As chief engineer, Professor Yang not a hint of sloppy; double-check every detail. Poland came from Hong Kong, almost four years, except during the university make some contribution in addition to, and not particularly outstanding results. At least the old man felt a little sorry for wages paid buns Xuan, think deserve!

Everyone has a steelyard, as intellectuals; especially the Polytechnic male, but also to face. For this to be entrusted with the task, but did not dare to have some slack. Young age is no longer small, a lot of things powerless. Dark clouds over the work of the group, or to teach Yulin Institute of Technology, may be his last in a personal employment contract.

Now to become chief engineer of a landmark product, inside the thrill and excitement can not say, but it will at least get great satisfaction on the face. He also prove to the world that people have used, even the dark Group of buns Xuan very recognized.

Man vision for the package's richest man, no one dares to doubt, especially in the Sony Takakura Jiro who is embodied in the head. The other a recent graduate, but also undergraduate students; actually achieve such results. Japanese media have named him the first person to domestic software; which shows the popularity.

Now the project is so important to his hand, that he Yang ability is not bad. University of Warsaw although fame was okay, can not high acceptance in the West. Mainly limited school funding, plus other reasons; mainly recently for so many years not had too important academic achievements.

Dark clouds UFO project, he has not only relating to a person's success or failure. Professors from all over Poland, students are concerned. Already not allowed to fail, so I do not miss any details.

After repeatedly confirmed no problem, Yang only sign the test application. Buns Xuan like to see as ordinary engineer, sitting in front of the computer work. The old man did not tangle, standing directly in front of the commander in chief controller.

Boss meaning is clear, they will do their job as an engineer, as he still has the command of the chief engineer in charge.

Saab Cukor fasten your seat belts, put on a helmet, make sure there is no problem after all aspects, into the microphone and said:. "This is the number one UFO dark, I was the primary driver; now apply for takeoff, for approval."

Yang : "report monitoring the various subsystems."

Soon came the reply only to hear the voice of the provisional headquarters:. "Powertrain everything is normal, everything is normal electronic control systems, wireless communication systems everything is normal, everything is normal support system, computer system, everything is normal."

After the report is completed, Yang into the microphone and said: "One UFO, here is the headquarters of each system to detect normal, approve the request to take off, pay attention to safety.."

Hear headquarters consent test, Saab Cukor against the co-pilot and mechanic, he said:. "Checked off before beginning work."

Two not neglect, and quickly check the internal UFO in detail the various subsystems. After all, to rise to more than ten thousand meters altitude, a little bit of room for error, they may really come back. Although the design of the time, there ejection device; but if the first take-off on the problem, ejection mechanism can not work, maybe really is.

After all Check all finished, Saab Cukor said: "By checking off the engine ignition."

Two strong momentum turbofan engine to work, but also at the same time each engine to drive two small fans. He said fan is relatively small, about the same size with a ceiling fan at home; but the design is very sophisticated, but also more blades.

UFO quickly off the ground, and rise faster and faster; four fan rotates at high speed to provide upward lift the entire flying saucer, together with the original spout of the turbofan.

At this time, everyone will refer to the eyes of the blind, and I am afraid that falling in the flight.

Less than 5 minutes, it has risen to 5,000 meters height, this is still intentionally controlled, otherwise the climb speed will be faster.

The design can reach 10,000 meters height,

Fortunately, there is an unlimited communication on the UFO, it is not worried about it.

Saabuk: "The headquarters, the flying saucer enters the flying stage, the current speed is 600 kilometers; the aircraft is in good condition. The speed will be increased to 1000 kilometers."

I heard the speed of the speed from 600, raised to 1000, Yang Kedovski also worried, but he had absolute confidence in the aircraft, and the boss looks next to it. Say is a general engineer, not to pay attention to it. It is absolutely simple to be so simple, you must hand over a perfect answer.

Yang Cardovsky: "Agreement will increase speed to 1000 kilometers, and each department pays attention to monitoring each subsystem of the UFO, and power output."

At this time, the blood of the battle is present, Saabuk opens the power; the two turntile engine power is instantaneously increased, and at the same time, the small fan speed is also increased rapidly.

I only see the liquid crystal display, the flight speed is constantly high. Less than 20 seconds, it has been here to 1000 kilometers.

It is no wonder that many people say that the disc aircraft is a perfect aircraft. Not only linear rises, when it is connected, the increase speed is so fast.

The first flight, 1000 kilometers can be; if you want the aircraft production, you must pass the test flight. Otherwise, no one dares to take risks, the first rich and can't take the people to take a misread.

Next, several simple movements have been carried out, and the first test flight is completed.

Yang Kedovski: "The Available Summer No. 1, all the bookings have been completed, and now it starts to return."

The old man is the courage to be big, and I don't dare to listen to the command. If you really dare to do it, he is in the future of the Black Cloud Group.

In less than 3 minutes, the flying saucer fell steadily to the place where it took off. Compared with the helicopter, there is too much flight status.

Engineers don't have any hesitation, and immediately start a comprehensive examination of the UFO. The data is relatively true after the test flight, which has a huge reference value for future improvements.

The head of the bag is not idle, but the same priest talked.

Said to care about the pilot, buy people, in fact, I have to know the driving experience of UFOs. The former world bags often chat with national pilots. After all, for flight performance; especially the power system, the pilot has the most voice.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "Sa Buff, how is it."

The boss is so polite, there is no first time to view the UFO situation, but care about him. Such a boss is really not looking for, and the Soviet Union is not enough. The group of people in Moscow can't care about it. Production of advanced fighters, they care more about how much can be sold, how much they can be divided.

Sabbok: "The overall feels very good, the engine performance is very prominent. However, in the process of rising transfer, the computer can not keep up; there will be a stuck phenomenon. It is not a big problem, and it will work properly. "

I heard here, Bao Zi Xuan knows, or hardware problems. Small computer drivers such a complex system, which is indeed difficult. But a large computer, it is difficult to put it inside the UFO. This is a very contradictory thing that can only improve hardware performance.

Software issues, the head is full of perfectness. It is not to say that there is no flaw, at least the existence of the era.

Bao Zixuan: "Computer hardware is still not enough, now just a rising transfer will appear in Carton. If there is a battle deployment, launch missiles and rockets will have more serious problems. Your opinion is very good, only personally Operation can experience machine performance. "

After seeing no problem, Yang Kedovsky said: "Dear colleagues, after half a year, our flying saucer finally flew. Just all subsystems have been confirmed, except for some places to appear small problems All other meet the design requirements; the black cloud No. 1 UFO has achieved a successful stage, congratulations. "

After that, there is also a feeling that is as low as a loser. In recent years, no one is more stressed than him. Bao Zi Xuan knows that there is no problem in the land, after all, it is only detected in theoretical state. Today is a happy day, absolutely can't scaven because of small problems.

And for computer performance, he is still very confident. The black cloud chip department has been stepped up R & D. I believe that it can be absolutely successful for a year, and it will not delay the progress of UFO. At present, you will first use the old chip to make it, as long as you don't load the weapon system, there is still no problem.

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