence, more than the general period of time.

But the things in the bones are difficult to change; in Anjira-Ros, the Lockefeller family; just a millennium, may even be lower. Actually dared to Yao Wuyang in front of the owner, and the heart will certainly be unhappy.

As for Diana Rockefeller, I saw this self-intention of the Rosenie family, and it was very uncomfortable. It is now not a hundred years ago, Rosierd is in charge of the world's economic order. In terms of strength, the Rockefeller family does not necessarily be much better than the Rose, may be more powerful. It is necessary to know that the Western rights have been transferred, and it is not that the day does not fall to the Empire, but become a US.

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