Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1045 of the big country pays attention to one

To say that the most painful business and people are now, it is not the black cloud group and the head of the head. Enterprises and bosses producing metal sodium in the world are the most difficult person. The country has banned exports, even if it is not banned, I don't dare to supply the Black Cloud Group at this time. In case the other party is really in order to produce the sun cannon, then they are the gang.

But don't ship, that is, default. Anyway, it is necessary to pay money. Unless there is conclusive evidence that the Black Cloud Group is used to produce large-scale anti-injury weapons, otherwise it is not necessary to supply it. You must know that Bao Zi Xuan has paid money, default, but double compensation. At this time, all enterprises hope that the Black Cloud Group will give the statement as soon as possible, Bunzi Xuan personally come out to clarify.

If you have been dragging it, they can't stand it. At the same time, it is also hoped that the country will be sanctions the Black Cloud Group. In that case, they don't have to bear the responsibility of breach of contract, in short, I have to solve it as soon as possible. At least to give the people, it is not a matter of tricking.

It is the same as the United States and the Soviet Union, the Cold War. Any arms appearance means a new round of competition. The German sun cannon plans to master some of the United States and the Soviet Union, even more detailed than the information mastered than Dongxi. After discussion and technical analysis, it will be difficult to achieve unless there is only one country in the world to master the space technology.

It is impossible to launch the sun can be molded once, and the volume is really too big. In the assembly process, it is easy to attack the opponent, so the actual significance is not very big. The Black Cloud Group and Bunzi Xuan prepares to build a solar track gun, and the first feel is impossible. It is understood by the intelligence agencies of the two countries, and at least the Black Cloud Group does not have the ability to build the sun.

But this time is so big, if you don't give an explanation, you will definitely cause panic. Baozi Xuan did not work, and the United States and the Soviet Union have no strength. Especially in the United States, it has been publicized the threat of the Soviet Union. If the Soviets' sun guns fly to Washington, New York is over; how to face it in the United States.

Compared to the Black Cloud Group, the Soviet Union is the existence of terror. The US government has been promoted for many years. But seeing people living in panic, many cities in China have riots. This is not possible if it is not clarified and stopped without there.

President Reagan did not only summon the Secretary for Central Bureau William Joseph, and also asked the Secretary for Navaliation Break Break to come over the White House. As a president, there is no relationship with information and technology. As long as you know who can give constructive comments, professional things are handed over to professionals.

When the Sun reported that the Black Cloud Group purchased metal sodium, it was disclosed in the news of the Sun Rail Cannon, and as the Secretary of the Secretary for the Secretary of the Secretary of the Secretary - Joseph - Kai Si Lami worked to investigate the matter. Because he knows, with the character of Ren, will definitely ask him about the beginning of things.

William Joseph - Kathy is sometimes very helpless, the Black Cloud Group is in the Xiangjiang River. Where is the British and Huaxia perspective as their own site. Make the US agent past it is easy to expose,

The previous Xiangjiang is not so important; the most economically developed, there is no much impact on the United States.

Until the Rise of the Black Cloud Group, Bao Zixuan returned from the United States. Xiangjiang status has undergone earth-shaking changes, at least in high-tech fields, no one dares to ignore this city in Xiangjiang. A typical one is a city, genius is different.

So the problem is, since the status is important, the intelligence must keep up. The mating bureau is very poor in Xiangjiang's intelligence, and wants to build a complete intelligence network, not only need money and people, and it is also very important. Some agents have lurked for decades, probably in order to pass an intelligence.

The best way to spend is spending huge sums of money, getting from the hands of the same. Why is the Black Cloud Group purchased a large number of metal sodium, not just Americans, even in the investigation. You can only analyze the limited intelligence first, and give the president.

As the Secretary for NASA, Black - this is also aware of the President. Since the deposit of the moon, the status and emphasis on the US NASA have declined significantly. Although a Star Wars Plan is proposed, it can be more theory and is not implemented. Therefore, annual grants for NASA are more and less. In this way, it is difficult to maintain normal operation.

Just like this opportunity to make the president know the important role of space; only giant allocation can make Nasa from new glory.

In the past, it will definitely be asked in the relevant situation of the sun. It is within NASA or information about such a weapon. And whether it is Herman-Obert, or Feng-Braun has worked in NASA; if it is unclear, it really said.

Ren also received two director directly in the office, not intended to emphasize the matter, and there is also a confidential need.

After the two director sat down, the secretary poured a cup of coffee. Then I went out naturally. At this time, the office is left, William - Joseph - Casei and Blake - this.

The Raggang expressive said: "About the Black Cloud Group purchases a large number of metal sodium, to build the news of the sun cannon, I want you to see. I want to know now, the other party has such a program, or already implemented. If the black cloud is not This plan, the Soviets will not be built. "

"The two are the elite of the United States, a responsible information department, a responsible space department; I want to know the answer."

"Several cities have already hateful, and the panic of the people is high. We have to pay attention to, compared to the Black Cloud Group, the threat of the Soviet Union is greater."

The root expression is so serious, it seems to be true. In fact, no one is the same, the governance is not good, means that the company is very likely to fail. As a president, Ren can't afford this person.

From the question of Ren, I know that the information department must answer first.

William Joseph - Cased only helped the scalp: "The current intelligence power in Xiangjiang is relatively weak, but according to the information; the Black Cloud Group should have no capacity or have implemented the sun cannon construction plan."

"At least the CSI and the British intelligence department did not find that Xiangjiang itself has a small area; and the Black Cloud Group has been building their so-called black cloud town. The sun cannon will not be small, and it is impossible to have a little clue."

William Joseph - Cased Answer, Rago is very unsatisfactory. Directly said: "It should be the word, there is a shame in the mouth of the Director of the Ministry of Association of China; Isn't you think!"

"Even if the country is tension, it has never cut it; even grows every year. Do you have to reward the trust of taxpayers? Get all the information, what is the use of your love."

"No matter what you use, you must report to me after you have to master the exact news. If you are in this way, you can't have to come."

Ragan can be a bit unfair, directly let the Secretary for the Central Bureau of Ways don't have to come. It is obvious that if the do things are unfavorable, they resigned directly.

William Joseph - Case can't say that the first few have no good foundation, that is, the official is taboo, and it will seem to be inevitable. At present, you can only turn off the tummy in your belly, and increase your intelligence output to Xiangjiang.

Reagan a gesture, Blake - I want him to analyze from the technical level, so in this is his professional, but it is also a heart.

Black - this: "The Black Cloud Group does not have the ability to make the sun can have actual combat, and at least there is at least the rocket to build the sun can be booked to the scheduled track."

"In fact, it is not difficult to build the sun cannon itself. Most heavy industrial companies can be completed. But it is just on the ground, because you want to make the sun can have actual significance, you must put it in space."

"Taking the most powerful Saturn No. 5 of the United States as an example, the nearland carrier capacity is 30 tons. At least 35,000 launches are required in accordance with the design of the sun can, in order to complete the sun cannon."

I heard 35,000 launches, Ragan and Joseph-Casement finally worked, don't say that the Black Cloud Group was the Soviet Union. Apollo's moon is not too much, and the finance is a little. What is 35000 times, from the Rocket R & D to now, all countries in the world have not so much launch.

Black - This continues: "This is just a cost of launch, and the assembly is even more troubles in space. Even if the Soviet Union launches the Obenery Plan, there is not much threat to the United States. As long as we think, you can blow him away at any time. Even You don't have to shoot, just a meteorite to destroy it. "

"Such a huge goal, is a living target in space."

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