It is known that the Soviet Union and Huaxia are unlimited to the Black Cloud Group's export metal sodium, and many national media have condemned this matter. It is believed that there is no big country to act in the two countries. In order to increase the amount of trade, you will make more money, no matter whether you don't care. It is a five-normally, and even called on this behavior to be boycotted.

It is known that the Huaxia and the Soviet Union have not banned exports and make trade restrictions. Baozi Xuan knows that the report of the Sun newspaper has no effect on the two countries. However, I ignored the Germans' ability to collect the solar energy, and I didn't expect to have this effect on the ground.

Since the Chinese and Soviet Union can analyze the research and development of the sun can not be credible, then the technology and intelligence capacity is more powerful, and of course it will know the truth. To make a clearance in advance, you will not be comfortable.

Zhao Tingting, Yuan Tianfan, Huo Jianning has come to Baozi Xuan office again. It may not come over a few times a year before, at least three people are so. I didn't expect less than half a month, I have already appeared twice. It seems that the boss is also thinking about corporate management issues, not being a pure science man.

This change is good or bad, but more communication is always wrong. Every time they are decisive, they are also afraid of responsibility.

Baozi Xuan: "How is the current situation, what is going on."

The big head is in the futures market, and it is the fastest. As for entity trade, even if the other party's default, compensation also requires a process. Moreover, it involves many countries, the applicable laws of countries are not the same, and the lawsuit is more troublesome. This is also a lot of business tycoon, likes to engage in futures, stock trading. It can stop the loss at any time, and it is not like the entity economy. It takes too many employees; the operating cost is relatively low, but the profit is very considerable.

Yuan Tianfan: "The Black Cloud Bank has been using $ 18 billion, coupled with the leverage to get a total of 15 million tons of metal sodium. If it is now, the profit will win between $ 230-25 billion."

"Mainly there is too many institutions to follow up in the later period, and the cost of buying to buy is getting bigger and bigger."

The former Li Chao has said that it is actually not just Li Chao, many major entrepreneurs have been talked; don't earn the last piece. If you see it, you will receive it, the bag is the king.

Bao Zixuan: "Although the futures market can make money, I personally don't like it. Since the profit has been more than double, then there is no need to entangle. There is no need to be tangled. There is no ban on the export of metal to the Black Cloud Group, and the future price will not increase Very large. "

"All in the two days, let Britain and Americans play."

I heard such a large number of periods of the contract for two days.

Yuan Tianyi feels incredible. This does not conform to the operational process and the rules of the financial law, but who makes people are boss; and Bunz Xuan has never been wrong.

Yuan Tianfan said that there is no problem, although some profits will be lost; but the loss is nothing wrong with the loss of huge benefits.

One eye, Zhao Ting Ting immediately understood what it means, immediately reported: "Black Cloud Group plus Huanpu Company, a total of 19 procurement teams, currently got 12.0 million tons of metal sodium purchasing contracts on the market. But currently There is only the Soviet Union and Huaxia Enterprises, other countries and regions, and have not explicitly express them. "

"According to the current supply, 300,000 tons of metal sodium can be stored before the end of the year. However, this does not need us to pay, the customer's breach of contract is enough to pay the payment."

I didn't expect this kind of benefit, but the murdere is not enough, and I can't do this in the future. This time I want to make some money, after all, the group's funding is not improved, there will be huge risks.

Huo Jianning: "There is something more trouble now. Many companies don't give us, but they have no meaning of paying. After all, restrictions on the Black Cloud Group, and the export metal sodium export metal is national behavior, they also don't work "

This is a normal thing, not everyone is willing to speak business rules, especially the business contracts that have vulnerabilities themselves. They are also watching, exactly what is waiting.

If the United Nations agrees to implement sanctions against the Black Cloud Group, it is reasonable behavior; you don't have to make any payments at all. At this point, some companies also reported to be lucky, think that the United States will definitely shoot, sanctions Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan.

Baozi Xuan: "Enterprises who are willing to take the initiative to compensate for people in the future. Can be used as long-term partners, although in accordance with business rules, they cannot be done."

"As for companies that are unwilling to compensate, it is not shipped, there is no need to be polite. I hire the most famous lawyers in the world, hit the lawsuit to the end, I can't cheaper them."

"At the same time, I will let the world look at it. The Black Cloud Group is not a soft persimmon. Whoever wants to pinch it."

It is not so much a meeting, it is better to arrange tasks. After the three leaves, start to follow the boss instructions.

After a while, Peng Yifei appeared in Bunzi Xuan office. As the head of the Black Cloud Intelligence Department, almost all secrets are he is responsible.

Enterprises have a certain scale, especially if there is no intelligence to collect and analyze the enemy's enterprises like the Black Cloud Group, which is likely to become the meat on the board, and everyone slaughter. It is better to take place with passive beatings. Intelligence departments For a country, a company is the core and important institution.

The person in charge must be the most trusted relative, Peng Yifei, as the earliest security personnel, can say that they are not letting.

Bao Zixuan: "What is the situation.

Peng Yifei did not dare to neglect, and said: "The Sun News is passed through several middlemen. During the investigation process, the clues have been interrupted. However, there is a little suspicious, that is, the Morgan's family, Leon, visit a few days ago Overlantian plan designer Herman - Obert. "

"So I infer the sun can leak to the media. Only we didn't find conclusive evidence, and I didn't dare to conclusion."

"There is no intersection before both sides, and Herman-Obert has serious old age dementia; León went to visit this time, its purpose is self-evident."

I heard another Morgan family, it seems that morning and evening is going to seek opportunities and pack them. It is really bullied without counterattack, this is to kill the black cloud group.

Bunzi Xuan: "We are not police and judges, do things don't have to say evidence. Leon is also a guy who is not good for early, there is no interest or actual needs, he will not see a patient who is alzen, even if the person is once What is the top rocket expert in the world. "

"Plus people to investigate the situation of the Morgan family, see if there is any breakthrough. It can't be a good enemy so many years. Even if you drive, it will inevitably have a fish, the enemy's enemy is a friend, must be combined with all the strengths. At the critical moment, the Morgan family is fatal. "

"Don't be afraid of spending money, the group will have a very considerable profit in the futures market, and the intelligence department can get $ 500 million. As for how the funds are allocated, all of them are responsible."

The boss will give money, and it is very happy for the subordinates. But Peng Yifei is not happy, the boss trust him so, if things are not working, it is really a bad manner. Can only work hard, others don't want to think more.

Yuan Tianfan returned to the Headquarters of the Black Cloud Bank and immediately started the order. Take all the tests of metal sodium on the handles, all tons do not stay.

If you don't know, it is necessary to sell it. Although it has made a lot now, there is still a big rising space in the next few days. But seeing Yuan Zhujung firmly god, it is not rushing to question. The hand can only be done, no one wants to lose work, lose the rice bowl.

Black Cloud Group welfare and treatment have been famous, but whoever will not be polite.

At first, Wall Street and the British fund company have not cared, but the number of soldiers sold in the Black Cloud Group is too much, and the amount involved is very large. The market quickly fluctuate, inevitably there is a large agency in the brush.

The survey found that the Black Cloud Group was in trouble. What does Bao Zixuan mean, just started a lot of acquisitions. It is also his first forecast now. Is it the way to play everyone; or just want to make a quick money, then leave.

Some SMEs can't afford to be too high, and they have begun to follow. Big Fund believes that Bunzi Xuan is so pursuing, high-priced selling, and then purchasing at a low price. The Black Cloud Group has a huge demand for the sodium, or it is impossible to buy so many kinds.

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