Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1063 Motorian Family Planning

The latest website: The press conference ended, and the reporters did not disappoint. The Black Cloud Group prepared a gift for everyone, and even the photographers and other staff have. Black cloud's latest mobile phone, but also a special commemorative version. At present, the market is priced for more than $ 3,000. The headed hand is shocked again again.

But to say the happiest, it is a Hezhong International Metropolitan Reporter Levina. Zhao Tingting, Vice President of the Head of Human Resources in Black Cloud Group, personally found her; a contract that could not be rejected. Without any hesitation, returning to the United States, resigned, and then served as a news speech of the Black Cloud Group.

Journalists who got the benefits, of course, can not be mettle. Moreover, the technology that Black Cloud Group demonstrates enough, as long as it is objective, fair report, the people will naturally buy. This news report that doesn't have to get a conscience and get the benefits, I really hope to happen every day. But the reporter also knows that not all companies are black clouds; nor all the bosses, are like a bag of the first rich. This kind of thing can be can't meet, and it is already a big lucky one.

The second day of the press conference, a villa in Munich, Germany. A man sitting on a wheelchair. Seeing the report about the metal sodium solar power plant, suddenly become spiritual. The relationship between the original metal sodium and the sun can also achieve the ideal effect on the earth, how have never thought.

If the equipment is developed in the same year, Germany is not so miserable. In the late Second World War, the Allies blocked Germany; making raw materials supply very difficult, is the root cause of Germany's defeat. Sometimes, even the fuel supplies needed by the power plant is extremely difficult. If you have this solar power plant, then Germany will not be worried about electricity.

It is expected that weapons attacking other countries, and forgetting the use of the sky-based energy. It seems that it is old until people develop products, he thinks this relationship. I saw the general engineer is a German, and the old man is somewhat pleasing; Germany is really a talent. As for the product profit, it is really not so concerned.

The German old man is a major designer Herman, who has just been too excited, and forgets that he has elderly dementia. It is good, this scene is just discovered by the Morgan family monitoring personnel.

After Leon leaves, the more I want to feel wrong. It is said that Herman-Obert has serious old age dementia, but it is not so. Therefore, I specially went to the hospital to see several old age dementia patients. There are signs that Herman-Obert is not like being ill, it is likely to be underwash.

The more I want to feel suspicious Leon, arrange the Morgan family in Germany staff, began to monitor Herman - Obd.

I didn't expect to have an unexpected surprise, it seems that this German is quite smart. I know too much secrets you master, I want to work in my later years, not being bothered; or perhaps the disease is a very good way.

Leon received a report from his hand,

Dare not neglect, and quickly came to the old Morgan office.

Old Morgan is also migrant, just seen reports, the Black Cloud Group also developed products such as such anti-day, and is also related to energy. According to this speed development, transcending the Morgan family is a morning and evening; the future Black Cloud Group can only look up from the Morgan family.

Leon came to see and know what the other side is certainly important information. Or else to the other side of the character, the initiative will not come looking for him. Master and servant are different, the old Morgan is not a thing, want to know subordinates.

Gas is not good old Morgan said: "Leon, today's news as you can see; I think you bring me a good news."

The Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan are definitely old Morgan taboos. If you don't have to get into the buns. Make the two sides unreasonable, and now it seems to have stupid.

Not only lost their son-in-law, making the daughter rarely go home. I don't know why it is so stubborn, maybe it is still the exclusion of Chinese instinct.

Leon, of course, why is the boss, why is angry with a metal sodium, which is inevitably becoming a star product. And the market is wider, no one in the world does not need electricity supply. And master the power; any country in the world, will seriously think about how to satisfy each other when I negotiate with the Black Cloud Group. The initiative is already gragued, and if you can see how much benefits and interests can be obtained.

The Black Cloud Group is progressing every day, and the mid Morgan family has been stopped. If he doesn't mean Bunxuan's mind, it is estimated that the metal sodium is finished, the Morgan family will not be easy as it is now.

The Black Cloud Group announced the production of solar power equipment and needs to be used in metal sodium. Can Huaxia and the Soviet Union are the main market purchases in Black Cloud. The feast of the futures market has ended; no one is currently acting rashly. In case it is a prison, the consequences of general enterprises are really unbearable.

Leon: "Siede staff reacts, Herman-Obert is learned after knowing the news of the metal sodium solar power plant. Actually excited stations, indicating that the other party did not sick, the mind was also awake. "

"The old guy must know what, at least we can develop similar products. The sun cannon design is much more complicated than the use of solar power, as long as it remains awake, the old man should think of what. As a researcher, the material ratio should remember clearly."

"When I left Germany, I found it wrong. Later, I went to the hospital to visit and observed patients with elderly dementia, and found that the situation of Herman-Obert is not the same. Arrange the staff of Germany to monitor the monitoring, current It seems that the old guy is not honest. "

I heard Leon's analysis, Morgan was very pleased. At least the housekeeper is very competent, working hard.

Herman - Obert masters too many secrets; whether it is Germany in the Second World War, it is still too much in the Cold War, it is easy to issue problems. If you are got by the Soviet Union, it is a huge treasure; it is estimated that the Soviet leader can smile.

The old guy was a little fame in Germany, and the old Braun was small, and even higher than the other party in the qualifications. Unlike Feng-Braun's short-lived, Herman-Obert is a longevity, and it is no wonder that you will make yourself so. From the other year, he has been studying philosophy, take the initiative to abandon the rocket and other scientific research projects, and you can see that the old man is paving the future.

The development of science and technology is a new month. The old guy did not touch the tip rocket technology for ten years. Of course, it will not be suspected after retirement. This is also why German scientists in World War II, and after going to the United States, I ran to the reasons for studying philosophy. Just thinking about peace of mind, get a good end.

But Herman-Obd is too much, and it is too strong. Even if you don't touch the cutting-edge technology in ten years, it is also necessary to worry about Americans. Since you have found it, then you can't make your old guy easily.

In one sentence next to my son, I almost put the old Morgan dizziness.

Small Morgan: "A 90-year-old man can have any use."

Old Morgan really wants to give his son a slap in the face, how can this kid always remember? I can't use my head to think about the problem, the Morgan family is so good, how to give such a thing.

Old Morgan said directly: "Herman - Obor has too many secrets, the sun can be used as a weapon, is it possible to be a power generation equipment! Why do Bunzi's inspiration in the metal sodium, the fact proves that it is great success. It is not because of the reasons of the sun, there is no causal relationship there. "

"The chief engineer of the metal sodium solar power plant is a German, and it is still born in Pena Mingd. Who can guarantee his father, the teacher has not participated in the relevant R & D plan of the sun."

"Key problem is that metal sodium should add a material to achieve power generation effect. We don't know the proportion, is Herman - Obert doesn't know!"

"The old guy is not only useful, but also has a lot. I want to let him expose my horse, so that the Morgan family will come out."

Herman - Obd is a 90-year-old old man, plus it in Europe, which has a lot of disciples and spaces. At this time, I will bother the old man at this time, and I can't say it. Old Morgan is also unwilling to bear the name. After all, many things can do, but it will definitely not let the public know.

In fact, the old Morgan didn't want Leon to say the problem, and that small Morgan will definitely not convince. It is said that two people have to be on the bar, and finally he will come out to clean up the situation. And also wants Leon to know, many things don't say, don't mean, don't know, don't make things.

It can be said that the old guy is definitely a broader master, this opponent is not right to deal with; even very hard.

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