The latest website: Hezhong International Society; in May 1958, He was combined with international news agency. Total agency in New York. In 1907, Hezhong Society was established in 1909. After the Second World War, both social development became an international news agency. After the two governments, they were controlled by the Scripus Howard Newspaper Group. After the 1970s, due to poor management, long-term losses, ownership is a few degrees. In June 1982, the Society was transferred to the news communication company.

It is also surprising that the Head of International Society is also a beautiful reporter; it seems that the Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan have a woman's edge. No AFP is so proud, after all, at this time, different from other newspapers, the Hezhong International Society is in the wind and rain. Next year, in May 1985, Hezhong International Society officially applied for breaking, sold to Mexican owners in November.

It can be seen in the state of the Hezhong International Society, a thriving business, it is impossible to close it in less than a year. It is not said that there is a thousand holes at this time, and it is estimated that it will be went there.

Therefore, the reporter of Hezhong International Society has been very low in recent years. As long as you can interview news, others are willing to say anything. There is no money in the pocket, there is no difference in the air.

It is a reporter who is a Hezhong International, and Baozi Xuan really wants to buy the other party. But I also know that it is very difficult, after all Americans will not agree. In the past, Murdoch was deliberately added to the US TV station. Although the newspaper industry is not so strict, it will be worse.

La sodium is a Mexican, and the United States can control it at any time. Baozi Xuan is not so easy to compromise, or the Black Cloud Group headquarters will move to the United States. Therefore, the Americans would rather sell a Mexican at a low price, nor will they sell it to the Black Cloud Group at a high price. This is not only a business, and it also involves politics and other issues.

However, you can analyze and solve problems from another angle, and there may be a lot of costs. Even if the US government agrees, acquires a newspaper, but also has one of the world's four major news agencies, and its price will definitely be too low. Especially the black cloud group is ready to acquire, Baozi Xuan can be synonymous with people's silly money, and the other side will inevitably pit him.

The reporter of Hezhong International smiled: "Mr. Bao, hello! I am a reporter of Hezhong International, Levina! I want to ask, where is the first batch of metal sodium solar power equipment, where is it? Safety hidden dangers; after the equipment reaches the service life, it will never cause pollution to the environment, and how will the Black Cloud Group will respond. "

Then you just said, the crown is always, you can't say it. How much hazard is said to be nuclear and electronics, how dangerous. The metal sodium of the Black Cloud Group dares to ensure that there is no loss, I am afraid there is no reason.

The nuclear waste is very harmful. Is it small if the metal sodium waste is harmful! After all, it is a lively heavy metal, and it will have hazards in nature, and the transition exceeds the standard may even lead to human carcinoma.

Although the problem is sharp,

But it is indeed asked. It seems that the reporter of Hezhong International Society, the professional literacy is really unable to say. Enterprises have a big relationship with operators, which may be decision-making or other reasons, but this beauty reporter is still admiring.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Miss Levina, Hello! This is the most professional today, and it is also a question that is really concerned with the metal sodium solar power plant. Your professionalism is admired, if you are interested, Black Cloud Group A news speech is still lacking. "

"Wait until the press conference is over, you can wait a little; premise is interested in this position, the human resources department will contact you. No matter how much the annual salary is, the income of the Black Cloud Group's news speech will be three times more Of course, this is the external question. Now you are also a reporter of Hezhong International, ask questions I have to answer. "

Before the Black Cloud Group recruited news speakers, it was not very satisfied. In the view of Zhao Tingting and Baozixuan, the news speech of the Black Cloud Group should be more unimpeded, professional literacy. This beauty reporter is obviously very suitable in front of you, and at least Bao Zixuan appears to be like this.

Although it is also a beautiful woman, it is a little bit more than other reporters. Note It has sufficient experience and qualifications, which is really needed by the Black Cloud Group. There are a lot of vases in the world, but the real-capable woman is really hard to find.

Levina did not expect luck to so suddenly, it seems that this time to come to the Black Cloud Group's greatest gain, it is a chance to fight for an interview. As a senior reporter of the Hezhong International Society, of course, it is clear that the newspaper is currently what states. Where is the death, now there is a chance to come over the black cloud group, and the fool knows how to choose.

After all, it is not a little girl, or I have seen some markets. So just elegant smiles, did not express it too excited; people feel too exaggerated, it is likely to lose this opportunity.

In fact, Bao Zixuan also wants to prepare in advance, if you seriously find it, the Black Cloud Group News Speaking is still the right to choose. Enterprise signage is here, no one can not be indifferent; even if a person has the ability, it also requires a higher platform to support.

Traditional newspapers and television media, Americans must prevent the Black Cloud Group. But immediately enter the Internet era, and major portals will debut. This is also a premium layout; content, especially the news content is very critical; it is the key to early attracting users. Let a group of sputum men to edit the news; do not say large materials, maybe things will not do. The operation is self-esteem, and the cross-line wants to do things well. It is not generally general.

Hezhong International Member is not to say that it is elite, at least priority will not be poor. It is necessary to announce money fortune next year, and I was acquired by Mexican, and this year is certainly not good. Americans will not agree with the overall acquisition of the Black Cloud Group, so why not take the reporter empty.

Hezhong International Society has 1,200 employees, as long as there is half of the willingness to come over. So, there is only one empty shell, you can show your feelings, and there is really nothing.

One side is like the day of the day, the heavens are super good, and the Hezhong International Society arrears in the river is under the river. As long as the reporter is awake, of course, I know how to choose.

Recruiting Levina is just an opportunity. I believe that I can come over the Black Cloud Group to participate in the press conference, and in the newspaper must be some people and qualifications. At least one person capable of serving the public, or it is impossible to get such a good opportunity.

This beauty came over, did the other Journalists' reporters still run!

Others don't know what Bao Zixuan is the thoughts, I want to have such a good opportunity, how can I not fall on my head? But there is only envious of the envy, who makes them not asked some, asking the head of the head!

After retiring in the Black Cloud Group, Levina asked Bun Xuan, why did she be her, I don't know what people have. After all, six reporters at the front row should be the largest, and their appearance is not the most beautiful. If there is really other ideas, so many young little girls don't choose, who will have a half old Xu Niang. And with the identity of Bunxuan, wealth, status, what kind of woman wants to get it, never look at her. It can be seen from the past few decades, and the boss will think about it.

Baozi Xuan is only a weak answer: "Enterprise development requires talents, you are just a talent."

I heard that Levina did not say anything until the old colleagues who came over, the old colleagues who came over the Black Cloud Group were discovered together. It turns out that there are so many Hezhong International Metropolis reporters enter the black cloud work, and most of them are introduced by themselves.

Suddenly understand what it means, the original boss has long seen what the transient international community is. Hiring her, there is no more need to break the gate from the interior.

Bao Zi Xuan layout is deep, it is really unimaginable. This man can succeed, and ordinary people really imitate. After discovering this situation, Levina did not invite any previous colleagues to come over. At the time of death, the funeral is from simple, and only family can participate.

Everyone doesn't understand what this old lady means, but only can do it, after all, the dead is big. After Baozi Xuan learned, he sent a lot of condolences to the gold, and it took things together.


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