The latest website: Since promising the old Morgan, then you can't neglect. James - Carnegi immediately started to investigate the Argentine mineral segment.

Also don't know, I don't know, I'm smashing a hop; Argentine mineral resources are rich, is one of the main mining countries in Latin America, energy minerals include oil, natural gas, uranium; metal minerals have copper, gold, silver, lithium, Lead, zinc, iron, etc.

I heard that Argentine agriculture is very developed. Most of the country can be quenched as a subtropical climate zone, as a country developed into a pillar industry in agriculture and animal husbandry. The annual output value of Argentine has always maintained around 20 billion US dollars, accounting for nearly 10% of GDP, is known as "World Grain Warehouse".

I don't know if the Argentine is too stupid, such a good condition, actually developing the country so.

In fact, from the beginning of the century, Argentina rely on developed agricultural trade and animal husbandry trade to start a lot of wealth. At that time, Argentine agricultural exports can be squeezed in the top five in the world, and the total economic volume of the country can also squeeze into the world. A large number of middle farm owners belong to developed countries.

In the First World War, Argentina did not participate in the war. When the war between European countries entered the glue state, Argentina became a paradise. During this period, Argentina has increased the export of its agricultural products and minerals. When European countries play hands, they have exported food and low-end finished products.

The good scene is not long. After the end of the First World War, European countries began to develop heavy industry. And Argentina is still in adhered to its traditional agriculture and animal husbandry. With the rapid development of industries in Europe, a large number of agricultural equipment put into agricultural production, Argentina began to lose their leading position in their agriculture, and the economy began slowly declined.

And large-scale agricultural production makes the domestic land in Argentina in the big farm master, and a few powerful affair families have controlled the population and the huge ranch, and the economy of Argentina is controlled by them. These farmers will not take the initiative. The industrial production is upgraded, so Argentina has begun to step back.

Until the Second World War, when the world began the second industrial revolution, Argentina slowly exited the world stage, and after the financial crisis, inflation was more serious, the unemployment rate rose sharply, and the Argentina is completely a backward Developing countries.

James - Carnegie has an idea at this time, at least to find measures.

After the death of the lady in Pah Lon, the Argentina has replaced 7 presidents in ten years, and it is a soldier. It is not good to say that the soldiers are not good, but the soldiers should improve the fighting power of the troops and study military skills. Instead of participating in politics, can country good!

Although the President Raul - Ricardo - Agouxin is not a soldier,

However, because of the prior to military management countries, the military politics is also inclusing in the Presidential Palace, which is difficult to change in a short period of time.

But what is said, Raul - Ricardo - Agouxin is also a genuine President; and has been in a year, and the necessary respect is still.

James - Carnegie directly used a business inspection letter to the Argentine business departments in the name of the National Iron and Steel Company. This exam has become very formal, and Argentina will inevitably pay attention to it.

If the size of the single wheel and the body, the National Iron and Steel Company is definitely the largest steel enterprise throughout the Americas. The purpose of coming over Argentina is self-evident, it is definitely for minerals. Mineral companies in other countries, I have a very headache in Argentina. The policy is thousands of changes, and maybe it will be returned to state.

Is it so confident in Americans, or there are other unknown secrets.

In the Heart of the Argentine, there is no good person in the United States. At the same year, the War of the Island, in addition to the UK, the United States is not there.

It is said that both parties complement each other, Americans are absolutely not involved. But the British warship, the fighter is docked, replenished, repaired in the US port. If there is no American help, Argentina really does not necessarily fail. 2000 kilometers of supply line and 12,000 km supply line, for a war, but there is a hetero.

Raul - Ricardo - Aboufin is still very good, knowing that a country has developed, you must give up hatred. Don't say that Americans come over and invest, it is the Black Cloud Group; as long as it is willing to invest in, you can't block people outside the door.

Drawn a few so-called business big crocodiles, there is no substantial role. They can also be able to use traditional methods, others are still calculated! As for the development of industries, it is an outgoing line; it may even be unknown from high-tech industries.

Nowadays, there are American companies, but also have a business background of the Morgan family, come over Argentina investment. This is a good thing for the overall economic improvement. Also allow other multinational companies to take a good look, Argentina is changing, absolutely a country worth investing.

The advertising effect of the Morgan family is to use, and the opportunity will definitely not waste.

Raul - Ricardo - Agouxin Direct Ordered Propaganda Department officials, to welcome the United States to the United States; not with any dissatisfaction. If anyone dares to violate, then he is a sinner of Argentina. The war is already a past style. At this time, Argentina needs to stabilize the environmental development economy.

Development requires funds, technology, markets, these Argentina do not have. Nowadays, there are American companies to come over, but also the powerful US national steel company, it is definitely a chance to carry. Be sure to mobilize the enthusiasm of all nationals, you must have a deep impression on the entrance of the entrance.

Whether the investment can land, Raul - Ricardo - Abouxin is not very worried. The US National Iron and Steel Company is such a large company, it will not be close to where. If you don't have something, they will never do it. After all, it is always investigating, there is no project to land, and it is also very shameful.

Before scheduled Peng Yifei to send people to Argentina, looking for scientists and engineers who escaped in World War II; at this time, many black cloud workers are in Argentina. The US steel company came over, so major events, of course, to report to the part.

Peng Yi flew after receiving the report of the person in charge of the Argentina, did not dare to neglect; directly came to Baozi Xuan office. Because he knew that in a few days, the boss was going to travel, and he also want to personally pass the Argentina.

If the enemy of the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi, the Morgan family is absolutely first rushing. As for those people in Xiangjiang, it is no longer a weight level. As long as the other party is not active, it is not good to retaliate. And the temple of Xiangjiang is too small, and the future may not even have a lot of ambition.

Peng Yifei: "Boss, US National Iron and Steel Company is preparing to investigate Argentina, discuss the purchase agreement of mineral resources. But I feel that this thing is not simple, before Xiaomei personally has to go to Germany, and also see Herman - Ober special."

"There is a context of the Chinese people's monitors, and our people are inconvenient; therefore can only be observed in the periphery. Then Xiaomorgan went straight to the Swiss bank to take things, inevitably reached with Herman - Obdite."

"Now in the name of the exam to Argentina, there must be a relationship there. Maybe the Morgan family also knows that Argentina has some German technical experts who escape, like our purpose."

So many things are superimposed together, then it is absolutely not coincident.

Bao Zixuan: "What do you have, or deal with measures."

As the upper person, it must not speak directly. That is not under the exercise, but exercise yourself. Peng Yifei et al., Loyalty, reliability, and powerful value. However, the analysis capabilities, the judgment of things and time bureaus is not enough. In the communication process, it is also a kind of exercise for him.

Peng Yifei: "Before planned to go to Argentina, now it seems to be planned to advance. The Morgan family is very obvious, if we don't speed up, the last is not enough."

Baozi Xuan is also preparing to have recently passed the Middle East, and many things must be resolved. And the future, the Middle East will be a black cloud group and his own most important headquarters base, absolutely can't have a variety of mistakes.

Bao Zixuan: "Pay attention to safety, this is a good opportunity to fight against the opponent. Don't worry about funding, but you can't suffer."

Don't lead to within the foreign line, do a good job in logistics, better than anything. The subordinates must have free space, otherwise it can grow.

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