Latest Website: whom also too early to talk about the other, the United Press International reporter's question, very height and depth, but also the best chance to dispel doubts. Sodium metal extent lively, on-site reporter basically all know, after all, made a detailed investigation and understanding before. Just pack the richest man in the nuclear power plant that's so dangerous, and now their turn; we can not avoided, it may be that character issues.

On your things, others products are good for nothing; then let you finish, and also how other companies do.

Buns Xuan: "At present, sodium metal on solar power generation equipment, the first batch will be where to install; plans are carried out simultaneously in two places first is the dark Group headquarters building, where the headquarters and each subsidiary that is the first city. products, all installed in the dark town. "

"For their own products, I have absolute confidence. If there is any quality problem, or explode the situation, but also the first bombing of My Xuan buns. If some day I can be killed in the process of developing new products, may be with Mr. Nobel Like the outcome, it can be considered a good home for researchers. "

"According to computer calculations, biotite Group Headquarters Building, unless special circumstances, or they will not purchase additional power as for other subsidiaries of the headquarters, because of various shapes, different metallic sodium thus laying a single square meter of solar power generation equipment ratio;. But also to buy a portion of the additional power. "

"But I am confident that, after ten years will be able to solve this problem; clouds future town should build the world's lowest per capita carbon emissions city."

"As Desert, biotite group in the Middle East has many industries and factories. The Middle East is the world's largest electricity shortfall, one of the most unstable region. So will be the first in Saudi dark ground effect aircraft factory, install and use metallic sodium solar power plant. "

Not question the safety of the equipment it! I am all in himself, this time always impress it!

This trick can say buns Xuan too hard, after all, many countries in the world need power. Currently few countries have enough electricity, now have such a good equipment, not large-scale popularization and promotion; but their first use, is not too selfish.

People like this, when the more you get, the more often want.

See several reporters raised their hands, buns Xuan opportunity to give the German media. Not only because they reported the Hong Kong law and order problem, there can not let a silly Rudolph sitting where.

Deutsche Presse-Agentur really did not disappoint, Germany correspondent said:. "I ask Dr. Rudolph, sodium metal solar power generation equipment such a good product; why is there in the dark laboratory group, but does not appear in Germany."

Buns Xuan did not expect the German media have this question, it seems that the hearts can not let go.

Science has no borders, but scientists have their own nationality is, words that are true.

Rudolph is suffering not to say, after all, buns Xuan research data are available. He is not so important, the feeling is a marionette. But given the high treatment, I do not care about others. And the boss has promised, will support the follow-up research and development. That matters concerning solar power generation equipment, has full power to him to be responsible.

Since there colleague in question, even if now is not a country; thicker than water, incense Love or quest.

Rudolph: "Before I did not want this talent, the dark clouds over the group engaged in research work only basic materials just a chance, found that the effect of light absorption of sodium metal; only apply to the company, conduct follow-up research and development.."

"If you are engaged in research and development in Germany, it may take at least five years, or even more time. Dark clouds Group has the world's most advanced equipment and R & D funding is very abundant, even more than his own grant applications. Although I was a German, but the boss pays my salary, wages must be worthy of this. "

This is the buns Xuan and Rudolph has long wanted good arguments, There's nothing loopholes. They only thing they know, Rudolph for fame, did not dare to tell the truth. Buns Xuan had to make huge profits, but also do not want to complicate the issue.

East Germans, after all, the two have not strictly speaking belong to a country. Just a pity, but they are the world's most intelligent people, because of World War II defeat, but has now split into two countries to the Germans. If Rudolph living in West Germany, West Germany, then by means of scientific research strength; sodium metal solar power generation equipment will not belong to the dark Group.

But now that everything is late, that is, from this moment. West Germany, East Germany people began to really realize the enormous potential, but also makes the German reunification plan ahead a few years longer than originally history.

Middle East media asked: "! Mr. Rudolph, Hello I would like to ask if the establishment of such metal sodium solar power plants in Kuwait, need to meet those conditions."

Although buns Xuan all-rounder, may Rudolph is the chief engineer. I believe the other answer more professional, but also the richest man in the package have already answered many questions can not always bother people.

Floor care products have been national problem, which is a good start. I believe the future for some time, there must be a lot of countries, regions, enterprises, institutions door to seek cooperation.

Rudolph said with a smile: ".. I have not been to Kuwait, but can not give an accurate opinion about the siting of sodium metal solar power plant, and no special requirements"

"In principle, light intensity, light a long time is an important factor. As long as these two conditions are met, with no significant storms in the area, it is the ideal venue for solar power plants."

"Ye thermal power, nuclear power worth mentioning, especially hydropower, thermal power, after all, and needs nuclear power or the use of conventional steam-power mode in water-rich place; As for hydropower, water entirely by solar energy to generate power, but just the opposite. the more arid place, his effect, that is, the greater the power output. "

"So long as Kuwait can offer a desert region, I want to build a solar power plant is still very simple. Wait until the end of the press conference, my team and I want to visit the Middle East in the past. If Kuwait welcomed, we can visit some past your country."

Chief Engineer sodium metal solar power generation equipment to the Middle East in the past to study the market. This is to plant the rhythm, dark Group's haste is really fast.

No wonder buns Xuan can such a short time, put the companies do so much. The ability to execute men, ordinary companies can not do. Product development has just come out, it has been thought purposes. And even the customers are looking for good, how the world is there any company can do it.

Middle East correspondent said with a smile:. "I will take you to go to visit the Middle East to domestic news reports, regardless of the country would now refuse to visit dark groups, in particular sodium or metal solar power plant chief engineer personally visited"

Visit the Middle East in the past, before it is determined good thing. In order to highlight the importance of the Middle East market, metallic sodium personally visited the power plant chief engineer, no one dare say biotite Group fool thing.

So long to deal with Arabs so long, Bao Zi Xuan has also summed up a law. As long as it is showing enough attention to them, as well as respect. The price is really not so important, as long as it is not particularly excessive, the Arab pay is still very happy.

I have said that several times as long as the Saudi area can take a 10% desert area, which is enough to meet all of the Middle East. Now the product is developed, and the first stop will go to Saudi. In this attention, the Saudi royal family really can't pick any problems.

Japanese reporters asked: "Mr. Bao, hello! Will it ask the metal sodium solar power plant, will it cooperate with Japanese companies!"

Or Japanese is pragmatic, when everyone wants to buy equipment; they think of cooperative production, and technical and patent licensing, it seems that this is not enough.

I didn't care about this Bunxuan, but smiled and said: "Black Cloud Group has a very good company with many companies in Japan, if they need it. As long as the conditions are suitable, they can continue to cooperate."

There is definitely, but the conditions are suitable but very intriguing. I don't know that Bun Zixuan doesn't like to take advantage of it, but it is definitely not a loser. Moreover, as the rule of the Black Cloud Group increases, the appetite is getting bigger and bigger.

Now there is such a good product in your hand, if other manufacturers want; don't pay the huge price, it is difficult to hit the head of the bag.

Subsequently, several reporters have successively proposed some technical problems, and Rudolph's performance is very satisfied. At least the on-site reporter will not doubt, his authority in the metal sodium solar power plant.


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