I didn't expect to hide for so many years, I was found by a private company. From the other party, from Xiangjiang, combined with a lot of German engineers working inside, definitely the Black Cloud Group. For the big name of Baozi Xuan, Argentina's 3-year-old boy, and the old man did not know. Because the relationship between the Maima War, Argentina has a very evil of the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi Xuan.

However, as a Germanian, Walda Tit is still more admiring this young man. Not only because the other party is a super rich, it is more important to the persistence of science and technology; and respect for scientific research talents. This is very similar to Germany, the engineer's treatment is very high. A country who does not respect the research talents, it is unrealistic, and even almost impossible.

This is the case, and the status of scientific research technicians is not too high. Instead, football stars can decide everything, can't say this is not good; after all, Germany is also a football strong country, but the football player is a kind of work, and there is no other special treatment. By strong a country in football, can only be an idiotic dream.

Walda Tott said with a smile: "I didn't expect 40 years, and some people still care about me. I know that you mean, I want to run definitely impossible. And it is really tired of this kind of life, as you Say; Dr. German artists should not live so much. "

"Acquisied my factory, and then gave me a money. It can go back to Germany and have a legal identity. If I believe me, I will implement it according to this program."

Although Peng Yifei does not know what the old guy does, but still chooses to believe. So directly said: "I know you want to save your factory before you have saved your young man; the factory will give him, but it is definitely not the name of you. The boss doesn't want to provoke too much trouble; as for money, it is not Question. Legal identity can only go to East Germany first, two years later to return to West Germany. After all, go directly to West Germany, the risk is too big. "

I didn't expect the other party to know that it seems that the intelligence work is still very in place. Not through his name, this arrangement is more reasonable. An old man suddenly became so rich, it is easy to make people doubts.

And go to Dongde, it is obviously more appropriate, as long as it is an East German legal identity, will it be far away!

Walda Tott said: "I know now, you can find me, this meticulousness, the average person can't do it."

"I know why I have so poor and stumble, that is because all money is used to save technical information. I have a house in the outskirts. About the technical information of German UFOs is located inside. The cost is not low annually, but this Everything is worth it. Thinking, when Germany is rising, these technical materials can be absolutely used. "

"But now the US and Soviet Union have divided Germany into two; even the glory of German,

East Pushers was invaded by weak Poles. "

"This country does not say a little hope, but at least there is no pure day earmann. It is better to give you a waste paper with it back Germany. Although scientists have their own nationality, they also hope to see it. The results of the research becomes realistic. "

"There is a small requirement, if your company is developing successfully; can invite me to participate in the time when you can try flight."

It doesn't matter anything, but a second-party researchers run from Germany to participate in the test flight. Once you are known by the outsiders, isn't it not to be troops!

Peng Yi flew hesitated, Walda - Tott was apparently gratifying. If the other party directly agrees, it will definitely be perfunctory, it is now thinking about the pros and cons.

Walda Tott: "I think of it, this requirement is really excessive."

Seeing the old man's expression, Peng Yifei, of course, knows what it means. There is too much researcher in the black cloud, and there is less money to have less expensive; but do not let them participate in the research project, it will make a big better.

Peng Yi Fei said: "This requirement is indeed too much. After all, you will know that the identity is not suitable. But as a R & D personnel, this idea is normal."

"If it is not to guard the technical information, I think you must be much better than now. This persistence makes people admire, from here, it is not difficult to see why Germany can be strong."

"Directly visited, I didn't have the right to decide. But I will try to strive for you, believe that the boss will consider. Even if you don't have to watch, you will also bring your videos and wine, visit."

Peng Yifei soldiers, the character is more straightforward; if it is the thinking of the thinking thoughts, it will be counterproductive. Of course, there is also a disadvantage, just see what occasions!

Walda Tott: "Bagn, thank you for your honest. Can directly decide, plus your Chinese identity. At the company, it should be small, it belongs to the role of the left to the right arm. Palace, I will show my old man. I want to see your boss to discuss the aviation dynamic knowledge, as well as the future development. "

Peng Yifei: "I will bring your thoughts to the boss, I believe that there will be a chance to be."

Bao Zi Xuan engineer is born, making him more accepted by these old guys. After all, there are still a lot of common topics as technical personnel.

Walda - Tott seems to be in a memories, or it may be to take the initiative to talk to Peng Yifei; after all, a secret hidden is too long, a huge torment to the body and mind: "At the end of 1940, Germany has established a" burst hand research The secret institution, special research, and a secret aircraft, and the event code is "Ulanus Action". "

"In order to better execute the top secret of the UFO plan, this secret institution has the best expert, engineer and test flyer, etc., and established some secret organizations to find the mysterious fuel recipe they needed by UFO."

"By the end of 1943, the German No. 6 Army has been surrendered in Stalingrad, and the African Legion is also defeated by the British Union, and the coast of the western Europe faces the violent attack of the Allies."

"Although there is no successful manufacture of atomic bombs, in order to take European air rights, Hitler ordered" Blasting Hand Research Room 13 "successfully developed a super-aircraft as soon as possible, and urged scientists submit the most advanced research drawings."

"On June 6, 1944, the Allies landed in Normandy, a special group consisting of allied scientists and German translations, and also invested in Germany in Germany, intended to collect research intelligence, researchers, and equipment about German secret weapons. "

"In the German area occupied by the Allies, they have obtained a lot of valuable intelligence and information from research institutions, including complete V-series missiles and drawings, remote artillery design materials, and research programs for super-chariots. Vost Techniques have grown to the United States, making important contributions. It can be said that at least half of the cutting-edge weapons in the US weapons are German. "

"However, this is just the horn of the iceberg. It also hides an amazing secret in the collection of intelligence and information - the special team has found a shape of a strange plane, the wing is circular, it is different from the Germans Any aircraft. The special group is still in a waste-free warehouse, found that this kind of aircraft that has been exhausted by the Germans. "

"At the same time, a large number of design blueprints and drafts have been seized. In fact, it is only an early model. In 1934-1940, Germany has produced at least 7 RFC series of UFO samples."

"The latest UFO technology drawings, according to I know that only two places may have. When I am willing to defeat, Martin-Bowman sent a copy of a technical drawing; but I left a heart, a lot of core technology And key data is not reflected above. "

"Because I always doubt the death of my brother, I have a direct relationship with him. This guy doesn't matter, in addition to the pet, there is no place. Technical drawings are handed over to this kind of person, will only become a chip in the other party."

"It can be said that the technical information in my hand is the most complete existence; all regrets, there are some unimportant drawings, because it is damaged, but I want to take your company's technology and financial resources, many spend more time, must Can be copied. "

I heard that Peng Yifei is frenzy, and that year, he went to Poland with the boss. Many technical information that brought back is very feasible. Only UFO research enters the bottleneck, the original roots are here.

As regards some parts that are not important, it is for other countries and institutions. The Black Cloud Group itself has a flying saucer technology drawing. Two comparisons will not be faith.

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