Martin - Bowman replicates technical information in the name of the head of the Secretariat, indicating that the old kid must have other ideas. Especially the moment, the moment is self-evident. Germany is about to defeat, as the chief secretary of the head of state, will inevitably be sanctions legally. If he is a top scientist or engineer, it may be free from prosecution in honor of talent thinking. Just play a lifetime for the United States, free definitely will be restricted.

But he is not a researcher, then Americans want him to use. Gold, jewelery is not very attractive to Americans; and it is too conspicuous. Germany's property must be obtained from the invasion of the country, and people will definitely manage you after the war. Americans are powerful even if they are powerful, they can't hurt. After all, there is a Sovien Tiger, and it is necessary to unite all power; at the time, the environment will not dare to touch the finance of his country to be preempted by Germany, and most of the private wealth is in close one.

There is no restrictions on science and technology, all research and development in German scientists and engineers. It is very normal to defeat, and that scientist dares to jump out, my things can't move; I believe that even if I am not shooting, it is absolutely less than.

And the end of the heads of the heads of the Secretariat ordered all scientific research materials and deserved all engineering technicians; if the following people did not implement in place, maybe Martin-Bowman's conspiracy is really successful. The most cutting-edge research technology and design drawings in Germany are in his hand, and the research and development of scientific and technological personnel are not in the world. It is estimated that Mei Su did not dare to put him, and even as a guest.

There are so many secrets that are not known, but they can only say that they are for personal interests. History is full of accidents, but it also has some inevitable.

I didn't expect the old man in the outskirts, there is a villa. Of course, the era is long, but it also shows that people don't perform such vessels and poor. What is also a Ph.D. of German IT, it is impossible to come over with technical information. In addition, there is a high official brother, when Fritz-Tott is in place, the Germans are sweeping the entire European continent. Just take out some babies, it may be enough for a lifetime.

Walda Tot: "This is my private property, just come over time. It is about to return to Germany, and sell it to you together. The area is a smoke, it is very suitable for secret. And there is a complete underground Working, you can hide well. "

"If you worry that I will sell you, it is great. After all, even if I return to Germany, I must need your company to help. Otherwise, a four-year old man away from the hometown, who will remember, how to integrate into new life "

Listen to the other party, I want to pack the villa to pack it. The Black Cloud Group does need a stronghold in Argentina, which is quite appropriate. Although Asian people may not be so convenient, there are many Japanese people in Argentina, and they are full of feasible.

Old guys can take into account that from this analysis, absolutely better than Holly Von - Wharton thought. I can serve the Black Cloud Group today.

It may be sold tomorrow. Such people are very dangerous and recruiting risks too much. It seems that after returning to Dongde, be sure to keep it, or it will be a huge threat to the group.

Peng Yifei: "The problem that the money can solve, it is not a problem. Our boss's wealth and character, compare it to you. As long as you can bring benefits to the company, improve corporate research strength, everything is a small problem."

Walda - Tott is not talking, just have some regrets. Nothing to show what, isn't it more worried about yourself! Now that you are so old, how is it not calm enough. My brother has said that he is not suitable for politics. It seems that the brothers really understand themselves; at this time he is a prisoner, no longer one of the head of the German UFO project. Recognize yourself, more important than anything.

The old man quickly opened the basement door, as Peng Yifei megadownload megadownload! There are also some precious artworks without the technical information of the UFO. Seeing the appearance and knowing, not ordinary goods.

The boss has been collecting various types of art and builds a museum. The person in charge of the project is him, and there is a understanding and positioning of artworks. Although I can't do it, it is not so easy to deceive her.

Peng Yifei: "If you don't want to take away, the company can help you in accordance with the market price."

Walda Tot: "A total of 30 million US dollars, everything here is attributable to your company. There is more than this price in single art, but some are black goods, can't see light. Your company collects art in the world. What is not a secret. Your boss is looking for the news of the Museum of Man, and there may be a world. "

"How to let the item legalize, it is what you need to consider. This 30 million dollars I have peace of mind, at least there is not much burden."

"If you don't have a few billion, you can't sleep. How many people can control, how much. Don't be greedy, otherwise you can't get it."

"This should be died 40 years ago, you can live more for so many years. You can return home in your old age, and bring tens of millions of dollars, what else is there."

It seems that the old guy also knows that it is suitable, and there is no lion to open. Worried about life, no life. In fact, it is not necessary, as long as it is going to do it, the old guy has no evidence. Even if it is disclosed that the Black Cloud Group steals the technical information of German UFO, it is related.

In this world, only strong people will have the right to speak. Even if the Black Cloud Group is obeying the rules, the strength is very weak, and several people will listen to Bao Zi Xuan. Can see you is already a big kindness, don't ask for others.

At the same time, the Morgan family found a submarine authority expert through the clues provided by the German armored technology experts. The staff of the Black Cloud Group is slow, and I saw the Morgan family and the heart is very uncomfortable. The resulting command cannot be placed directly with the other party, can only endure first, withdraw, report to the leader, and do the next step.

German submarines are definitely a weapon in the world military war, of which U-type submarines are the most mysterious weapons in World War II. The sneak attack is its most horrible tactics, so its tactics have been called the tactics of wolves. At the Atlantic Ocean in World War II, Germany's U-boat is unscrupulously on the "Hunting" Allied vessels on the Alities.

Only in November 1942, the U-boat hit the 118 vessels of the Allies, set a record of 743,321 tons of order, causing an unbearable huge loss to the Allies.

Although routine submarines are gradually replaced by nuclear power submarines, all submarines in today's society are extended through the German U-type submarine. People are the ancestors, and the submarine of the Black Cloud Group is a deadly attractive.

In fact, it is not only single black cloud group, some developing countries, as long as you want to develop weapons and equipment, you can get German U-type submarine technology during World War II, and it is estimated that it will be happy.

Severally coupled, made Peng Yifei understand, when it is temporarily evacuated. Before you have a few waves, even very careful, you can also meet with the Morgan family. There is no conflict now, but you can don't necessarily, you will be the time problem. Germany's most important weapon technology has been taken by Black Cloud, or take time to transport back to Xiangjiang, the bag is safe; otherwise it is likely that it will be before.

Arranged for temporary retreat, Peng Yifei wanted to pass the Morgan's intelligence personnel. After all, this is a good opportunity for training, growing up in the greenhouse. It is difficult to have a lot of money. This is the case, but you can't just rely on the black cloud, you will inevitably lose.

Tong Hu briefly has a good partnership. This time I teach Americans, I believe that the other party will not refuse.

At present, KGB has applying the Soviet government, which is the most money given by the Black Cloud Group. A single training fee is more than 100 million US dollars per year, and it is still growing year by year.

Chernosis is not good, and the Soviet Union is not said to be old confused. Many things Kaiqikov is of course clear, but only know that KGB wants to grow, alone is not realistic at the government allocation. The people of the CIA have money, they can't hungry to help countries.

It is necessary for appropriate cooperation without violation of the interests of the Soviet Union.

As the person in charge of the Black Cloud Group, the KGB is of course very familiar.

How much is the black cloud group never speaking, and it is not worth it. This time, Holly Von-Wharton and Walda Tott, believe that the boss will be satisfied. The Morgan family is the biggest enemy of the Black Cloud Group. If you don't take this opportunity, you are really sorry for the trust of the boss.

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