The latest website: Black Cloud Group's annual advertising fees, public relations costs are relatively large and revenue, and it is very much pitiful, and it can even say that there is almost no. After all, the overall strength is in all countries and cities, seeking them to invest in the past, so there is no public relations fee. Whoever dares to charge a public relations fee to Bao Zixuan, it is estimated that the president is looking for you.

As for the advertising fee, Bunzi Xuan himself is the biggest star, and does not need to hire an image spokesperson. In addition to the beginning of Bangji small silk, there is no image spokesperson. And after the contract of the Big Silk of the Bi Ji, did not renew.

This is not dare to imagine in large companies ranking in the world. There is even a star broker, which takes the initiative to contact the Black Cloud Group. The offer given is very low, it can be said that it is self-sufficient price for its endorsement, but it still does not get a contract.

Bao Zixuan can't give a monk's image, so it is very generous in other respects. For example, as long as it is a press conference of the Black Cloud Group; regardless of the size of the size, many people who come over, participants can get an electronic product. Sometimes or even high-end products such as mobile phones, laptops.

Although there is no need to deliberately please give this helpless king, sometimes you can't sin. Before youna, often quarrel with the media, and finally found it at all. The owner of the newspaper is a bit worth it, and it is not a good time to quit the industry. But it is difficult to form an intrinsic threat to people.

Bao Zixuan is a businessman unless there is no need, it will never use extreme means. Once used, it will be difficult to turn back, and it will even provide material to the future film and television drama. Do not say young and history, but at least can't be tempered for the presence of the big devil.

The reporter's request is very simple, respectful, get benefits. This is very easy for the Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan; careful answering questions is the greatest respect. The latest electronic products of the Black Cloud Group, some even have money, absolutely the biggest benefits.

Therefore, in the past two years, the news conference of the Black Cloud Group is very harmonious. Few reporters are difficult, and the behavior of the public is called. The French reporter broke the rules, of course, will be isolated by other people, after all, is moving all the cakes.

But for this, Bunzu Xuan did not care. How do you say that the other party is also a beautiful woman; don't say a gentleman's style, at least there is at least a woman who is the same, it looks that he has no height and pattern.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "France is in the use of nuclear energy, especially in nuclear power generation; indeed has a sharp point, and even worth all people learn and admire."

"The Black Cloud Group is not because there is no corresponding nuclear power technology reserves. The nuclear energy is not good. Just personal feeling is too high. Once the problem, even give the whole world to the top of the disaster. Of course, I may be a dramatic, I hope this kind of thing will never happen. "

"But as a man who is born by a science department,

It is necessary to speak with scientific data. Any product in the world is dangerous, but it is necessary to see if human beings can bear. "

"The ax is the first to use wood, but often has an operation error, to the user. This is just against one person, the most personal is crime; the family is painful, and the other people are not big."

"The car is convenient for people, but it is necessary to be more danger than walking. Driving needs a certain technology, and every day, there will be a car accident. But it is only a small population, but it does not cause any pollution to the environment."

"Who can guarantee the safety of the nuclear power station; even if the operation is completely standardized, earthquake, the tsunami may cause fatal damage to the nuclear power plant. Even if the nuclear power plant is completely safe, how can the nuclear waste to deal with. When MIT, I still specifically This question is discussed. "

"At that time, we sent the nuclear waste into space. If you sway in the sun or fall to the sun, it is difficult to damage the environment on the earth. However, how to send nuclear waste into space or a problem. Because The use of rockets to carry this way sometimes the failure of the launch. "

"Depth drilling is also a method, but the depth drilling needs to wrap the invalid nuclear fuel stick in the sealed steel structure, and then embedded in the underground number of miles. Its advantage is that the nuclear reactor is bored in the near area, shortened High-place nuclear waste is in the transportation distance before treatment. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the recession of nuclear waste, which is far longer than the use of the sealing container. Once the arrival time, there is no timely replacement container, the consequences will be unimaginable. "

It is also a method under the seas and bed; the seabed is made of thick clay, most suitable for absorbing radioactive decay products. However, in the sea bed, you need to drill underwater, but the seabed environment is thousands of changing, who can guarantee absolute safety. Leakage, pollution to the marine environment may affect dozens of generations.

"Buried in the sub-district or; allows invalid nuclear fuel rods to move along the" conveyor belt "of the Earth construction plate and eventually enter the mantle layer. However, the treatment method embedded in the sub-district violates some international treaties." "

"Ice treatment; the temperature of the nuclear waste is generally high, put it into tungsten ball to put it in a more stable ice cream, the tungsten ball will move down with the melting of the surrounding ice, and the above-mentioned ice is again solidified. However The ice origin will move, resulting in the radioactive material to float in the ocean like a iceberg. It will bring a lot of hidden dangers to the marine environment. The container of the storage nuclear waste floats to any country is a huge threat to the country. "

"Enclose the synthetic rock; embedding nuclear waste into the groundwise to prevent nuclear waste materials from polluting the soil and water around the nuclear waste. Synthetic rocks can absorb specific waste produced by water-saving reactors and sputum nuclear fission. They are ceramic products that can make nuclear waste Enclose the lazer to simulate a more stable ore in geological construction. But the cost of the required nuclear power is unbearable. "

"Use hydraulic mode is a method; once the groundwater is infiltrated, the underground nuclear waste storage facilities will become particularly dangerous. If a water waste is built around the core waste, the groundwater will not penetrate into the radioactive material. But it is easy Contaminated groundwater, to that time, the harm of human beings is greater. "

"I don't say that the nuclear power is not good, the power is indeed, but our generation can't be so selfish, and you can't give any safety hazards to the descendants.

"The Black Cloud Group will not study nuclear power projects. Of course, this is just a personal point of view. At present, the current black cloud still has no ability to handle and contract, the nuclear power plant exploded, the harm caused by the leakage. It is absolutely not to touch the products that you can't control. This is my business. in principle."

After listening to Bunxuan analysis, all reporters are caught in meditation. The science and engineering men are different. People have long thought of all problems; even in the student era, they have done related discussions and preview. The gap between genius and mortals is really difficult.

The world has once again seen the enriched blogging, and the nuclear physics understands. Moreover, many methods are not on the book. Some even stay in theory, the head that has been analyzed is Tao; how to let the nuclear physics expert feel. It is necessary to know that Bao Zi Xuan's professional can be mechanical manufacturing and aviation power;

Most of the on-site reporters are learning the liberal arts. Of course, I don't understand the disciplines of the Mount Everest in physics. But listening to the analysis of the bag, it feels very reasonable. It may be blindly believed, and people are indeed very deep.

The French reporter is very embarrassed, and he is a girl, how can it understand the analysis of nuclear waste.

I don't understand anything, means that there is no reason to refute, the most important thing is to find a counterattack. I can't say that I am shameful when I am not only, and I may have to follow my eyes.

Other media will say that the AFP reporter is really interesting. I don't understand anything, I dare to ask, and even refute everyone's point of view. In that case, she is going to the head in the days; if serious, maybe even the reporters cannot do it.

It's not willing to work, just tolerate; go back to a good knowledge, at least next time, you can't make the same mistake.

Bao Zi Xuan didn't know, how persistent this beautiful reporter. It is hard to be uncomfortable, of course, I am very smart; getting a master's degree in nuclear physics, how big is it to see this matter?


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