The latest website: For business inspections of American national steel companies, Argentine can be described as an abnormality. The direct result is that people come over in the United States, all exposed under the magnesium light, and it is inconvenient.

After learning this news, Morgan was very angry. What is the meaning of James - Carnegie, but not much. After all, I arranged himself to investigate. At present, I can only let the Morgan family have tried to adjust the time. Every day, I will face Argentine, and I have time to do other things.

At the same time, the command of Leon will send human hands, and it is good to manage in Argentina. There are a lot of people who are smuggler, and illegally immigrants are not doubtful.

However, it is only a government department, and the Black Cloud Group can be staring at the United States. For those who come over, it is absolutely unable to miss. Of course, it is also actively looking for German engineers, after all, this is the true purpose of their line.

With the opponent competition, you must first complete the task, otherwise everything is white. The Morgan family has no significant impact on the Black Cloud Group even if the mining rights of Argentina have. In a short time, the Black Cloud Company wants to invest in Argentina, almost impossible. The war hurts them is not a general, and it is difficult to make up.

The intelligence personnel of the Morgan Family and the Black Cloud Group were found in Argentina. I was scientient and engineer who escaped in the year. It is not so easy to end the World War II end time. As far as Bao Zi Xuan said, in a few years, it is estimated that only the tombstone of the other party can be found.

Holly Von - Wharton is such a person, his name is not very big. But to say his leadership, it is definitely like the existence of thunder. Because there is an extreme idea background, this kid has not passed the United States. And the age is not big, and I don't want to live in the monitor every day. What does it mean in the past, who knows. But some people don't have other choices, otherwise, who is willing to leave the country, work for other countries.

Holly Von - Wharton is Hans - von-O'Haine's Delivery Assistant, and working around for 7 years. Participate in the all projects during the German work; when leaving, it is also leaving with technical drawings and expected. Fortunately, in Germany, Feng, is not simple, basically all the nobles. The home is very rich, or so many technical information; there is no way to buy a money, it is really not good.

Hans - von-O'Hhern is one of the two inventors of German physicists and jet engines. In 1937, he obtained the patent of the turbine jet engine. Hans von-O'Hen invention, the jet engine was used to use the famous fighter Merced Schmidt ME-262 "Feiyan". Immigration in the United States after World War II made a huge contribution to the United States.

In fact, Holly von Wharton leaving the technical information, Olynesin knows, but did not poke it. These are the most precious technological treasures in Germany, I don't want to be obtained by the United States. His name is hard to leave, Americans will not agree.

Germany wants to rise to the mountains,

There are no researchers not realistic; the technical information is also critical. As a general engineer of the jet engine, it will be clear about the technical data; the head of the head of the head of the head of the Secretariat copies a copy, but it is not very complete.

The remaining technical information is basically taken by Holly Von - Wharton, maybe this is also a good destination. When Germany rises here, it is an important role in it.

The explanation of Olyage is to the Americans is that the Party Guard destroy most of the technical information. Although Americans do not fully believe, they can only be done. And in the late Second World War, worried that the Allies got the Baby of Germany, the party guards did destroy many technical information. The chaotic environment, people destroyed materials do not understand technology; and most of them have warned, there is no password.

As long as the Americans get people, they are not too much. Compared to technical information, people may be more valuable. German engineers will only be better than before, and the product will only be better than before.

Black Cloud Group intelligence person has passed Argentina, which is very reluctant to spend money. Of course, the effect is also obvious, Holly von Wharton is quickly locked. The engineer is born, and the technical preference for this door has been engraved into the bones; it is estimated that as long as people are still there, some habits can't change.

As for the exposure, it can only be said very casual.

One day Holly Feng - Wharton saw a few children as a paper plane game, no matter how to adjust, it is not far. This is too small by people from the aviarid engineer. If you don't stand, you will actively communicate with your children and help them make paper planes.

At the same time, I still sell the aviation expertise, as well as the aerodynamic layout of the plane.

Argentina's local people, not to be illiterate, but the level of cultural level is definitely not to go. A German elderly, understanding the aviation expertise, is so thorough, it is difficult to remember.

The Black Cloud Group staff is to find Holly Von - Wharton through this clue.

Seeing two Asian people came home, there was no special feeling. Germany and Asian countries have really no deep hatred; if it is Jew, then it is another matter.

At this time, Holly Von-Wharton has been renamed, and now the name is called Dos Sandos - Anerwen. After all, I have worked for so long, if I don't change my name, it is a morning and evening.

Holly Von - Wharton: "Two people come over, I don't know what is there! If you don't explain your intention, then I will be alarm."

I heard here, the two exchanged his eyes.

I saw only one of them: "I should call you Mr. Wharton, or Mr. An Erman!"

Looking for these engineers, the main clues are also bunxuan; some of them have a number of German engineers participating in the details. In the year, some of German engineers were seen in the World War II. Ofahin is a very important parameter introduction as the father of jet engines.

As for why you can find someone directly, and to the number, there is also a guess component inside. Age, appearance, living habits will take into account. For this purpose, the Black Cloud Group will pay an additional fee to KGB annual, they will help training.

Find the door, but also called the name. Note that the other party must have mastered all the situation, so many years is also tired, maybe death will be a good home.

Holly Von - Wharton: "I don't know who is working for who is working."

The people who have just been talking quickly said: "We are from Xiangjiang; if Mr. What is interested in the past Xiangjiang work and life, there are many German engineers, maybe you can see the old friend. If you don't want to leave, or want We can also arrange it back to Germany. "

It didn't engage in research in so many years, and the staff of the Black Cloud Group also worried about the strength of the old man. Moreover, it is mainly technical information, hiring these extreme molecules, and the risk is too big. Once exposed, it will bring it a lot of trouble to the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi Xuan.

The other party comes from Xiangjiang, and it is also known as the Black Cloud Group. Xiangjiang company is interested in him, and it is estimated that there is only Bao Zixuan. I didn't expect for so many years, I can also find a company that it seems to be reasonable.

Holly Von - Wharton: "I know what you want, but I will give you."

Black Cloud staff said with a smile: "Benefits, we will pay for it. Even if you may not be very lack of money, who will dislike more money! Give family and future people, there is no harm."

"If we circulate your news to Israel, I believe they are very happy. Although you are an engineer, you can not be so clean. If you carefully pursue it, you can't take it off."

"In said, you don't want to see your own R & D and ideas. Can you become a reality one day! The World War I have to admit that the research of German scientists in that year is about a world."

"Funds and technical strength, even if you should not know, and it is clear that our boss is doing something, and who will be better than the conditions we give, you can think about it."

"The National Iron and Steel Company sent a delegation to come to Argentina, which is also to look for all. The Morgan family has Jewish blood, let them find it, it is estimated that it will not talk like us."

It is not afraid that the old kid is not hooked. The staff of the Black Cloud Group is also grabbing time, the Morgan family, and people are bright and big. Although it is relatively safe in the dark, in the overall strength; black clouds are still worse, at least in Argentina.


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