The latest website: I feel that Leon is very reasonable and feasible. Old Morgan is also an acute child, directly lets James-Carnegie call to call, tell him something to travel; let it take the recent flight from Pittsburgh, the situation is the case, even if James - Carnegie is reluctant. It can not be directly confronted with the old Morgan; especially when it is involved in work arrangements. It has been difficult to get in the board, and some regrets are already; before the wings are not abundant, the Morgan family is resistant to the Morgan family, the Carnegie family is still very far.

If this time does not in the past, the old Morgan said how to arrange him.

At this time, you are analyzing how to get the company, when you are in combination. Suddenly I received the phone from the old Morgan, which made him somewhat inexplicably. Is it that the other party is going to deal with him, it is too terrible.

I heard just in New York, discussing the company's expansion problem, you can rest assured. But at the same time, I started to worry, there is a good thing, and the old Morgan will never call him. What to do, must be very difficult. But it can't be refused, shouting for the company all day, the crust is turned off; the Carnegie family can't afford the person.

James - Carnegie has been thinking, even if it is on the knife, the fire will be completed. Never let the old Morgan look flat, can not lose face in front of shareholders.

James - Carnegie came to the Morgan Manor, and the old Morgan has been waiting for him in the study. For the Morgan family, especially old Morgan's identity; do not need to go through the company every day. The home may be the most suitable office place; what is going on, the man will come over.

See James - Carnegie, the old Morgan said very polite: "James came over, rushing all the way. It is really hard. But the company has an important thing to take you. Originally, I want to let other people, but find all the people Not suitable. "

"You are young and have, it is the age of the unique business. I don't want to resign. My age is big, and many things are not from the heart. And the Morgan family is facing severe challenges in the financial field, and many things need to be targeted. Iron and steel companies Things, you have to go up. After all, it is your business industry, the Morgan family is only for decades. "

What is the meaning of the old guy, how could be so polite, but also talk so much. Is it not an old Morgan today, but a substitute. However, here is the Morgan Manor, that is, it is used outside, it should be outside.

James - Carnegie: "Mr. Morgan is too polite, what is needed to do, you don't say anything for the company,"

When compliance is compliant, don't lose your direction. Otherwise, it is very dangerous, and even bring disasters throughout the family. Old Morgan is definitely a person who is broken into the bones, how can I really think about the Carnegie family.

Old Morgan: "Things are like this,

US domestic minerals have basically been sealed. Australia is subject to Bilit and Rio Tinto, Brazilian minerals belong to a freshwater river valley. These local steel companies are hard to get started. "

"But recently, Argentina found a lot of minerals. Where is the steel company or a virgin, and it is also very close to the United States. I hope you can personally pass a trip. In the field exam, see if there is any opportunity, Buy valuable mineral resources. "

"We are steel companies, and there is a mine in your hands without panic."

It turned out to let himself go to Argentina, but what states are Argentina, and the old Morgan does not know.

I know that this old guy is not as good, this is to force himself on the road. As long as it is damaged by investment minerals, then in the national steel company, don't think about it. Old Morgan will definitely join other shareholders to take this matter.

But if you don't go, then the old Morgan is more reason. Young people don't dare, how can they lead to a good company.

James - Carnegie said: "Mr. Morgan has a request, it is to see me. Of course, I have no problem, but I have a limited capacity. I heard that the public is also a Chinese dragon, I don't know if I can accompany me. I have passed together. In this way, there is a photo; and the Morgan family has come, Argentina is certainly afraid to despise. "

This kid wants to pull a pad back. If the small Morgan can pass, you have to find you.

Old Morgan: "If you go to other countries, it is really no problem. But Argentina has different Jewish blood. After World War I, many Germans ran to Argentina. And because 20 years ago, Adolf-Ashmann incident, make Argentina is very stiff to the Jews. "

"The Carnegi family is the descendant of Scotland. Although the Argentine is not very harmonious, at least there is at least a great hatred. Even if there is a war before, it is mainly the decision of the England Power Power. And the Carnegie family left Europe, I am afraid. Argentine does not know, you have Scottish blood. "

The old guy said that there is no problem, at least James - Carnegie can't pick it up. Currently, it can only be taken, to Argentina to see the specific situation is going to plan next step.

I heard James-Carneg, and the old Morgan smiled and said: "Argentina has just experienced war after all, and the current government has passed the coup. So don't be afraid of spending money, multi-point security personnel. Life safety Is the first important thing, as for business, it is necessary to put it in the second place. "

The old man will care about himself, or something is there.

Is it that I would like to make a description of a illusion, James - Carnegie passed Argentina. With the brigade people, it is not to investigate the market, but go to vacation, highlighting the wind.

There are a lot of beauty in South America. If the media reports, it is grateful to add vinegar. When I arrived, I couldn't say clearly. I guess this old guy didn't make a good fart.

James - Carnegie: "In the past, Argentina is in order to investigate minerals, and we are Americans; believe that security issues can also be guaranteed."

"At present, the company's benefits are not very good, plus the Carnegi family still have some people. Don't have to have some people, only with individual assistants can, as for the bodyguards, there are other staff members, so that all the dust will be in the past. So from waste. "

"But I am still thank Mr. Morgan's care, but must be remembered in mind."

If nothing, how to put people insert people. In the past, it was not really in order to buy minerals. This kid is just a cover, and he must bring people in the past.

Old Morgan: "Argentina is not better than the US, where there is a coup. Now send you the past is also some adventures. Other shareholders are not suitable, so I can only have hard you."

"If there is no security, then this business is not willing. We have started to deal with two hundred years ago, and you can't let you take risks."

When Morgan's words, James - Carnegie is really touched, prerequisites do not understand why the other party is. It is absolutely unable to be fooled, and it is not misunderstood. But there is a bit of trouble, Argentina is really not so peace, the necessary security personnel are still.

In fact, it just only does not want security personnel to be a Morgan family, in case the other person playing a junior, it will not come true. Thinking of security personnel is still looking for themselves, I am afraid that I will bear it. It doesn't matter. It is always better to put the destiny in someone else, and this person is your enemy, I have always wanted to die from the enemy of death.

James - Carnegie: "Since Morgan said this, it is not good to refuse, can only express your gratitude. Carnegi family still has some elite, security should be able to guarantee; as for other supporting staff, the Morgan family needs to help Coordinate one or two. "

"After all, I am not very familiar with most of the company."

The old Morgan's time is this sentence, as long as it can bring more people to the past, it doesn't matter. Morgan's staff have long since sneaked into Argentina. I just didn't have the right reason; worried about the emergency situation, I can't do it.

It is now with James-Carnegie, in case the problem is also a Carnegie family, and there is no big relationship with the Morgan family.

Old Morgan: "The Morgan family did not send people in the past, it is already very embarrassed. Of course, it will not drag the legs. Let all departments organize elite employees, with you."

Elite employees, say good; how much can be heard with him; James - Carnegie really does not want to think down.

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