The latest website: How to promote the metal sodium solar panels, Bunzi Xuan really didn't think about it. Electricity involves national strategies and security issues, it is impossible to hand over to foreign companies easily. If it is a traditional thermal power, hydropower may still say some, but it is now solar power generation. It is exactly that all countries and enterprises have not been exposed to the metallium sodium solar power generation.

Once the country enters an emergency, or a war. The Black Cloud Group destroys solar power equipment or let it stop. Don't underestimate the Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan because he has this ability. At that time, the country's electricity is not enough, or not talking others, waiting to be beaten is the only choice.

The developed countries in Europe and the United States are known to know that the solar power is easy to use, and they don't dare to promote and popularize. Who knows what there will be no more cats here. Unless there is a situation, Black Cloud Group discloses all technical patents, and domestic companies can directly produce.

But this kind of thing to give others a wedding dress, Bun Zixuan is not stupid, how can it agree. This is the problem that both parties need, but at this time I think of this, but it is still early.

Xinhua News Agency reporter is also a big beauty, and it should be that we should have just come from China. No matter whether it admitted, although the Huaxia female reporter is very beautiful, it is still a lot of trend in dressing. Of course, this is a big relationship with China.

Huaxia's beautiful reporter asked: "Mr. Bao, hello! I am Xinhua News Agency, Liu Ying."

"Whether it is suitable for the application of metal sodium solar power equipment, and how much is it larger than this product.

This problem is really not very high; it is no wonder that Huaxia reporters have insufficient experience in this area. European and American reporters often participate in the press conference, and there are not many opportunities from Huaxia reporters. The country is not very rich, it takes a lot of money. The disadvantages of saving spending have revealed, but these areas of the same bag, he can't take money, and this is the truth.

The motherland reporter questioned, of course, to answer seriously. This is the respect of the at least, and it is estimated that many people in China want to get the answer. But because of the last things, I don't want to think about it, I will let the reporter come over. Thinking that Bunxuan is angry, it is impossible to explode at the press conference. As long as you will answer the question, it is enough.

I feel that there are many places in the Chinese mainland, suitable for the establishment of metal sodium solar devices; but cost, and the effect of achieving, it must have accurate data. The economic situation in China is not very good, and the money must spend on the blade.

Bunzi Xuan: "China's large biography, there is certainly suitable for the establishment of metal sodium sun-energy power generation equipment. For example, there is a southern Xinjiang area, there is enough light, and the annual rainfall is not large; it is very suitable for establishing solar equipment. "

"Unlike other equipment, metal sodium solar power generation equipment.

The best place is to build in the desert, of course, the environment is not very bad. Nevada, China, South China, some countries and regions of the Middle East, Africa Sahara can meet the basic needs of metal sodium solar power equipment; some places are even the most ideal choices. "

"As for you to say costs, the metal sodium solar power plant is planned to produce two models. One is used inside the city, mainly for office buildings and ordinary households; that is, on the roof of the personal room, or outside the office building."

"Population intensive area, safety must be placed first. Therefore, each metal sodium power plant is spliced ​​from small pieces and has three-layer protective film."

"As for equipment in the desert area, it is not so troublesome. It only needs two layers of protective film. And one layer is auxiliary protection, just in a short period of time."

"If the metal sodium is exposed to air, it will inevitably produce strong chemical reactions with air and water; it must be prevented."

"The products used in the city are relatively small, but the win is safe. However, the price is very expensive, and the cost is at least 2 times more than the desert type."

"Desert products, large power generation; relative to urban products, the safety factor is low. But it is a place where the people are rare, unreserrable, and the probability of problems will not be large. And regular maintenance, safety Don't worry too much. "

"Urban products, such as, for example, Miss Georga, the cost is about $ 50,000. In the next ten years, the family is basically not available to excessive electricity."

A family, 10,000 US dollars needed for ten years. It takes $ 400 of $ 400 a month, cost is not low, even more expensive than to buy power companies. But winning is energy-saving and environmentally friendly, and is not limited.

In fact, the cost is that Bao Zixuan is intended to exaggerate, not just selling a high price; more important to existing power companies. Even if it is eliminated, there is a process, you can't kill people directly.

The major power companies in the world are not state-owned enterprises; it is deep in this country, and the existence of considerable power. If the black cloud group quotes is too low, it is not possible to earn money. By then, all users have their own solar power equipment, and the electricity company is selling.

Brokenness, like killing parents, may even lead millions of people directly unemployed. This is too big hatred, and it is still unable to resolve it. At that time, all countries will feel that the Black Cloud Group is a threat. It is useless to the relationship. For the sake of interest, politicians will change their face speed.

French news agency, founded in 1944, one of the four world-class news amenities named Reuters, the Associated Press and Hezhong Society. The predecessor is "Havas News Agency" created by Hill Havas in 1835. AFP is one of the top four major news agencies.

In the European continent, the AFP is definitely an industry hegemony, and Reuters will not be placed in the eyes. After the Menian Society and Reuters, you can also understand that even the Chinese media and the Soviet media are in front of them, which makes French reporters very unhappy.

Can first ask questions, personal feelings is not so important, can come out to represent the newspaper. The four major news agency, it is never a wave of virtual name, and the oldest Act, the oldest, the final, what does it mean?

But now I can't break out. After all, this is in the land; but the disgusting black cloud group and buns are.

The French reporter smiled and said: "Mr. Bao, hello, I am a new newspaper reporter."

"France has the world's largest nuclear power equipment, which can be said that technology is very mature, at least there have not yet happened. You just said that nuclear power hazard is not a monument, or understanding is intentionally suppressed nuclear power, and promoting solar power generation."

France has been in Germany before the end of the Second World War.

In the nuclear power field, the world's first in the world of nuclear power turbines developed by Alstom. France is also the country with the highest nuclear power ratio, not only large, and the specific gravity is more than 70% of the overall power supply. And the unit is young; most of the units are built after the 1970s, so the technology is very advanced.

The French Ahaiv Group is the world's leading point in nuclear energy construction. As the world leader in the world, the world leader of the nuclear energy industry. The Ahaiv Group is the only company that can engage in all relevant industrial production processes.

It is sufficient to see the power of the French in the nuclear power field, and now the Black Cloud Group launches the performance of such a strong solar power plant. As a French reporter, it will definitely worry about the country.

The press conference is still very harmonious so far. What does the French reporter mean, is this not to come and remove the Taiwan! The Black Cloud Group Bunxuan is not a small gas. Every time the reporter is interviewed, it will send a gift.

And it is still the latest electronic products of the black cloud, and even many are commemorative. It is also possible to get a high price. This is why many beautiful reporters have listened to the Huiyun Group to hold a press conference.

Now some people are directly demolished at the release meeting, and those who have a good temper, and it is impossible to indifferent. If you really have a fire, you can't get the benefits.

At this time, I saw that all reporters were not very friendly eyes, and the French reporter immediately understood what it means. The peer has a disgusting expression, and it is for her, and it is definitely touched everyone. There are also some regrets now, what is sinful, nothing, isn't it?

It's late now, I only hope that Bao Zi Xuan will not remember the little person, don't see you generally. If today's press conference, there is no way to take a gift; it is estimated that this is a reporter, you can eat her.

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