Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1036 subverting awareness

With the Japanese negotiations, the time of day is like this. Diana Rockefeller and Phil Hawkins have come to Xiangjiang and have a period of time, just have a meal together. Does Rockefeller don't want to be interested in yourself, don't have to do your landlord. In case, because of the number of gifts, it makes too much movement, the joke can be big. If a woman is got, no one will be in the eyes.

I don't know how to think about Bao Zixuan, maybe I think it is single. Perhaps thinking about the wife to participate, the two must have to argue. I did not inform Zhang Tiran. In this case, it should not be.

Come to Xiangjiang, definitely taste special food. Although Baozi Xuan did not know where Cantonese cuisine was in the middle, there is still a secretariator.

It is known that the head is rich, and the restaurant does not dare to neglect. Although there are many well-known people, it is still worse than the Bao Xuan. And this is a good opportunity to increase awareness, you must not miss it.

The boss father and son personally greeted them, and the customers who came to eat were incredible. Although I open the door to do business, welcome customers to be basic etiquette. But the father and son are really uncomfortable. Although it is a restaurant, it is also the owner of the value. No strength, the most is a noddion.

Seeing that Bunzi came in with a few foreigners, the people who dine in the hall were standing up, and they greeted their enthusiasm. No matter whether I don't know, in summary, I will say a "born" when I went to the front.

Seeing this scene, Diana Rockefeller and Hawkins don't know how to describe this moment. This man is really charming, in Xiangjiang is actually so popular.

Bao Zixuan did not expect to eat a meal, make such a big movement. It seems that there is still less appearance in this place, lestal to people.

People are passionate about you, you are not too cool. Baozi Xuan can only answer one by one, so that the atmosphere at the scene is very harmonious. Diana Rockefeller knows that the family is not so popular in the United States. Many people don't throw eggs on your face, how could it be so enthusiastic.

Xiangjiang is really a magical place, and merchants will be so popular. In fact, this is the Bao Zi Xuan, and there will be no such treatment for other people.

The Black Cloud Group did not engage in real estate development, and there is no direct interest relationship with ordinary people. In addition, there are several relatives that relatively related to the black cloud system, and the first rich in the bag is definitely a category of clothing and eating parents.

After coming to the private room, the restaurant boss father and son; one person gives a few introduces, one is recorded next.

Where is the owner of the restaurant, it has been more than 60 this year, but the body is very good, and it is very good at the Xiangjiang Chef.

Don't say that Peach Li is full, it is not too much. All hotels in Xiangjiang, famous restaurants have his disciples. It is an accreditation that can be served in person.

He boss said with a smile: "You are born, hello! You can come to the small store, let the store will make the store to be born. What do you want to eat, I personally kit.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Thank you boss, we are all come over, you are here; it is also an" coming, there is anything to look at the arrangement. There is no taboo, don't worry. "

The boss heard it here, so rest assured that it is arranged. I am really afraid of chaotic point, I don't have to have a waste, I may also smash my sign. The bag is richer, and it is not the most important thing to make money. I believe that there will be many people to grab booking. Xiangjiang people are very stunned by Feng Shui and the gas field. The first rich can come here, indicating that it has been stained, naturally the boat is high.

I believe that in the next day, the restaurant will inevitably be red for a while. Not only single, the river, including the entire Huaxia coastal province, but also compare these.

After the boss left, Phil - Hawkins said with a smile: "package, you did not think so popular, people really envy it seems our future calling your name in Hong Kong, the boss should give us a discount.."

It's just a joke, not take advantage of people. So just to draw closer, so the atmosphere is not so awkward it. Before the stand when selecting the Rockefeller family, who will do change uncomfortable. If you do not want a remedy, estimated future really no chance.

Relations between the two best of times, it should be - Phil Hawkins married, buns Xuan best man. Recall various memories, although regret, but said nothing. We can only try to make up, although it is difficult, but must try.

But also equality before the dialogue with buns Xuan, now only look up copies.

Buns Xuan also know that the other is to find topics to chat. Say in how the host is not cold field. Then he smiled and said: "If the enemies encountered, can be hard to find beaten me."

Hear each other would reply, Phil - Hawkins feel a lot better. When at least not like just to meet that topic at all.

Louise - Rockefeller said with a smile: "Do not pack in Hong Kong also has enemies, I really feel sad for those who can only pray silently in their hearts, be regarded as a tribute to the table.."

It is also a means of flattery, the Rockefeller family, a woman, not a simple master.

Diana touches - Rockefeller had not spoken, what if thinking. Seeing this, the other three did not bother. Buns Xuan really worry about what the eldest madness, then it will be difficult to face.

Within a short while, the dishes on the table to start.

See food can do so, not only is three foreigners; even the buns Xuan feel incredible, greatly subvert the past recognition for dining.

A man looks sweet little girl began to introduce in English: "After a long history of Cantonese, from the Central Plains, the origin can be traced back to the early Han Dynasty two thousand years ago, it has experienced more than two thousand years of development, to the late Qing Dynasty period gradually mature. Guangdong property particularly rich, easily accessible, cook and eat, thus develop preferences fresh, fresh diet. with the historical changes and dynasties, the Central Plains immigrants continue to move south, to bring the "Stew too delicate, too refined food, "the Central Plains eating style."

"Long years, the Guangdong only inherited the traditional food culture of the Central Plains, and draw upon various aspects of foreign cooking cream, then according to local tastes, hobbies, habits, continue to absorb, accumulate, improvement, innovation, so as to form a dish style variety, cooking exquisite, high quality delicious food specialties. the past century has become one of China's most representative and most affect the world food culture. "

The little girl after introduction, four of applause also will be remembered. This is a good foreigner, regardless of identity, how high status, at least superficial, or see commendable affairs, will give encouragement.

Louise - Rockefeller: "Before Hong Kong have only heard a lot of food, it seems said is true really want to be here more than a few times, good taste, can be considered to own a vacation.."

For any demand wife - Phil Hawkins will not refuse, but did not dare to refuse. Last name is on the one hand, more importantly, on the important things, than his wife did see a more thorough.

Buns Xuan: "In fact, you can walk around its mainland China, not only have more food; there are many places worth the investment."

After all, it is the motherland; as long as there is a chance, or to use the service it. Rockefellers past investment, must be able to drive a number of industrial progress. As for the final outcome will be, it is not possible to determine buns Xuan things.

Diana Rockefeller suddenly opened: "There is also this plan, and we also think about us! The Family Foundation has established a hospital in Huaxia, just in the past."

In this way, Baozi Xuanli wants to come up.

Kyoto Association Hospital is the largest and most famous career in the Rockefeller Foundation. In 1921, the hospital was built in 1921, and the first institute was "the best medicine center to build Asia".

This is the heritage of the old family, and it can be convenient for future generations.

Bunzi Xuan: "There is too much time in the last period of time, there is no plan in the Chinese mainland. If you need to help, the Black Cloud Group's staff can call."

I heard the man in front of this man in the Chinese mainland, and Diana Rockefeller was some disappointed. However, it is impossible to dispatch the employees to serve it, it is already very difficult; you can't ask other.

The rich dinner, the relationship between the two sides has been close. Although it is not completely eliminated, at least there is not so much yes - Hawkins.

The second day Baozi Xuan banquet two princes in the Middle East, and the number of gifts should be done; as for the guests, it is not what he should worry.

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