Bao Zi Xuan didn't know, I want to make a quick money, which will cause so big trouble. Buying metal sodium is conventional procurement, but to involve the futures trading, it will inevitably touch too many people's interests. As the absolute hegemony of the World Financial Market, the Morgan family will inevitably pay attention, especially on the Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan's things, it will focus on follow-up.

Leon did not have nonsense, and came directly to Germany; the things that the old Morgan's instructions must be implemented unconditionally. But when I saw Herman - Obd, she was still shocked. Who will think that this is a senior person who has a saliva and a nonsense in front of him, and it will be the father of the European rocket; one of the most smart engineering and technical personnel in the world.

After repeated confirmation, I know what I can't ask. After Leon left a gift, he left directly. Until he left, Herman-Robert suddenly took a variety of light, and then continued to have a state.

During the Cold War of US Su, the German sun cannon plan belongs to absolute confidentiality. As designers and chief engineers for the entire program, Herman - Ober knows that there is nothing secret to this world. It is okay in the United States before, after all, some people protect and monitor. Now returning to Germany, although it is 90 years old, but also use value. Then you want to work in your later years, live a good life. May be sick, not remember is the best choice, and it is also a self-protection.

No one will think, a 90-year-old man can still think so far. Many people are not so older, even if they live to might be deprived.

The sun cannon designer has been abolished, so you can find relevant information. German scientists are not willing to destroy their own results. When Feng-Braun buried the information of the V2 missile. This is not just a pity that it is a pity that the loss of technology may be prepared for increasing the negotiation chips.

After organizing technical information, Leon passed several middlemen, revealing the news to the Sun. This newspaper has always been claimed, and there is no counseling.

Although I will spend more, I can't do anything about the amount of money that may bring to Bun Zi Xuan. In addition, it is difficult to doubt on the Morgan family between the British media.

The Sun newspaper has a lot of sovereignty, which is also the bottom gas they dare to report any news in the world. But the current main Skott-Dobson is very difficult to look at the information in his hand. Although I don't know who is provided, the purpose of the other party is definitely not to increase sales in the Sun. Such a top secret information, the Sun report is not so big.

Obviously, this is to deal with the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi Xuan. This is the game between two big men, I don't want to participate. Especially at this time, Huaying is about to come from the new negotiation between Xiangjiang issues. Plus Bao Zixuan has been invested in the UK in the UK. If it is a matter of , then it is not only the prostitute, which may have comments in the Queen.

But in case this thing is true,

That is the news; even the world peace, as well as human survival.

At this time, the following reporter came over and reported: "Editor, now in the world, why is it concerned about the acquisition of metal sodium between the Black Cloud Group, we must not follow up. This is the focus of the people today, as for England Star private student events, It seems that the response is not big. "

I heard the manual report, Scott-Dalsen final concerns also canceled. As long as it is a newspaper, it will care about others.

Scott - Dalsen thought: "I have a letter here, you will write a report here. Then I was reviewing, if there is no problem, I report this."

After the editor is opened, you see about the German sun cannon technical demonstration program. Among them, it is clear that there is a need for a large number of metal sodium, combined with the purchase of the Black Cloud Group and the futures market, and suddenly understands what it means.

The editor is the editor, and it has long been going to front. Can get such confidential information, this ability, no one can have. It seems that there is no business before watching people. However, it is to give the people to exercise the opportunity, this is to play in the midst of the miles.

Scott - Dalsen didn't know; his actions, actually made the people admired from the heart and prepared to follow him; it is also a good thing.

They are all professionals, so soon as a report on the theme of the sun can be released; after Skot-Dalsen, the sensational effect is stronger.

Early the next morning, when the London people went to work. Habitism purchases newspapers from the newsstand, the Sun newspaper still has a lot of readers, some people still like gossip.

When seeing the header headlines about the analysis of the black cloud group to buy metal sodium sodium, everyone thought it was wrong. With the popularity of science fiction and movies, there are many weapons and tools in fantasy before they have been developed. Human beings go all over the moon, not to produce such a solar track gun.

If it is a general company, ordinary people, the people may think that it is April Fool's Day; but involves the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi Xuan. So things get not simple, after all, it is a man who is infinite and close to God. And the Black Cloud Group has the most advanced technology, the most well-known science and technology worker. Baozi Xuan is also learning aviation power, achieving today's achievements, combining such a young attitude, inevitably expands.

A super rich, technical young people expand, maybe you can do it. Don't say that weapons that have been demonstrated before this soil can be argued, it is not impossible to build a spaceship.

Otherwise, the Black Cloud Group does so many metal sodium do, then the original design of German scientists is a metal sodium as a raw material. Moreover, millions of tons will be required, and after the sun newspaper, things explained.

Although the Sun Daily is a gossip medium, it is also worthy of the accuracy of the news. Always report that Zuo Weiwu has something to have, and it will definitely not pay for a long time. Everyone wants to see news, not reading novels.

After seeing the report, all universities, research institutions, and national intelligence departments have actually active; even some countries directly announce that sodium metal is strategic resources, temporarily prohibiting exports.

In fact, this helped black clouds and bags in invisiting; the prohibition of exports means that the market is scarce. However, the international futures market will not turn off the metal sodium transaction, and the price is naturally rising.

The Black Cloud Bank has a multi-point finger contract, which is rising at the speed visible to the naked eye.

The fund company that followed the wind, naturally earned a lot of money. Now as long as there is a metal sodium finger contract, no matter how much is, someone will eat.

It is also a rational judgment for the Black Cloud Group in the development of the sun. It is very feasible to technology, but a huge amount of funding is required.

Higher funds are investment, ordinary people may have no way; but for men who will make money in the world, they are not a problem.

At the same time, experts also gave a very horrible technical data, and if the Germans were designed in accordance with the design of the Germans. The launch of the sun can make a ten square kilometers of cities, which turns into a 3,000-degree high-temperature purgatory battlefield. Most importantly, there is no way to intercepted at all, for 3,000 degrees high temperature, even hidden in the ground.

You can also attacked an unlimited engine, as long as it is a builder, you can attack any area without different. In front of the sun, let the Arctic glaciers melt and may be the smallest pediatrics.

It is definitely a nose, a glance, and there is a lot of formulas. From the scientific perspective, the feasibility of the program, and causes destructive power.

Environmental organizations have shouting to the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi Xuan, I hope that he does not make things that harm human interests, it will be extracted. At the same time, it also called on the production of metal sodium, do not sell a sodium metal raw material to the Black Cloud Group.

Things are getting bigger and bigger, and if the Black Cloud Group does not give a reasonable explanation, it will be difficult to return.

The news media is very excited, although the program is feasible. But the Black Cloud Group did not even, I want to launch the sun can be launched to space is a very distant thing. The report does not exist that there is no problem with the ability to launch, as long as the program is feasible, the Black Cloud Group has technology and financial resources, who will care about other.

Large media is still better, and some small newspapers have begun to build Hu. It is very unbearable to put Bunzi Xuan and the Black Cloud Group, as long as it is to attract attention, they are absolutely regardless of it.

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