Since it is mentioned in Gao Zhong Lang, it means that Bunzi Xuan is very unhappy. Just listen to the principal, how to evaluate this student. The other party is Japanese, and it is still a young man who has just graduated. With idol temperament, no matter how men and women like. The TV desk is very important, and it can even be a measure of metrics.

Gao Zhong Shu is very representative, and the genius of the ordinary engineer is born, and Japanese high school students are famous. There is no superior resources of the giant children, and it is not as tears like poor children. It is currently the most people in Japan, which is very resonant for middle class families.

Abe Meiji: "Strictly speaking, Yulin Institute of Technology is a Xiangjiang University. After all, the principal is Xiangjiang people, and the university is also in Xiangjiang. However, the top two of the graduates to Japanese and Germans, especially the first A Gangang Second; you have added many times. I don't know what purpose is to make this arrangement for the school. "

"How much people in Gao Lang, I actually get so respect of the pilot."

The most poisonous woman, saying that it is right. In front of me, the beauty of the beauty is obvious, and the first two will be given to foreigners, and there is no ingredients in it. If you can't say a child, the public is really thinking in this regard.

Bao Zixuan: "Yulin Institute of Technology is a university, but also in accordance with the world's first-class institutions. Education is the first principle, no one can change. The science and engineering achievements are very confirmed, who is high, patent Many, the papers are novel. You must not falsify a fake, and the Gao Wan Lang is the first place. "

"University education should give up the door, don't look at which country and region students, don't read skin color. As long as you learn serious hard, which classmate can solve the problem. Educate is equal, no one Can't have privileges. "

"Let's mention the high level of students to the high, which is harmful to him. During the university reading period, you can meet vanity, but the society is extremely cruel. Competition is almost people, but the heart will be bigger. I know you in school. Excellent performance, inevitably compare you, even right. "

"The school is impossible to give the first one to achieve bad achievements, and the Yulin Institute of Technology does not allow this kind of thing. As for you why I pushed the Chonghuo Lang classmate, the time will prove everything."

"Now he is still a little tender, I hope you don't bother him. This is unfavorable, the science and technology workers should not live under the exposure lights and cameras."

"Gao Zhong Shu's programming ability is not much weaker than me. Just some ideas are not bold enough, and I only lack some divergent thinking compared to me. Maybe it is related to the small life environment, but it is absolutely leader in the same age. "

"In the future, Japanese computer field,

There must be his place. But it may take a year, five years or ten years. It is necessary to see the opportunity. In fact, it is not enough to see Sony's support for him. "

Push the pot directly to Sony and Shengtian Zhao, Bun Zixuan did not tell him. However, if you know this, you will definitely be uncomfortable. At the same time, I will definitely think that success is accurate, failure is Sony and I support is not enough. Good words make your kid to say, it is really unable to suffer.

Although it is famous, it can be a small reporter after all. The game between the big men, there is no big relationship with her. And whether Sony or Black Cloud is better than his family, or not to participate.

Abe Mei Nai said with a smile: "Then let us wait and see, as the Japanese really hopes that there is a super genius like the packet principal. Although it feels impossible, it is still looking forward to."

"Black cloud town project is also your domain; relying on a company, a person's strength building a city, do not know if there is any pressure to you. At the same time, do you want to create a description of the black cloud town, can you reveal in advance? To meet the curiosity of the audience. "

The ability to transfer the topic of beauty reporters is not weak, if it is not good to estimate this line. In fact, the head is in the heart of understanding, and many things are not good. The rabbit is pressing in a hurry, let alone the old fox of Tamada Zhaov.

Bao Zixuan: "In fact, it is not just that I am alone, and the Black Cloud Group has a million employees; it is us together. Just as a chairman, it needs to take the head."

"If it is a person's pressure, it will inevitably, can be shared together, do not say no pressure, at least feel not so obvious."

"Black Cloud Town will become a benchmark for future urban construction. I don't like high-rise buildings. I don't just increase huge costs, but I will have a hassle for decades, and I will be troubled after hundreds of years. We don't say this The children will seek more welfare, but at least can't add. "

"Sustainable development is very important. The maintenance cost of high-rise buildings is very high. At least double the underlying building, more energy consumption. Black cloud town does not have too high architecture, and the group headquarters on the construction of 7 floors "

"In addition to being built, Black Cloud Bank Headquarters, and supporting hotels. Others can not exceed the group headquarters, as for how big the land, depending on the situation of each subsidiary."

"In fact, there are too far from the planet. There are many places on the earth. The land is expensive is not an excuse to build high-rise buildings. It is a waste. The future Black Cloud Group will increase funds for transforming the desert, so the Middle East investment It is necessary. Take Saudi as an example, as long as they take a 10% desert area, install solar panels, you can meet the electricity consumption of the entire Arabian Peninsula. "

"The thermal electricity pollution is too large, the nuclear power is too dangerous; the seasonality of hydropower and wind power is very unstable. Therefore, solar power will become a situation. After the completion of the black cloud town, Miss Abe can come over."

"At the same time, we will use the underground space and high-altitude space to have subway below the road; there is a garage and other facilities under the building. The high bridge and expressway must be set up; Blocking phenomenon. "

"At this time, the energy consumption will also make changes. The appearance will use a large number of solar panels. In sufficient sunlight, any building does not need to use other power supply assistance. Although according to the calculation, there is currently only the group headquarters can do, but technology It has been progressing, and the R & D of Black Cloud has never stopped. For this request, our entire team has absolute confidence. "

If Bao Zixuan's words, there is no great sensation at the time. Some so-called experts, but think they are too tonal. Until the explosion of the Soviet Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and the whole world is in the energy crisis, plus environmental pollution; all people have no emotion, the richest is the richest, I have already thought of everyone in front.

Abe Meijo: "The pilot president is worthy of super genius, although many things don't understand, even feel very science fiction. Maybe the gap between the genius peace, is really looking forward to the day of the realization."

"You said that I waited until the construction of the black cloud town was completed. I invited me to come over and experience. I am really, the pilot can not yet."

"Many economists have considered; the Japanese economy will exceed the United States at the end of this century; what do you see about this?"

What can you still look at it? However, the reporter asked, must have answered. Bao Zi Xuan said: "I have lived in the United States for a few years. I have some understanding of it. Can the Japanese economy beyond the United States, it is really not much evaluation."

"After all, this is something between two countries, affecting too much factor. Maybe a good policy can make a country economy change; and then it is true."

"The United States is in science and technology, it is in a definitely leader; this is an unexpected fact, it is difficult to surpass in a short period of time. At the same time, two countries have a certain gap. I don't believe in the hard work and efforts of Japanese people. It's just not optimistic. "

"The Black Cloud Group is the most Japanese executives, and there is no doubt about the working ability of the Japanese."

Baozi Xuan's meaning is obvious, he does not think Japan can surpass the United States in economical. In fact, there is still a little, there is no powerful military strength, no one can knock you. Americans can do not worry about this, they don't play someone is a good thing.

It's really to talk, but you will feel that you don't have your heart, it is to find trouble yourself. The game and competition between the state, a businessman is really not involved.

As long as you don't want to die too ugly, take care of yourself more important than anything.

After that, Abe Meikai asked several questions, Baozi Xuan was very fit. At least the Japanese beauty reporter is very satisfied, it seems that some rumors are not credible. There were not many times before they were accepted, and they had a conflict with the reporter; giving people a description, the first rich bag didn't like to accept visit. That is nothing; just don't like individual media. After all, no one is willing to accept the media interview with yourself, everyone will not be happy.

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