Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1064 Motiferous Planning

Latest Website: I heard old Morgan's analysis, Leon is really admired. I really didn't think so far, my grandfather actually considers it. I saw the small Morgan next to him, I didn't know what to say. Old Morgan is so impatient, the ability is superior; even if this is the contradiction between the Black Cloud Group, it is a Morgan family to suffer. Waiting to Xiaomorgan's power, where to support the situation; maybe in Bunzi Xuanxin, this kid is not aligned.

Leon: "Since Herman - Ober is so important, but also mastering the remnant of sun cannon, and metal sodium power generation. Do we have to ask him, at least you can't let others first."

"To know that with the report about the sun cannon, pay attention to Herman - Obdte's national and institutions. Our intelligence personnel can find that the old guy is underwashing, difficult to protect other countries and institutions can't find it. After all, the action is obvious, as long as you pay attention, you can see it. "

Listening to Leon's analysis, Xiaomera knows, to prove yourself. Repeat, Leon, you can't let Leon.

Xiao Morgan: "In this case, I want to personally pass Germany; see what the requirements of Herman - Obdte. The old guy can be underwell for a long time. If you don't get great benefits, you should continue to install."

"As a core member of the Morgan family, I think this identity and commitment is enough."

In fact, he just wants to prove herself in front of his father, or a simple child thinking. Where did he knew what the old Morgan thought, many things involved in the dark box, and the people did something better. Even if there is a problem, there is also a room.

León passed, once there is a problem, it can be sent out when doing the sins. Xiao Morgan is different, the Morgan family heirs; she is reluctant to be on the one hand, after all, Morgan is such a son. There is another point, the small Morgan personally came out, did you say it as a father?

The family's behavior will make people feel the whole Morgan family, once the problem is wrong; that is, others want to help, they don't dare. But I saw my son's expression, and the old Morgan really couldn't bear to refuse. Just saying: "Pay attention to safety, Leon's staff in Germany, fully cooperate with the young master."

Can only be prepared for logistics, guarantees that there is no loss. Understand your son's character, if you don't promise him, maybe you want to think about it.

Xiao Morgen, I don't know what the old man is thinking, since I didn't have a hole in the morning, I was killed by the buns. Doing things always be bundled, there is no space exhibited. And other members of the Morgan family have begun to sacrifice their attitude towards him. The Morgan family needs a wisdom of the Wuyi, not a kind of kind.

So I want to say that this world is the most pleasant hate, certainly non-packaged rivers. The last loss is on the one hand,

It is also acceptable to be questioned. The only thing that cannot be tolerated is that everyone is attitude towards him. It is Rhetue-Morgan to ask Bunxuan to let himself, the other party has not pursued. That is to say, Morgan is a soft egg that only knows behind women, this is involved in men's dignity.

Even a nightmare every night, always lingering.

Small Morgan's idea is simple, US national steel companies can produce metal sodium solar power equipment. As long as it is Herman-Abert to provide technical information, then other good doration. Even if the Black Cloud Group launches legal proceedings, the lawsuit will definitely play in the United States. The local operations, coupled with the relationship between the Morgan family and the humanity. The Black Cloud Group will definitely can't win, and the whole body will refund.

Not only can you divide the metal sodium solar power plant market, let the Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan not earn too high profits, but also allow steel companies to turn over. Let shareholders and Carnegie are watching, the Morgan family is more way than they.

Xiao Morgan has begun to take care of the business ethics, even touch the bottom line. The United States is a little fine, that is the patent protection law. The Black Cloud Group pays attention to a company, how may it might not register related patents for metal sodium power generation equipment. Even if you get related technologies from Herman-Obert, if you want to produce and sell, you must get the license of the Black Cloud Group.

No one can produce directly, then the company who is going to develop, but it is quite unfair.

However, as long as it is to hit the black cloud group and Bunzi Xuan, Xiaometro will not care about others, even if the law is not there. In short, the face must be earned, and it will definitely can't let the buns Xuan have been right.

I haven't waited for Leon arrangement, and Xiao Morgan rides experts to Munich overnight. Some disappointments in this old Morgan, it seems that family heirs must be seriously considered. But after all, it is my only son. If you let go, it is really unwilling.

Then, he is likely to be surpassed by the side, Xiaomei is married, and it is not possible to cultivate a grandson. I only hope that I can live some time, otherwise the Morgan family can really be assigned by the next support.

Family grandfather personally comes to Western, this opportunity is not much. After all, the West Germany is the forefront of the Cold War, and it is possible to explode war at any time. So as long as it is a little bit of person, I don't want to come to Western. Who knows the polar bear will not go crazy, in case of killing, you can't even lose your life.

It is also a distance between the United States with West Germany, or may even end the most basic arrangement. After receiving the news from Xiaomorgan, the Morgan family Siede staff had dare to rest; when you step in the night, just wait for the young master, it can guarantee that there is no loss. If the small Morgan does something problem in West Germany, with the personality of the old Morgan; they don't just be unlucky, or even tired family. Of course, this is just a guess, but the Morgan family can develop such a scale and will inevitably take the bloody rain.

The person in charge of the West Germany said: "Young Master, everything has been arranged; you have to take a break."

Come over to demonstrate to see the old man, not a holiday. And it is a private aircraft, so you don't have to rest at all. It is equipped, Xiao Morgan also put it like that.

Xiao Morgan: "No, you also follow it. Waiting for things, everyone will get a bonus."

I heard the small Morgan said that the subordinates feel that it is wrong. This is still the young master, is there any stimulus, or a father gave him a dead order. But I don't dare to ask, follow the implementation, it may be more beneficial to yourself.

In fact, Xiao Morgan also learned *** Xuan, although it is not admitted on his mouth, but it can still admire the head of the bag. A poor children can force the Morgan family and their own, not anyone can do it.

Bao Zi Xuan did paying attention, and liked to smash money. Since you want to defeat strong enemies, then you must first understand him. Learning is the best understanding, otherwise it can only be talking on paper.

Xiao Morgan continued: "You have already received the order! I want to know where Herman - Ober, when is it convenient to see him."

Can become the person in charge of the Morgan family, not to mention the elite in the Chinese dragon and the elite, but at least the ability is absolutely different. Investigate a 90-year-old man, still there is no difficulty.

And the housekeeper León just walked soon, Xiao Morgan followed again. It seems that the old man must have a lot of secrets and is the secret of the Morgan family. Keeping tight, gazing, is the minimum work request, absolutely dare not have any negative.

The person in charge of Side said: "At present, Herman - Obert is a villa in the suburbs. He always lives from the United States. It is the old guy to buy 20 years ago. It should be a life after retirement. "

"There is only a heavy granddaughter in the villa to take care of him, but there is no other person. However, the survey found that someone is monitoring. It is not obvious before, and the other party has been obviously serious. Therefore, I want to meet, I need to prepare. "

After the sun cannon, metal sodium is reported by the media, the old man naturally water is high, and the monitored person must be serious. And don't need to know, it should be a condominium agent. The old guy knows a lot of American rockets, space stations, and the secrets of the moon unless they are not in the world, otherwise it is impossible to relax.

Small Morgan: "No matter what way you use, I will go with Herman-Obert today. At least one hour time, this is not negotiable, but must be executed."

What's more, Xiaomegan is also a year of reservoir, and the gas field is not weak. Just didn't play it before, Dad is next to it, and it is not good to play.

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