Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1033 Surdan's Requirements

Bao Zixuan can see from the two masses, and the other party obviously has found the location of the industrial zone. It seems that sometimes I can't figure out my mind; the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, the bigger the responsibility, the bigger is correct. He now, it may make a decision will let hundreds of people lose their jobs, or even life.

If you have any words, some things don't do, others will do. And it may be more excessive, which is more hurt. It is not merciful, and it is unreported.

I don't know what happened, especially the well-known people in the past, I can't help it. Always love the show. It is estimated that there is still a silk attribute in your heart, and may have been deep into the bones.

I didn't know that I haven't been sleeping in the middle of the night. Pick up a glass of wine and started to drink, and I will negotiate with all the allocover tomorrow. Although I don't know the specific result, I feel that it will not be poor. Because the relationship between the Black Cloud Group, the world is aware of the important position of the computer. One of Japan is one of the hegemon of electronics, it is impossible to set out. Bunxuan is to participate in it, especially the operating system.

At present, the world's computer field, the operating system is divided into several genres. Among them, the first is the Black Cloud Group, but the black cloud uses a closed loop system, only in the inside of their own computer.

Secondly, the US Microsoft, basically most of the world's computer manufacturers use their operating system. At the time, Apple, like the black cloud, is also installed on the computer installed.

Although the three are American companies, black clouds may not even be alone. Americans never make Bun Zixuan as their own person, and the same bag is not likely to become American.

The goal is too obvious, it is easy to be targeted. If the Japanese participate in the participation, it is bound to share some pressure. At that time Americans want to do, they should consider the feelings of the Japanese. And let Japanese companies compete with Microsoft, and may not be bad. As long as the Japanese people keep the local market, then it is a victory.

It seems that it is necessary to increase the cooperation of Japanese companies, at least before the Soviet Union, there is another honeymoon period. The Black Cloud Group is only a very far in some high-end sectors, and the basic scientific research is still far away. Japanese people have obvious advantages in many areas, they can take advantage of their opportunities to get what they want. Maybe both sides are this purpose, and they will see who's book is bigger.

As for Saudi, Bun Zixuan is not very worried. Although Americans have been observed that the number of domestic bonds in the Middle East is significantly reduced, but the products purchased by the Soviet Union are increasing. It is not much to say anything, after all, just buy steel and black soil, is not an important control material; it is not good transition intervention. If you are anxious, go down to the Soviet Union; Americans may have repentance.

As for others, especially Hussein, Baozi Xuan does not wait for him.

However, since it has come, and you need him before the Hupi Irand. The face is still to give, and the right to exercise.

Early the next morning, Baozi Xuan took a talks with the Prince of Sherun Bank. For this sort, no one has opinion, no one dares to have comments. How to say that the other party is also the prince level, Saudi 3rd character. If you are really unhappy, it is estimated that the displacement of Japanese cars should become smaller.

I don't know what the princes of Surdan mean. Others are brought by their wife. Only she is an exception, actually with her daughter. Is it too ugly that a wife is too ugly? The Middle East itself is a place where the beauty is beautiful, and the other party as the prince can marry 8 wives. There is always one or two beautiful!

Asa as a princess, the length is very sweet. Combined with the long phase of Surd, it means that the mother is definitely a big beauty. But this is a private matter, nor does it ask.

In fact, Bao Zixuan still does not understand the custom of the Middle East, especially the status of Arab women. It may be that there is only the highest women in Huaxia region, even more than Farans, who is paying attention to feminism. Other countries and regions, it is still worse, the Middle East is even more.

In Saudi Arabia, women are basically impossible to appear in diplomacy and business. Although it has improved in recent years, it will take care of the women who marry. Aisha is a special case, which is not married, and works at the TV station. Plus Surdan Prince love, there is no so many frames.

Moreover, the Xiangjiang is also for work, although only a TV station is invited. But no one dares to reject the princess's interview, and if you ask questions, you must carefully answer. Aisha also feels unfortunately, there is no team to come in, but let the Japanese reporters account for cheap. Fortunately, you can slowly sort it after you go back.

Today, my father came over with Baoxuan negotiating, which can be the first piece of information; I can put it out to the role of exciting. The most important thing can increase the influence of the father in the heart of the Saudi; from a small life in the royal family, of course, the throne means anything.

Saudi uses brothers and systems, although Surd is not a prince. As long as the old king die, will become a king, there is a big chance to become the king.

If you want to get the subject, the blood is a matter; it is also very important to contribute to the country and people. Work on TV, this is not a unique condition! Can help your father become a king who is being supported, then her princess will inevitably grow high. Everything is interest, if in the royal family; the idea and mind are too simple, it is difficult to survive.

In fact, there is still a little, Aisa is very interested in Bunzu Xuan. Whether in Saudi, or France. This man has left a deep impression, although he heard that the other party has been married. It is really not so important in the Middle East. Although the instinct is a giving birth to a wife, it is because of the young girl, it is better than the girl in other regions.

Bao Zixuan didn't know what happened, this will attract the girl like this. Maybe because of money, it may be because of what else. Now the days are good, there is no need to provoke. It is estimated that you can't hold it, after all, many things are not allowed.

Baozi Xuan said seriously: "Welcome the arrival of the Prince His Temple, yesterday is too busy. Some idle, please forgive me."

In fact, in this point, the prince of Surin expressed her understanding. Yesterday, the school graduation ceremony, Bunzi Xuan is an absolute protagonist. This school is created by him, and it is imagined that the feelings of students.

The Prince Surdan said with a smile: "Everyone understands, and yesterday, I just negotiated some of the cooperation matters with several Japanese businessmen. Saudi wants to achieve the country's rich people, can not always stare at the oil."

"Other industries should also strengthen, last time you said the glass manufacturing industry. At present, Germany and Japanese companies have been invited, although the cost of paying is large, but everything is worth it for Saudi."

"Now I found that it is not only our Saudi; the world is very many countries, thinking that it is also the most enjoyable with the black cloud group. Your kid does never like to take advantage of it, money is earned. This It is the essence of entrepreneurship, and only both parties are equal, cooperation can last long. "

"Saudi is executing in accordance with your economic plan, when there is time to see it. Although there is no black cloud town, but I don't think it will be poor. I have to go to Huaxia mainland tomorrow, discuss the increase in Huaxia workers in the past Saudi Work Time. "

"It's true that the Chinese workers are indeed the most duty of the world. There is a worker who has no regrets. The country wants to develop difficult. It is difficult to discover the Saudi, really want to study hard. Maybe The conditions and treatment are too superior, and it is not good. "

I didn't expect that Surdan's princes had such a feeling, it seems that Baozi Xuan's goodwill has spread throughout the world. This is a business card. It is exactly that it is a pass for any investment in any country in the world. It is a blessing, but it is still a bit.

Huaxia workers are very worthy of affirmation, and the famous gas has already played. The people in this era are relatively simple. Can make money, let your family live a happy life, may be the only goal.

And not everyone has the opportunity to go abroad, everyone is very cherished. Solve the problem of labor saturation, foreign exchange reserves, and per capita income issues from the side, and Baozi Xuan also made a good thing.

But in my heart, there is a little concern, with the increase of the working workers. It is inevitable that someone will play from it, what is wrong, to remind relevant departments, waiting for two days to see a Huo Yingdong. Although it is not very willing, after all, it is involved in compatriots, can help, it is really not to stand by.

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