Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1025 Graduation Celebration

The family contradicts, plus all the purpose of each other is not simple; at the same time, the two are beautiful women, and they are not cool to see each other. If a woman is getting stronger, it is more powerful than a man. Especially two women with too many contradictions, stories.

Diana Rockefeller is thinking is a big beauty, but no matter whether it is admitted; compared to Angela Rose, there is no advantage in appearance. Xiangjiang bag is not a secret, but the two women's understanding of men. Always think that Zhang Changran and Bunxuan will not have been walking.

You may separate, even divorce. The most married is the impulse, it can't mean anything. After all, there are too many cars in both men and women. At least in the career, Zhang Tiran can't give too much support for men; even dragging the legs. In fact, many analysts and media people have evaluated, and the woman who is in the door is most beneficial to the bag.

Among them, Rathel-Morgan did the first, and the second is Diana Rockefeller. Now Bunzi Xuan and the Morgan family are very unpleasant, so the ranking is definitely impossible. At first, the second is not intended, but it is until Bunzi Xuan married; Miss Rockefeller discovers that there is really no man than that of Bunxuan.

At this time, the biggest wish is to promote men divorce and may have become one of the key points. Originally, today is very good, Bao Zixuan is just a person, indicating that so-called wife, more is a furnish. The two did not love so loving; as for marriage, more is to have an explanation of the mother.

But when Anjila Roosen is appearing, let Diana Rockefeller realize that things have changed. This beauty is a huge threat to her; no matter where you are, or your appearance, knowledge, of course, it may not be better than her. And the other party has long been in Xiangjiang, such a beautiful woman is around; Baozi Xuan is a man, it is really not thinking down.

For Zhang Hairan, the lady Lockefeller is not placed in the eyes. But the woman of the Rosenian family, can't pay attention. Do they also break the tradition, not to say that family women are not married!

I don't think it is, Bun Zixuan is a kind of man. Angel Rosierd If you don't want to marry uncle or a brother, Bao Zi Xuan is really an ideal choice. If you choose an ordinary person, you will definitely don't hold the Rosen's anger. At the same time, this little man does not necessarily look.

Diana Rockefeller is first quiet, after all, the family is different. If the two top families carefully, you will find that there is not much place for women of Rosenie family, or they cannot always marry and get married. In contrast, the Women's status of the Rockefeller family is high, and at least the family is not so messy. Marriage may be more free, as long as the family is suitable, you are a young youth, you can choose.

Miss Rockefeller smiled and said: "Who is it!

I heard that you have recently been active in Asia, is it a family that uncle's uncle is looking for you, I want to hide the net. "

"But still have to follow the traditional, escaping is always not a way."

The marriage method of the Rosena family is difficult to accept and recognize. However, after all, it is a personal matter, it is not good to evaluate. At the same time, I have to take into account the identity and status of the other party. If you seriously pursue it, you can have a few people to withstand their anger.

Now, Diana Rockefeller said directly in such an important occasion; but the people play his face. Although the Roschild family is very good; can be thin and dead, the attacker is big, authority is not provocative.

Although Angela Rosierd is very angry, it is still very elegant, smiling and said: "How can Lockfeller can come, I can't come. Here is Xiangjiang, but it is not the United States."

"Miss Rockefeller is not far away. I am afraid that the purpose is not just. I have advised you to say that people have a wife. Don't always remember the husband, see if you look good, the family is not bad. Should not miss the man Always like to grab! "

"Some time in Xiangjiang is a long time, I learned a idiom. The melon is not sweet, I hope that Miss Rockefeller is good."

This is straightforward, the surface is elegant, does not mean that it is bullied by people. The gentleman revenge is not too late. The woman revenge does not like overnight, and it is still very reasonable.

It is the two women who have struggled, and many people have to take into account two power. It is also a pleasure to look at it and help it.

At the moment, it is not a strong head, and everyone will have to sin. And even if you are helped, you will not read you. Instead, I will feel that I can't look down on myself, and the strength is weak.

This feeling is very good now, and the right is to watch.

Although the purpose is, it is always not good to grab other women's husbands. If you spread it in the circle, the reputation can be destroyed, and it is difficult to shake it.

Diana Rockefeller said with a smile: "Roschier is thinking about the day! Best bought the Yulin Institute of Technology to recruit employees, just catch up with the first phase of the graduation ceremony. Take a look at it is normal, but you seem The company's company has no recruitment plan. "

"This is not right, it should be invited at all."

Yulin Institute of Science and Technology, is also a famous gas in the circle. At least for Bao Zixuan's ability, no one will doubt. There is such an outstanding principal to join in combination with many well-known professors; believe that students will not be too bad.

And the first phase of graduates have only 5,000, many of which are targeted, absolutely less than wolf. Baozi Xuan as a Best Buy big shareholder, and is also a joint founder. Of course, take care of it, so Best Buy can enroll in Yulin Institute of Technology, and it is also a special care.

In contrast, there is no such treatment in the Rosenian family.

It is very obvious that I have justified justice. You are actively going to post, but there are not only ironic, but also with a knife.

And the fact is true, the Roschild family has no invitation; at least they are not in the list of entries in the Yulin Institute of Technology.

At this point, people look at Miss Rosierd, I want to see how this big beauty moves back to this game.

Sure enough, Anjira-Rosierd said with a smile: "The recruitment plan of the Rosenie family's company is not used to report to the Rockefeller family!"

"Of course, the Rockefeller family has any plans, nor does it report; this is very good. Don't think that it is developing, you can restless this."

Killing people, meaning is obvious, don't forget that you have identified yourself. Even now, the strength is strong, and prestige is the same.

When this is turned out, the atmosphere at the scene became strange, and the two beautiful women were really awkward. It is publicly exposed to the shortcomings of the other family.

If it is two families, or the truly executives say this. It may lead to direct games, so two from these strict sense, they can't represent their families.

For the identity of the younger brother, the Rockefeller family person knows. Heroes don't ask, it is strong enough.

It is still very difficult to accept it by the public. After all, they are Rockefeller, a strong family that is enough to affect the whole world.

It is good to have no maintenance in embarrassing situation. The graduation ceremony will begin soon.

The person next to began to scream down, and quickly let the two separate. It is not the owner of the province, it is estimated that everyone will go home.

If you are arguing in the middle of the graduation ceremony, the situation must be very embarrassed. Come over, you can't fight.

The two don't know how to do it, I just finished it. Confucian people are on the one hand, and the loss of talents is a big event. And here is Bun Zixuan's site, let the owner know how to think of them.

How can such a woman becomes a sages, and they will have doubts.

It is still the same as the other party, this is the true idea of ​​the two. It is better to hide a quiet, seeing the other party.

So there was a strange situation in the future, as long as Diana Rockefeller appeared, Angel Roschieldo will never go. As long as there is a party invited Angela-Rosen, Diana Rockefeller will not come over. No matter what, it can be seen that this matter is big for the two people;

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