Everyone is paying attention to metal sodium, if the Black Cloud Group does not give an explanation; then the public will inevitably be dissatisfied. Always dragling is not a way, at least let the people of the rivers know; his Bao Zixuan is not a war madman, not a terminator to destroy the world.

At the same time, there is no previous explanation for the United States and the Soviet Union, and there is no stop; indicating that the technical information of the two countries should know very well. In that year, Germany has too many black technology that shocked the world, and some are unclear now. Scientists are basically made by the United States, but the most important research institutions are occupying in the Soviet area.

It is said that there is no benefit of the two countries, no one will believe it. It seems that I have to dig more about this for the elderly, and maybe it will bring some surprises.

It is always the creed of Bao Zixuan; at least one night, I want to have a thousand roads, and I will take a strong road next morning. Immediately immediately sent people to Argentina, and many military officers in Germany, the engineering and technical personnel were escaped; maybe you can catch big fish. Things must be as soon as possible, I have been estimated to find these people's tombstones in a few years.

Although the British intelligence department is given, the Black Cloud Group purchases metal sodium is not to produce the sun cannon, but how much is still unassured. So ordered the Governor Youde personally to ask this matter, but the black cloud group and Bunzi Xuan must give a clear statement. This is related to the actual interests of the British Empire, you can't have a slack and horses.

For the Talk of Youude, the comments given by Bao Zixuan are that the press conclusion will be held in the near future. It is obvious that if it is because of a large number of things to buy metal sodium, there is no worry. The Governor's government cannot directly interfere with the normal business operation of the company, but there is a clear legal provision.

Youde itself is the boss of diplomats, of course, it understands the truth. And it is a matter of urgency to negotiate with Huaxia, as for other things, still put it.

Since Bao Zi Xuan promised to hold the press conference in recentssions, then you can't force each other. As the number of people in Xiangjiang, the most taxed enterprises, but also to give a certain trust and care. If even this single is not given, it is estimated that there will be a good day after the day in Xiangjiang, Yude.

As the Black Cloud Group and the Morgan family sell a large number of metal sodium periods, the current price is stable. After all, some fund companies are not willing, dragging the market. Thinking that the Black Cloud Group is definitely necessary, just equal Baixuan announces the result. This kind of day that makes others decide to live and die very badly; but the situation is like this. There is any emotions, or dissatisfaction;

I am afraid that the whole world is paying attention, the Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan have any big tricks. This is influential, at this point, it has surpassed the Morgan family, even the stubborn old Morgan also recognizes. After all, this piece of popularity and paying attention, Bun Zixuan's kid can be said to be the world's first.

Since you want to do it,

Then make things big. The Black Cloud Group decided to convene a press conference and still notified a week in advance. This is not imagined in the buns of the payment of efficiency.

The major media reporters in the world are so crazy, really should have a lyrics of the King; I have been waiting for a long time, I finally finally realize my dreams.

Since the head is rich to give such a long time, it must send a soldier to be uniform, which is a consistent decision of major media.

In fact, this is not the effect of Bao Zi Xuan wants to achieve, solar power is inevitably a general trend. However, the standard development of solar power generation is not formed in the international basis.

The Black Cloud Group made the press conference and changed to the world, and the future solar energy power generation. The Black Cloud Group belongs to an absolute industry standard, which is a monographer of all quantitative products. If you can achieve this effect, then you don't have to worry about promotion issues. It is estimated that any other countries in the world must compete for patents and technical authorizations.

Mastering energy, especially if electricity means, I am afraid that the three-year-old child will understand. This is the real purpose of Bao Zixuan, it is estimated that it can be achieved in the next few days.

After receiving the notice, the United States's Associated Press and Hezhong International Society, the British Reuters, France's French Fa New Commodity Communications Agency, and the Middle East, Anda Social, Dexingenic, EF Social, Common Society , Tascia, and Xinhua News Agency have expressed their meeting to attend this press conference.

This kind of card may even have the US presidential ceremony to do it, and the World Media's concern is concerned about the Action of the Black Cloud Group. The officials of all countries still don't dare to inform the media in the analysis, in case the error, that is, the dereliction of behavior. No one dares to take this risk, these people still love their feathers.

Since the Black Cloud Group decided to convene a press conference, the next day, the world flying to Xiangjiang, the passenger quantity immediately increased more than double. Make Guotachesi Airlines to increase many shifts, but people who want to come too much, obviously the supply. No way can only ask employees to overtime, critical moments, absolutely can't make people smile; even if you are in front of Bunzi Xuan.

And from the heart, I want to thank the Black Cloud Group and the head of the head. If there is no such child, the airline's business will not be so good. At this time, I really want to give Bunzu Xuan's medal. I will take the airline ticket of Cathay Thai Airlines. All free is free.

Various help competitors, if Box Xuan knows the other's ideas, I don't know why I think.

The major media in the world, the gathering of Xiangjiang, the Governor and the Police Department are more nervous than the Black Cloud Group.

Although Xiangjiang is in 74 years, after the establishment of the ICAC, the social security has been greatly improved. Can British people will indulge in the management period. There is still a lot of community members in activities, and the charge is housed. After all, the ICAC is only responsible for managing public officials; there are still few participation in social staff.

If this time, negative news. I am afraid that any corner in the world will know that people will lose all the earth. At this time, Xiangjiang Police team can be described as a head, two big. The Governor Youde has undergone dead orders, and there is absolutely no problem in the next month. Whoever wants to be yin, it is estimated that the direct resignation is the best result.

Not only the Governor Yude, even the Prime Minister Thatcher, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, also made instructions. Some columns such as Xiangjiang Public Security, people's livelihood, must pay attention to it.

Make this time this time, not the scorpion on the bald, the things that look out!

To this end, all police officers in Xiangjiang cancel each other, and also warned any members of the community. In this period, you must converge, if anyone dares to make a bird. The Police Department, including the Governor's Office, will never let him, and even let them regret it.

Police, government officials may not be very satisfied with the Black Cloud Group. After all, I have added too much workload, even for a few times.

At the same time, there is also a great opinion on Bunzu, that is, because the head is rich and decided to convene a press conference, it makes it too big, so that these people must make people with tail, they don't dare to have any rash.

But for the ordinary people in Xiangjiang, it is definitely a good thing. When shopping, you don't have to worry about safety at all. And people who even the red lights are so pitiful. A rich second generation is directly grabbed because of the red light after drinking. And refused family bails, it means it is obvious that the countries of the world have not left the Xiangjiang, don't think about it.

At this time, it is not necessary to take the law at all, it must take mandatory measures. Make all parents to warn their children, and they will converge points in recent days. No one will go to the bar, and they will not allow gatherings with the fox dogs.

Drink wine, for many young people, will definitely don't care.

To say, the city is the most harmonious and non-Xiangjiang in the world. According to this development, the campaign of the world will inevitably achieve good results.

Baozi Xuan is using a city to change a city, which is not only limited to economic and taxation at this moment. Even public security, clean level, civilized politeness have begun to involve it; it is estimated that there is no such influence in the world.

But this may also become the calm before the storm is coming; after all, let the members of the community, the second generation is too long. Waiting to the wind, once the outbreak, it is absolutely unable to stop. But as long as you don't infringe the interests of the Black Cloud Group, Bunzi Xuan really doesn't have so much.

Xiangjiang can develop in a good direction, of course, it is best; if you still can't make a root change, he also wants to return.

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