The latest website: It means very obvious, get such a big giant, the general young people are difficult to control. If you talk about leaks, you will not look good. This is a serious warning means that if the little girl dares to go out and say, the consequences can be imagined.

I didn't say anything about this little girl, and there is no excitement of the whole face. It is a very important and rest assured that Germany is not a country like to show rich. The Germans are in this piece about wealth, and it is still in place.

Seeing Xiaomori so hurt, Herman - Obert said: "German scientists mainly went three places, and the number of people working in the United States, followed by entering the Soviet Union, and some people went to Argentina."

Work is good, in fact, everyone understands that it is caught. Not prosecuted, it is because they have a cutting-edge technology and is also useful to Meizu.

Argentina didn't expect that before I didn't know that some of the officers had passed, I didn't expect the scientists and engineers to be doped; it seems that this is really not simple, I have long been doing a well-planned plan; .

Small Morgan did not stay too much, but in the night to Switzerland. Through the account, password, and the key finally got the old man left, the staff immediately took the information all.

Didn't stay in Switzerland, but back to the United States directly. Switzerland is good, things taken away from banks, basically do not check. This is the credibility of the whole country's life, and it is absolutely unsatisfactory to make the customer.

Through the report, the results of the achievements, the old Morgan's action is very satisfied with the son. It seems that it is still possible to cultivate, at least not there. It may be too arrogant, life and work are too smooth, and some dozen enemies. It seems to eat some bitterness, and it is not a bad thing.

Military organizations analyze and crack the technical information, notes, drawings left by Herman - Obd. Although some are the products during the World War II, no one doubts about the name of the old guy. Especially those who learn the engineering department, there is a feeling of respecting the master.

During the World War II, the imagination of German scientists, and the government's support for this unrealistic weapon is unprecedented. It may be too dreamy before, but after decades, some are still very easy to achieve.

German scientists have made the overall design, some even have passed the previous experiment; it can be said that everything is ready, and it can be used directly.

Oliver Morgan is a side member of the Morgan family, surnamed Morgan affirmed also some blood relationships. Unlike other family members, this kid is very smart from small. There is no major in philosophy, finance, but entering California University of Technology to learn aerodynamics.

See the notes left by Herman - Obd.

Suddenly it is incredible. The Germans are really a matter, it has been expected that this step is at least a few years, and of course the premise is actual verification. Even this is also shocked, it seems that this world is really a talent.

Old Morgan: "Oliver, how."

Old Morgan's whole family is like the emperor's general existence. For his words, no one dares to neglect.

Oliver - Morgan: "The current information is still in the analysis, but it is very valuable. Even if it takes billion dollars, it is not necessarily able to get so many scientific research results. However, some technologies are too advanced, but also need to be organized and confirmed."

I heard here, Morgan is very happy. These can be brought back, this money is really worth it.

Old Morgan: "Take time, see if they can use it immediately. The technology is the future, the Black Cloud Group has went to us in front. But as long as you fight, I believe that no one can be more money than the Morgan family, and more money."

I heard the old Morgan wanted to enter the high-tech field, and the small Morgan Trojan thought of Herman-Obd.

Xiao Morgan: "Father, just Oliver, some words don't say much. Before I left, Herman Obd said, the German scientists and engineers, most of them went to the United States, and went to the Soviet Union. There is also a part to Argentina. "

"There is no way in the United States and the Soviet Union, some people in Argentina can be used for the family. When the world feels that Herman - Obd has no value, the old guy has given us so big surprises. So Other German scientists and engineers will also go to Argentina with technical information. "

"In the current situation, these people are caught; they will inevitably be tried to be a war, Israel will never let them go. Therefore, I don't dare to take the technical information, I can only choose to be sealed. As an engineer, no one I hope that my scientific research results are destroyed. Even if this thing can bring disasters with their families, they are all reluctant. "

"As long as we caught these people, I believe that I can get some good things. The German engineer of the US Soviet Union, we have no way; but as long as it is in place, the Argentine will definitely give face."

After the end of the Second World War, thousands of German officers, as well as supporters from other Europeans, Croatia, worried that the Revenge of the Soviet Union and other countries were prepared to find and flee new homes.

Many of them know that they will be tried by the military court because of their own crimes, so they have planned to escape from outside. The German engineer, many of the rankings, so it can also be said to be an officer.

In fact, the old Morgan also worried that the Morgan family sent people to Argentina; only for those German engineers who escaped, it was very easy to cause misunderstandings.

After all, they have Jewish blood, and many contradictions are not so easy to resolve.

Most of the escaped people, once the thoughts of the fish are broken, the Morgan family is likely to become the sky. Not only the Argentine will remember them, Israel, and the whole Jewish society will not take them as themselves.

Because of a thing 20 years ago, Jews are very unhappy with Argentina. At this time, I participated in it and very disadvantageous to the Morgan family.

Leon: "The master is worried that Adolf - Ashmann incident occurred."

German officer immigrated Argentina; it is a little money, buy a remote small manager, quietly, the surname buried, is the same! And Aldf-Ashman even did this, the old man has been in the end of the 1950s, unfortunately gave birth to a second-generation potholes, and he had a million Jewish blood debt on his body. He actually could not recognize Jews, fans A Jewish girl didn't say it.

In order to attract the girl, he also promotes extreme speech. Blowing that he is a glorious history of German high officials. As a result, the girl's father, Jewish survivor who fled him under his father, and listened to her daughter, immediately smell I heard the smell of the residual molecule, and the matter immediately reported that Israeli intelligence agencies in Mosada. Mosadard's boss personally rushed over, so in 1960, Adolf - Aichman was tied back to Israel by Masade and became The only person who is sentenced to death in history.

Even if Argentina protests Israel's transnational kidnapping is useless, because people have not put Argentina in their eyes.

Morgan family is different, not in the past, kids, killing, but want those people to use.

When I saw the doubts of Old Morgan, Leon continued: "Don't use us, directly in the name of American steel companies, invested and purchasing mining. Let James-Carneg is responsible for this matter. Our people are doped, Once the problem is also the problem of the Carnegi family, the same is not related to the similarities. After all, everyone knows the contradictions in our two, Israel, including the White House, can not pick any problems. "

I heard Leon's opinion, old Morgan really wanted to give this little bit. It's really a stone, the kid of the Carnegie family, is not always nothing to do! This time, you send you a business trip, always don't say it!

If you don't do it, then it is the ability. How can other shareholders believe that you will lead a good company, and it is almost impossible to manage the company's management right.

And in the past Argentina, I want to do things well, it is estimated that it is difficult than the sky; it is absolutely a good opportunity to combat the Carnegie family.

The Morgan family will pass the name of the steel company, will definitely touch the local German descendants. In the metal and industrial fields, the strength of the German is definitely not ignored. No matter where it goes, the things in the bones are difficult to change.

No problem, of course, very good, problems may be more beneficial to the Morgan family. It is the Carnegi family self-propelled, when the Jews and White House are absolutely all.

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