Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1035, businessman's ambition

With satisfactory results, the princes of Surdan left Xiangjiang, did not do any stay, and took a special plane to the next destination, Huaxia Kyoto. The British is very depressed, and the Governor Yude also wants to meet with it.

Know the princes of Surdan left, and the destination is still in Huaxia. Youde is not light, so, if you don't press the crime to Bun Zi Xuan, how much knows some of the last Kyoto happened, or it is really unhappy. Iraqi two sons and Saudi prince leave, the most influential two of the Middle East, the most influential people have left. As for Hussein and Said, it is more like a soy sauce. At present, there is no time to see them.

As for negotiation, it is not necessary. The two are now not qualified. I have a meal together in the evening, and it is also the old feelings of the head.

There are too many important people in Japan, all of which are seniors in business. It can also be a member of the royal family because of the Middle East, and now I can't let go of it.

Japanese businessmen also have a circle, such as Mitsubishi, Sony is a circle. Panasonic and the three wells have been tied together, as a circle. The relationship between Sumitomo, Honda and Honda, and there is a rivers and lakes in the place. No matter what country is no exception, no one has its own little selfishness.

What makes Bao Zi Xuan did not expect that the Japanese actually give up to meet and negotiate together. It is important to know that their internal competition is very intense. If you don't say it, you can get it, at least you will not be calm and sit down.

Is it too big to threaten by the Black Cloud Group, let Japanese companies realize the sense of crisis. This possibility is very large, and it is estimated that the Black Cloud Group will face a more severe challenge.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "You can see so many business predecessors here, is the honor. Recently, there is a place in the past two days, please forgive me."

"You are all good friends, you can come over the Xiangjiang is a face. Today, the celebration has ended. When you talk about it, what is the requirements, as long as it is the Black Cloud Group and I can do it, you must do it! And. "

Passive is not as good as acting, the Japanese is in order to report to the group to warm. Although there is a small circle exists, it is eligible to the Black Cloud Group even standing next to the circle. In this way, it is better to see what the Japanese have ideas. At least it can be done in the heart, not fully passive.

First put the gesture out, let's take a look at how the Japanese will make a trick.

The Japanese is also a glimpse, and it is a lot of mature. Why is it still so anxious, but I really want to understand. This time is a collective action, the other person must notice anything; passive beating is not its style, it seems that this child likes to take the initiative.

Everyone is a look,

What is the meaning of Tamada Zhaov Lima. Before they were privately negotiated for a long time, everyone said, who first said it is already rehearsed.

Shengtian said with a smile: "Bao Sang is a learning science and engineering, the nature is still so anxious. Since you want to directly Saudi investment. "

"Everyone is understanding, and it will not hide it. The previous conditions are more favorable. It will definitely have opinions. At the same time, the Prince Surdan proposed that the Black Cloud Group participated. That is to say The Black Cloud Group and Saudi have a copy of Japanese enterprises. "

"The same bag is the most important. Therefore, I hope that Baosang is best not to transition to participate in this cooperation; several companies can reappear other items, give the black cloud group compensation."

It seems that the Prince Surdan will take the Black Cloud Group to block the arcrade without earning himself. The old boy is also very unhappy. When you meet, you must be tapped. The Black Cloud Group is an independent company, and the whole Saudi is a peer-to-peer relationship. It is not necessary to ask Saudi, not only to rely on Saudi to make money.

The family's concept of the Middle East is very heavy, and it is definitely not to treat you. Although it is not a member of the royal family now, you can't create one in the future. Therefore, in cooperation, Bunxuan requires the right. Its purpose is also to prevent the Arab man, fair does not mean weakness.

Change the way, and the prince of Surdan also explained the situation. Moreover, I also took out the newly developed oilfield project, which can be said that sincerity is full.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "I don't like to be a partner business, especially if I still have a small shareholder. The conditions of Saudi are very attractive, and they have their own hearts. However, since the Mr. Shengtian is picking things Ming, then there will be things that will not be broken. "

"About all the projects of Japanese enterprises cooperate with Saudi, the Black Cloud Group will never participate. This is my guarantee, you can rest assured. At the same time, I hope that everyone can abide by the contract, the Japanese reputation is still affirmative in the world business community."

On-site Japanese business crocodiles are also a glimpse. I didn't expect Bunxuan so happy. It seems that people have never wondered the roots, and they were also cheated by Saudi. However, this is good, at least the next round of negotiations, there is also a bottom gas in my heart.

As for the price of the black cloud, so many companies are all booth, and it is not a big event.

Shengtian said: "Bao Sang is really happy, knowing you like Japanese properties, especially Tokyo, our several companies don't have much, there are still many properties in Tokyo. Although now one day, who let us Is a friend! "

"Sony is willing to take out the fixed assets of Tokyo, exchange some patents with the Black Cloud Software; I don't know how to pack the sauna."

It is definitely the idea of ​​Gao Zhong Lang, which is ok, indicating that the students returned to Sony and are reused. Otherwise, Shengtian Zhaov will never be willing to take out Tokyo property; this is a material that is not bought.

What is hot in the Japanese real estate market, it is natural to say more. The speed of the naked eye is growing every month, and the old ghost will be willing to take it out, and it is definitely a greater interest. This is the true idea of ​​other crocodies. Since I don't know, I still look at Bao Zixuan.

Baozi Xuan decided to give Gao Zhong Shu Mi finally added fire, and then see his own growth. So smiled: "I know Mr. Shengtian wants what patents, don't have to be so troublesome. I can don't want to leave Gao Walang, and I need to share free with Sony."

How to mention this, it seems that Gao Zhong Lang is absolutely a talent; at least the Japanese people think it is. Otherwise, it is impossible to mention the identity of Bunxuan, and then mention this person.

Shengtian Zhaiff didn't want to reply directly: "Even if I agree, Gaoang Jun himself will not agree. And the equivalent exchange is good, and it is an explanation for both parties."

"I have to dig away from people who can skilled the software, I want to use so many patents. I hope that I will not mention this in the future, otherwise it is intentionally disturbing the military."

Since the idea has reached, what is tangled. Baozi Xuan said: "This is over, it will not be mentioned below. It is necessary for those patents. It is estimated that Mr. Shengtian has a list. The Black Cloud Group will open the authorization price while assessing the property taken out of Sony. Extra depum, no one is losing, "

I heard two people easily reached cooperation, others can not be angry. You don't suffer from your parties, then you are not us. I still have a wonderful, how can Shengtian Zhaov take the initiative to ask, first come out of hard steel, now fully understand. The old boy is very bad, or for Sony's interests. I must not send him out to make a representative in the future, this is the true idea of ​​the Japanese business crocodile.

Seeing this situation, Panasonic is fortunate to say: "Bao Sang, we have a purpose of these people. I hope that the Yulin Institute of Technology will enroll our many places."

"For the teaching concept of Yulin Institute of Technology, everyone is very recognized. I believe this is a win-win situation. In order to express their sincerity, several of our engineers will come to the school to do a visiting professor."

Panasonic is fortunate to know how much day, just like a limited time, more than good. Be a leader, other Japanese businessmen will be very grateful. It's really worried that you will fall after walking. At this time, make more friends, even if you face the crisis, you will feel that there is no big deal.

Bao Zixuan is very willing to do this, so he said without hesitation: "As long as it is for their exams, the Yulin Institute of Technology has no reason to reject the students' admission request."

Then I negotiated some cooperation in vessel management. Although the project is small, it can test a man's patience.

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