Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1034 Surdan's requirements

When the old guy, he couldn't use more things, came over to negotiate, not an old friend. In what it means, Bunzi Xuan really can't understand. But where the other party is placed, it is still necessary to should hes, so you don't want to go down.

To put it bluntly or younger, maybe there is a factor that wants to hurry. Not anyone has a chance, let the princes of Surdan have narrowed. How do these people say that a world's first larger oil country Saudi's three real rights; if it is an ordinary person, don't talk to others, there may be no chance to meet. Baozi Xuan is also a blessing in Fuzhong; can say it back, now the head is rich; the influence in the world will only be higher than the prince.

In the general country and polite, Baozi Xuan's importance is even higher than the King of Saudi. After all, the bag is rich and can travel to the local economy, and the King of Saudi is coming, it also needs to bear a large security fee. As for the investment, it is almost impossible. Therefore, Surdan did not have too many senses in front of Bunzi Xuan.

Bao Zi Xuan: "Saudi economy is in progress, very expectation. Minigures may be developed by a single industry, but for the big country must achieve diversified operations. Especially in the field of industrial and agriculture, it is even more faked to people. If you do that, after you encounter a crisis, you can't imagine. "

I heard Bun Zi Xuan said that Surdan is very recognized. A few Middle East War, the Arab world countries did not take advantage of it, and it is necessary to know that the population can be several times the Israel, and the strategy is surrounded. However, it is just that people, of course, with the braveness of the Israeli National Defense Force, is not afraid of sacrifice. But the most direct reasons, or because of the weapons issue.

The United States is supported by Israel, absolutely unprecedented, even more winning in the Second World War II. Usually, I am so good, once the Arab countries enter the war status with Israel. Even a bullet will not sell you, this is the gap.

If the Arab world can produce weapons themselves, it is fear of embargo and blockade of Europe and the United States.

The agriculture is still not reflected, but the Saudi people are nomads; of course, knowing the importance of food, Baozi Xuan will definitely count the true friends of the Saudi people. If you don't make a vote, you will take the kind of money like other businessmen.

Prince Surdan: "You are right, Saudi must have its own industrial and agricultural system. We can solve the funds, but the technology needs you to help. Yesterday, the same Japanese business talks, they are interested. In the past, Saudi is invested. It is only a little harsh, and there is no final determination. "

"Although I know some excessive, I hope that the Black Cloud Group can participate in the process of cooperation with Japan. Even if it is a bit of shares, the Japanese will inevitably have a scruple."

The Japanese must make a special excessive request, or the prince of Surdan will not say that with the character of Saudi people.

It seems that the reputation is very important; people are bullying you, and there is no way to speak.

This is the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi Xuan to do a block, from the previous two parties, become three-party cooperation. It is a good thing to the Black Cloud Group, but it is also a bad thing. Energy, limited funds is on the one hand. This will be sinful Japanese companies, and it is not a family. At this time, Bunzi Xuan is also weighing and cons. To do so, it is more advantageous to the Black Cloud Group.

Bunzi Xuan: "The Black Cloud Group has a lot of investment in Saudi, and if you participate in the Japanese business. It is easy to cause unnecessary misunderstandings, but it will be counterproductive."

"At present, West Germany and Japan are very competitive in the international market. When you go to Japan, you can visit West Germany at the same time, you can visit West Germany. At that time, the initiative is in Saudi, how to say Japan's oil needs to rely on your country. "

"It is very important to prepare technical information in advance. If you don't understand, you can let the Yulin Institute of Technology will accompany you, at least in technology will not be pitted."

Talk to this kid is happy, really efficient. On the occasion of yourself, people have resolved all the questions. Although I didn't get the final result, I was able to listen to the feeling of feelings.

The Prince Surdan said with a smile: "It is a way to have a way. It seems that you should recommend the king. You should take you as a Saudi economic consultant, and the conditions will be mentioned."

"This is the luck of Saudi, but it is also the unfortunate of the Japanese, who let them meet you."

"Before Saudi is preparing to set up a nursing institution, it is the science and engineering university that is different from Saudi, Yulin Institute of Technology. But come over, especially the hardware and software strength of the Yulin Institute of Technology, and after the level of students. I reported on the country overnight. "

"The king and the king reserves, completely based on the scale and architecture of Xiangjiang, the Jade River Science Institute. All facilities and conditions are required; and will be recruiting for the whole world. As long as it is a professor, Regardless of the cost of spending, it is necessary to dig people. "

What is the meaning of the other party, completely copy. Others are good, the land environment, the climate conditions can be different. Xiangjiang belongs to the ocean climate, and the large land of Saudi is a desert. If the cost of building in Xiangjiang is 1, Saudi is at least 1.5, or even more. Money is not this flower law, I really don't know what to say.

Since the other party wants, give them. The drawings must be appropriately modified, many internal confidential facilities, absolutely unusable. The American agent in the Saudi area will not be less. If you really have the building structure of Yulin Institute of Technology; on the ground, the underground is clear, in case yourself, Bao Zi Xuan can't stay.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "It seems that the sofa is very determined, not enough things must be reversed. If the sentence is not modest, manage a school, it may be more difficult than the construction, an infrastructure, an experimental equipment, as long as there is money, believe Can buy. But truly a level of teachers and professors, but it is not so easy to recruit. "

"Some people come to teach, not just to make money. And achievements may be more important to show themselves, need to meet the vanity, we must also let them know what the future will reach the height. In short this is a systematic project, there can be no neglect . "

"Yulin Institute of Technology all architectural drawings are available free of charge;! Who we were friends but one thing I am very worried, Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia geological conditions are not the same, it is easy to copy the wrong."

"I can hire two students, but also Yulin Institute of Technology designers, so they redesigned a smaller scale than the school headquarters in Hong Kong, Saudi personally think that this program is more reasonable, according to local conditions is very important; especially in the field of design "

"At the same time on any school equipment, as long as the Saudi side needs, biotite Group will be sold at cost. After all, the titular Yulin Institute of Technology in Saudi Angeles, I mean how much you want to look at."

"At the same time, in teachers and academic exchanges, they will also look at this department."

Professional is professional, much more than they have many foreign people. People can say a few words, and seize the essence of things. Established a University of Technology, it is really going to work with this kid. If you are in the previous plan, name the Saudi University of Technology, then Bun Zixuan will definitely not reason this.

Yulin Institute of Technology is named by his mother, of course, hopes to carry forward. According to the traditional Chinese tradition, education is a good thing to do good, this kid will never refuse.

If there is no Bao Xuan help, Saudi has set up a science and engineering college; it must be difficult to be heavy, and it is easy to be pit. The world knows that the Saudi people have money, and this block is not very understanding, and the scientific research technology is absolutely out. It may face it, you can't talk to talents, you can't buy the most advanced experimental equipment; but the money will never have less flowers.

If you are bleed in Xuan pit, then I recognize it. This kid has good goodwill, at least no pit is missing partner. The Saudi royal family is gambling, put the treasure to the river.

Prince Surdon: "The King's Meaning, Yulin Institute of Technology Saudi, or by your principal. I know that you are busy, and I don't expect to personally come over, after all, there is no such treatment in Xiangjiang."

"Enhancers, people do more work, one thing is not two people. Management of the vice president of specific affairs, you also need you recommend. In order to express your gratitude, the newly developed oil field in Saudi, the Black Cloud Group can intervene."

It seems that he is, but it is absolutely advantageous to invest in newly developed oil fields. The Saudi people still know how to be grateful, and it is also a very happy situation.

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