Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1065, Morgan's Planning

Latest Website: Before, Leon requested the staff of the West Germany in the name of the family, and fully cooperated with small Morgan. Explain that the Young Master has got home to authorize, then his command must be implemented unconditionally. Even if there is no old Morgan authorization, West German staff will not be in violation of small Morgan's orders.

The old man is such a baby son, the future of the Morgan family. As long as it is not particularly excessive requirements, it is basically satisfied. I have to see Herman - Obert this evening, although some difficulty is hard, but the problem is not big.

The Sid Morgan family staff started to arrange people. At the same time, Leon in the United States, worry about the young master, but also let European countries workers support. The benefits of European integration reflect, at least the increase in the speed, it is really a waste of time.

The Emotional Bureau is responsible for the tailed Herman - Obert is two old agents, which is in the fast retirement grade. That is, Herman-Obert has elderly dementia, or this work is not in the past. Older, means that physical strength is declining, and the action is definitely less than young guys.

At present, I have been used to this work, I really want Herman - Obert to live more, so they can do it directly.

A black agent said to the white agent: "Hide, before the headquarters came," said Herman-Obte's important level, we should also make a corresponding arrangement. "

"Recently, I have a lot of solar guns, metal sodium solar power equipment may be related to this old guy. And a few days ago, I have seen this old man, or you report it to the top. The superior also gave us New instructions, what should I do, you have to take an idea. "

After the white agent reported to the superior, he has regretted. Isn't this nothing to find? Although he also felt that the old guy was in the case, he did not poke it. It's so harmonious now. If you really want to improve Herman-Oberton, then they are certainly not suitable. To keep this job, you should adapt to the new environment. There are still two years to retire, I really don't want to toss.

White Agent thought: "Man, we are all retired old guys, there is no need to toss. Things are serious, there is a big problem, but it will take us directly. It means to adapt from new positions, not There is still a danger of life. I have already regretted it before, and now I don't want to save outside. "

"As long as we do not interfere with some national and institutional actions, we can also get benefits. Here is the NATO site, the Soviet agent does not dare to come over and grab the people; but also a 90-year-old old man. In the case of legal, morality I can't stand my feet. "

"As for other institutions and companies, as long as they don't take away, I will go with him. I believe that someone will come over to find us, waiting for the money, don't think about people.

You didn't see that the security personnel around today increased significantly, indicating that there are big people to come over. We are here is hindering here, as long as people do not interfere; it is inevitable to get the benefits, maybe it is higher than the retired fee. "

What is also the old agent, surrounding environment and personnel, and changes in the world of work experience, and can't hit them. It may be more than young people more than young people, but the experience and situation analysis, the young agent is also caught up.

Black people have been head with white agents, since they have given opinions, waiting here.

Sure enough, the two people did not disappoint, and the Morgan family workers found them directly. Not only has a lot of dishes, but also a few bottles of wine. At the same time, there are two boxes of cash, 200,000 US dollars per box.

Two old guys certainly understand what it means, this is a few more cups that make them drink more this evening; at the same time, it is certain that Herman - Obert will not take away, please rest assured.

Everyone is a smart person, a lot of things do not answer. White agent said to the Black Cloud Actual: "We have a few more drinks in this evening. I haven't had such a good wine for a long time."

Morgan family staff, certainly dare not completely believe, don't look at the two people are not young; if you start, they don't necessarily have a fortune. Even if you have finished drinking and cash, it is still alert.

Young masters can't let anyone know, especially the CIA. Before, Ren had already called the old Morgan, and the Leon was also very regretted. This time, the young master came over, although I knew that I couldn't stay. But the surface work is still to be done, can't make people pick up the problem.

After everything is ready, Xiaomorgan came to Herman - Obert home. A 20-year-old beauty opened the door and said: "How many things are there!"

Xiao Morgan: "I was entrusted by the elders in the family, and came to see his old friend, Dr. Obd, Herman."

Seeing this battle, the little girl did not say anything, it really should be too grandfather, the general return.

Please enter the living room, see Herman - Obert sitting on a wheelchair. Small Morgan is also not polite, directly on the sofa.

Herman - Ober knows that since people can find the door, they must know that they are in the disease, and there is no need to conceal. In fact, there is still a little, from the age of small Morgan, as well as wearing a dress and the momentum, this is a person who can decide things. It is inevitable to be a family second generation, or a heir. I didn't expect that so many years, I actually be important.

The old man suddenly said: "I don't know how to call it."

Seeing this, Xiaoguist thinks that this is really able to install it. It is also really difficult for him, if you don't do it yourself.

Xiao Morgan: "Mr. Obdy calls me Xiaomorgan!"

I heard this surname, don't say more, this is the guarantee of rights and wealth. At the same time, it is also a pass to success. No one dares to question this last name in Europe and America. The other party directly called the small Morgan, except for the Morgan family, the scholars did not dare to call it; the identity combined with age, it was originally a Morgan family heir. It is also no wonder that I dare to go in, it is estimated that he surveillance his condomation agent, not being bought, is controlled.

Herman - Obert: "It is no wonder that there is such a height, it turns out to be a member of the Morgan family. I don't know Mr. Morgan to visit Hanhe."

That is tired of talking to the cultural man, this is even more than an older.

Small Morgan understands that many things are not anxious, but also keep a little gas and depth. Negotiation and communication with people are the most tired, not just physical strength, mainly is very tired. So smiled and said: "Why should I make a question!"

"Everyone is a smart person, you are already a 90-year-old old man. I am not better to bother you to rest, what needs can be said, so everyone is still there."

Herman - Obert is really a small Morgan, and I want to be a Jimorgen's team; the ability and temperament, ordinary people are really more than. If you know that Xiaomorgen's past is, it is estimated that the old man will not say this.

Herman - Obd: "I am already a 90-year-old old man, I am afraid that I can't live in a few days. My son has been killed during the World War II, and the grandson saw me, and I didn't contact it."

"There is only one heavy granddaughter, take care of me for a few years, at least to give her a batch of technical drawings and work notes in Switzerland, that should be something that Morgan is needed. Nowadays, it is I am going to develop, it is estimated that it is strong. "

This is a backhand, and it is certainly not willing to ruin the results developed. After all, some things are too precious, maybe suddenly have a sense of inspiration; I am afraid it is hard to think about it.

Now, I can't engage in research and development, and I don't care when Morgan. It is too big to get the old man in the risks and there is no need.

Xiao Morgan said to the little girl just opened: "Miss Obd, can you give me a book."

I saw that Master nodded, and the little girl wrote it immediately.

Xiao Morgan did not have nonsense, pick up the phone directly: "Now, immediately go to this account for 20 million US dollars." Then report a string of numbers.

After a while, the phone was rang, it was the bank called, there is a $ 20 million remittance has arrived.

Seeing that Xiaomorin is so refreshing, Herman - Ober did not hesitate, and took a key and an envelope from the clothes interlayer.

After the personnel have passed, nodded and did not have a problem. Xiao Morgan said with a smile: "The younger generation is not disturbed."

At the same time, I said to the old grandson of the old man: "We have never seen between us, I hope that Miss Obd is too shocking."

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