Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1032 Oil Industry Chain

Abe Meiki also went to the interview with others, and there were many big people who came over. It is difficult to convene them together in Japan, and it is estimated that Bunzi has this strength and ability.

Other graduates, after chatting with the subsidiaries, come over to find Bao Zi Xuan asking a photo. This is a rare moment, although tuition fees have been funded; but for principals, students are still given respect. If there is no principal, they will not have such a superior treatment, and it is more impossible to learn such a frontier expertise. Do not do other people, there is no ability, after all, everyone has a brain.

After the graduation ceremony, the banquet time begins. The school is carefully prepared for students, parents, and guests to prepare rich meals. In the food, Baozi Xuan's company, institution, school, etc., never disappointed.

Most of them are students, so they have not prepared wine. Drinking is not good, and in the future, they are opportunities to drink. Although Bunzu Xuan himself likes to drink, but in school, it is a prohibition. There are too many Arabs, and if you drink alcohol in the school, you may cause national contradictions.

In addition, many countries have stipulated for drinking, young people under the age of 21 cannot drink alcohol. Destroying the national tradition, violating his national laws, regulations, the first rich will never do it.

He needs to stand in the Middle East, although it is currently very stable. Before things don't have dust, pay special attention, can't have a little error.

It is publicly encouraged to drink alcohol in the Middle East and will definitely be provocative. People are very respectful, but you violate people traditions. The final result can be imagined, many things belong to the red line, and resolutely can't touch it.

No alcohol is not a seat, so the banquet does not last too long. The next day I want to find Bao Zi Xuan negotiating, the teaching strength and model of the Yulin Institute of Technology, the guests are still very recognized.

No business, that country does not need talents; but talents are hard to recruit, and loyalty is not enough. I have cultivated myself, and I can improve the integrated technology strength of the company and the country.

I haven't waited for the next day, someone came over and visited the head of the bag. It seems that the other party is really anxious, or it is impossible to do so no matter.

Iraqi two masses know that it will not be able to go to yourself tomorrow. After all, there are too many people who come over, they will come over to find Bunxuan. And his identity is embarrassing, it has a position in your position. In Xiangjiang can't wait too long, it is from causing some unnecessary misunderstandings.

Bao Zixuan did not go home today, time is late. And I have to negotiate with the Japanese tomorrow, and it is necessary to raise a sharp turn. This is a very savvy, and it is easy to fall into the ditch.

Iraqi two masters visited,

The bodyguards did not dare to neglect. Many people are born with privileges, who makes people have a good old man.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "The second son has not rest so late, is there any urgent matter."

How can I have a good rest, Iraq is now in what state, it is clear than anyone. After a long war, the previous foreign exchange reserves have been exhausted; if you can't make a change, don't say what country is rich, and the people have dinner.

Baozi Xuan is absolutely a magical figure, as long as he has invested in the past, the economy will inevitably develop. And the two masses saw the true strength of the Yulin Institute of Technology, I called to communicate with the old man in the first time. After receiving the authorization and full support of the president, come over the buns.

At the same time, I have already thought about it, even if you chase your home, you have to set things down. Taken the things before taking advantage of other people.

In fact, no one wants to meet the Bunxuan, but it is only. The two masters are young, whether it is diplomatic, or in the mall, negotiating experience is serious. It is the so-called chaos to kill the master, not the opportunity to refuse to the other party, maybe it is also a magic weapon to win.

The two masters said very seriously: "In fact, I don't take you a joke. This time I seek help and support. The long two war makes the country almost ten years ago, at this time, there is not much poor two white, and it is estimated that it is similar."

"It's good to invest in the black cloud group. It is solved the urgent need; but in a country, a company investment can be described as a drop in the bucket. I can't solve too big problems. I also know that I can't always ask Mr. Bao; can be really not too Good way. In Xiangjiang, in addition to knowing you, I am not familiar with others. "

"I hope to look at the passing of the past, I can give Iraq to a bright road. Not afraid of you jokes, our father and son are outside how to develop the economy. But you absolutely belong to the economically authorities, from private wealth to the world Can see it. "

"In addition to oil resources, Iraq is now developing two river watershed tourism. I really don't know how to develop in that direction. But a country with 40 million people, I can't always think about the petroleum. I have to develop other industries, only Implement a diversified operation; in the future international competition, it will occupy a place. "

It seems that the other party is ready, it is estimated that this rhetoric is also practiced for a long time. Otherwise, it is impossible to fluently, and the regulations are so clear.

It is important to support the support of Imagi Ira, Iraq. After all, in any case, the other party is currently the first military power in the Arab world. At the same time, it can also contain part of the United States, although small, it is basically enough.

Bao Zixuan: "I don't know how much II knows how much the oil industry is clear, it is clear about the petroleum derivative."

To be honest, because of the two Iraq, and the reason for the Western world blockade. The Iraqi oil industry is still the original, that is, exploits crude oil and sells directly. But after all, it is the fourth largest country in the world's oil reserves, as a leader or knows it. If the oil trade is problematic, then Iraq can really don't have anything.

The other party is obviously taking him, but there is no unhappy. Asking people is on the one hand, the most important each other will definitely think about anything, otherwise there will be no such concerns.

Second Board: "Petroleum derivatives can be divided into two categories of petroleum fuel, petroleum solvent and chemical raw materials, lubricants, paraffin, petroleum asphalt, oil coke."

"Among them, various fuel yields have a maximum of 90% of total production; the varieties of various lubricants are most, and the output is about 5%. All countries have formulated product standards to adapt to production and use."

I heard the answer to the other party, the head of the bag is still more satisfied. At least proves that this kid is not a two-story owner, knowing what the country needs.

Bunzi Xuan: "Among them, fuel oil; it is used as a fuel for boilers, ships and industrial furnaces. This is clear, don't say more; we can sit on other aspects."

"Petroleum solvent; can be used for flavor, grease, reagents, rubber processing, coating industries, solvent, or cleaning instruments, instruments, mechanical parts."

"Paraffin oil; including paraffin, land wax, petroleum fat, etc. Paraffin wax mainly packaging materials, cosmetic raw materials and waxy products, can also be fatty acids for chemical raw materials."

"Lubricating oil; from oil-made lubricant accounts for about 95% of the total lubricant yield. In addition to lubricating performance, it also has the effect of cooling, sealing, anti-corrosion, insulation, cleaning, transfer energy. Yield is an internal combustion engine oil The rest is a gear oil, hydraulic oil, steam turbine oil, electrical insulating oil, compressor oil, a total of 40%. Commodity lubricants are graded by viscosity, high load, low speed, low speed, and low viscosity oil. The refining device produces a base oil made of various refining processes, plus additives, therefore has special functions, additional output value. "

"Grease", commonly known as butter, is a solid or semi-fluid made of a lubricant thickening agent for use in the bearing and gear portion of the lubricating oil.

"Petroleum asphalt; mainly for roads, construction."

"Petroleum focus; for metallurgy, chemical industry to do electrode."

"Iraq can create a modern oil industry chain in the country. The Middle East is not, oil is not lacking; this can maximize oil profits. By driving through the oil industry to create industrial systems suitable for the entire country."

"The Black Cloud Group can take the lead in investment, but the light is not very influential; you can invite the European and American oil industry giants to go, they are rich in experience."

"But the premise is good, the economy will certainly develop, but the pollution is also existed. Iraqi can take a region separately, so as not to cause impact on tourism."

I heard the analysis of Bao Zixuan, the two son knows, it is really going to place. Before the light can earn a few more money, it is now monopolizing the entire industrial chain. Inviting the European and American oil giants, although this is not willing, this is also a way. Benefits must be recognized by the international community. Tax in Iraq, other who cares about.

As for the pollution environment, the two masters immediately thought of a good place. Where is the Northern Iraq, where is it right. This time, it is not going to suppress, but I will build a factory to develop the economy.

The Kurdor is not a general call? That is fair, helping them to develop the economy. Before there can be a little oil and water, the national finance is still a lot of money every year, and this time it is better to get back.

Absolutely a belly black, Iraqi Kurt's Special Zone is established; all is the oil-related industry. How much is the Kurdr in this case, how painful industries have been processed after a few years.

Second Mon: "Thank you for your recommendations, after going back, you will be carefully examined, do it seriously. As a friend of Iraq, Iraqi students can come over the Yulin Institute of Technology. Even if the country's financial is difficult, it must cultivate their own talents. I hope that you can give more places, it is trick. "

I still stand up to Bunxuan, thank you.

The first fortune can not be big, the two ages are almost the same, what is the other person in the future, it doesn't have to doubt it, it is the key.

Hurry and stand up: "What are you doing, our age is similar, and chat is very vital; everyone is a friend. I heard that you have just married, I am also a new marriage. I can become a family; next time do not do that."

"From this year, the enrollment of Yulin Institute of Technology will be tilted against the Iraqi area. But as long as the best students, I hope that the two masters can understand."

At the time, I joked, I didn't expect it to come true after a few years; I can only say that people can.

Yulin Institute of Technology let the students lit the national flag of the motherland and sing the national anthem in Monday; it is much stronger than European and American universities. Come with you can't worry, cultivate non-patriotic students.

The second mother said, no problem, of course, the best student. Iraq's basic education itself is not good. If you send ordinary students, there will be no meaning.

With a satisfactory smile, the two sons left Bun Zixuan's residence. At the same time, I didn't do anything, I flew back to Iraq next morning.

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