Large fund companies, as well as financial institutions, such as this operation can be described as a light car matte. And they often do this, after all, in the capital market, strength determines everything. As long as the funds are sufficient, any country can be placed. Obviously, the strength of the Black Cloud Group is dominated by the market, but it is not possible to go to Bun Xuan.

In fact, there is another point, other large financial institutions are relatively late, the price is relatively high. At this time, I can't do it at this time. After all, I have to pay high-time fees and leverage. Money in hand, micro. Since I understand the intention of Bunxuan, as long as I prepare money, I will see who is stretched. The other party must have the needs of sodium metal sodium, this will not doubt.

There is no statement in the United States and the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union and Huaxia have not restricted the sodium metal sodium. It has made people start suspect that the Black Cloud Group purchases metal sodium, is it used to produce a legendary weapon in the sun.

If you have weapons, the Soviet Union and Huaxia cannot know. And even if there is no statement in the UK, Xiangjiang is still their colony. Strictly speaking, the Black Cloud Group is also jurisdiction in the British Federation. Is the British silly, or deliberately contemplated the black cloud and Bunxuan. It is not too likely that if the weapons are produced, there is no happy day; in London, the British government can't stand.

Things are more and more confusing, making the people don't know who they believe. On the side of the major media, the Black Cloud Group may be developed and produced in the sun. On the side of governments and Black Cloud Group, there is no explanation, and explanation. It's getting more and more chaotic, I don't know who said it is true.

The head of the bag can not exhaust, and the metal sodium is definitely one of the most memories of the world. The price has reached the limit in the short term. This time does not sell, it is estimated that there will be such a price in ten years. And industrial enterprises, as long as they have not stopped supplying in Huaxia and Soviet Union, other European and American countries are really not so important. They have a certain influence on the futures market. As for the physical industry, if it is hard to hard, it is really not afraid.

At this time, the Morgan family is also discussing the problem of black clouds.

See Leon, the old Morgan is also angry, it is not a place; how is it so uncomfortable, actually can discover the CIA. If you know Bunxuan, it is clear that the Morgan family is manipulated behind, and I don't know what will I think.

But you can't say more, after all, let Leon personally go to Germany is what he meant. Do you say that your decision has lost a mistake, it is estimated that no one will play his face himself, and it is most important to lose that person. As the upper person, decision failure is a matter of impact on prestige, especially involving family management.

Prior to this, President Reagan personally called the old Morgan. It means very obvious, don't involve the entire United States because of the conflict of the family. The current violent and riots in the United States are all on the Morgan family, which makes the old Morgan are very unhappy.

The country is not stable, not prosperous, no governance is good, is your president's responsibility; what is the relationship with the Morgan family.

Get the Morgan family with competitors, giving opponents, threatening the interests of the United States. The actor is not far from being seen. Don't you know that it is a great threat to the entire United States in the future?

In fact, Reni really didn't say too much. After all, it involved the Morgan family, or be cautious, cautious. It's just that old Morgan flying is getting used to it, and others are not allowed to have some questions and disrespectful. Even if this person is a president, it involves the prestige of the Morgan family.

Xiaomorgan is responsible for the family Wall Street business, which can tell the most core industries of the Morgan family. I know that this son is not good, and the temper is still very good. It can be the only son of your own, and the family will pass to him later. Now I have myself, and I will give him a lot of money. As long as it is possible to cultivate a suitable successor, the Morgan family is really not worried about this loss.

Through the accumulation of hundreds of years, the family owns the wealth may not be very clear. After all, there are too many invisible assets, and many property and art are not well estimated.

Xiao Morgan: "Leon, family intelligence department has always been responsible. As an old man serving Morgan family for many years, the recent work is not so satisfied."

"Why didn't Black Cloud Group buy metal sodium, did not understand, the family didn't blame you. Now why suddenly sell a lot, don't you know? Black Cloud Group and Bunzi Xuan, what is the relationship with the family, I want you to be more than anyone Clear. Don't you review it! "

"I hope you can be so good, don't live up to the family and father's trust to you."

I heard this II owner, like the training son, reprimanded himself, Leon is very angry. The small Morgan owner is used to it, except that Norgan does not put anyone in their eyes. This time is a polite, at least take care of Leon's family service for many years. If the company's employees have made mistakes, it is more serious than this.

Leon: "This purchase of metal sodium is inevitably developing new products, which requires a large number of metal sodium, which is unquestionable. Before, Bunxuan is in order to produce remnants, it also has a certain effect. Just Officials of the world have not recognized this statement, but they also brought not small trouble to Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan to a certain extent. "

"Why is Black Cloud Group Suddenly selling metal sodium-based finger contracts, I think that money has earned enough, ready to leave. The Black Cloud Group has a huge difference between the Morgan family, Bao Zi Xuan this person prefer industrial and physical economic, The Morgan family is biased towards the financial market. "

"In Bao Zixuan, the futures market is to make a quick money. On the contrary, he will also reject it. At present, the Soviet Union and Huaxia have not interrupted trade with the black cloud group, and the metal sodium is more open. This is certain Experience to eat a fixed pill to Baozi Xuan, making the futures market becoming less important, at least in the Xinzi Xuanxin, "

"Money has been earned, and now you can reach the maximum interest. For Bao Zi Xuan, the purpose has been reached, there is no nostalgia. So I suggest that the metal sodium in Morgan's consumption should be all sold; if Better, it is likely to be smashed. "

If Bao Zixuan heard the analysis of Leon, it will give each other thumbs up. At the same time, it will be suspicious. Is it a traitor's inside, or how can the opponent will be clear.

However, Xiao Morgan did not think it was, and Leon was analyzed over there. I don't understand the implementation, I don't know the specific situation, I am completely guess, I don't understand why Dad will value him so much.

For the analysis of Leon, Morgan believes that it is very reasonable. Although I didn't become my son-in-law, I was seriously analyzed for Bunzi Xuan, the old guy or seriously. Don't say it very well to Bao Zixuan, but what kind of person is the other person, and it will be roughly clear.

And they, in addition to the daughter, only Leon Tongbao Xuan has been in contact. Although there is a little unreliable recently, it is not a place.

Old Morgan: "According to Leon said, it will be cleared tomorrow. It is not retained for a ton of tons about the ton of the ton."

Xiao Morgan still did something dissatisfied, but he saw his father's eyes and returned it again.

I didn't dare to question myself, and the old Morgan was very disappointed. I very much hope that my son can be able to work with her own hard steel, which also shows that he is growing.

If you leave, your son can be a bunxuan's opponent, you can't imagine that picture.

It seems to speed up the training, or find a good man to Lechel; otherwise the Morgan family will have to fall.

Early the next morning, the Black Cloud Group was more than yesterday. At the same time, the Morgan family was also doing the same thing. Making the price of metal sodium fell all the way, closing to the evening, have been different from the black cloud group just in the event.

Yuan Tianfan is very frustrated, and there is no task to complete the boss. The Morgan family is also selling so that there is not much agency on the market. At night, the Black Cloud Group also has approximately 1 million tons of metal sodium period refers to the contract without selling out.

Although it makes a huge profit, there is still 1 million tons to the hands, let Yuan Tianfan are very unhappy.

This bunxuan just said: "Since the old Morgan has already understood the road, then the 1 million tons stay in the hands and why not."

According to Yuan Tianfan estimates, the Dark Cloud Group is profitable between $ 230-25 billion. But because of the Morgan family, the actual profit is only $ 19 billion. But this is already very excited, at least the first richness of Yuan Tianfan is still very recognized.

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