Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1174 Celebration Association

Since the project succeeds, there is at least there is nothing of failure; certainly let employees take a break. And the last half of the year has not returned home, and it is always a thing. It is not a war state now, it is not so nervous. Engineers are also people, and there are seven emotions and six desires; it is always so stunned, nor is it a matter.

The boss has just got two daughters, the engineer wealth is not enough to cover the head; can be not less income, no one wants to leave a few more than a few more!

Baozi Xuan said: "With the colleagues, in the leadership of Yang Kedovski, our UFO project finally made a breakthrough. This is not allowed to pay for the hard work, here I express my gratitude to you on behalf of the Group. You In addition, a new product is added to the Black Cloud Group, and our strength has been strengthened nearby. "

"As the boss, I can't always say thank you, there is no practical action. Anyone who participated in the project, $ 50,000 per person, will be issued later."

I heard the $ 50,000 bonus, and the field engineers jumped. Pay the return, and is more happy than this!

This moment is very beautiful, and there is a business in half a year. In fact, this is only a basic reward. For the main person in charge, there will be additional rewards. But it is not convenient to say here, many things you know.

Saabuki did not expect that there were $ 50,000 to pay. Is it so good to make money, I haven't felt it before! I can only say that I have encountered a generous boss, and I will give my employees. I still worry that there are many uncomfortable in Xiangjiang, and now it seems that this is full of excess. Wife doesn't always want to have one! I have always had a lot of concerns, now there is no scruples at all; at least he earns money, enough to support the wife and children.

The project is completed, the product research and development is successful, and it is necessary to hold a celebration. There is a professional cafeteria within the black cloud, usually not, unless there is employee marriage, or have a breakthrough in major projects.

At present, there are not many employees in the Tianguiwei area, and most of them are science and engineers; there are a lot of scientific research projects, which has time to hold a wedding. Therefore, more is the successful celebration of the project research and development, today, it is just a gathering place for the UFO project employee.

The bag is rich in a lot of wine in the world, usually can drink, and can't finish it. And he still has a character, when you are alone, drink your red wine, more time you choose not to drink. When someone comes to drink, I will indulge.

After the child was born, I didn't have a drink. Today, the opportunity is rare, of course, I have to celebrate with the engineers. Although many people don't like to drink, everyone is a man, and there is still some of the control.

Seeing the company preparing such a rich food, the boss took out all the well-known wine in the world. Engineers are very touched and think that these half-year pay is still very worthwhile.

Baozi Xuan's wine glasses said: "Total colleagues, today is the celebration, don't treat me as a boss. I am the same, the engineer is born, knowing that it is not easy. Usually basically busy research project, very few Accompanied by the family. Follow-up research and development of the UFO items don't have to be so anxious, you can test flight, side adjustment. It can be said that the Black Cloud Group has come to the world again, which is everyone's credit. "

"So you all have a monthly paid holiday. Have a good family, after the spirit is full, continue to work. But the premise should be good, the confidential work should be in place. Don't want some unwilling to see things, the same It creates a contradiction. "

"There is also a young man who is not married, you can take a girlfriend. Our black clouds are absolutely to grab the goods. Whoever can't find a girlfriend, I don't say that I have blended with buns. I can't lose that person. "

"Today we don't want to talk about business, everyone's purpose is to eat, drink well. Don't have any restraints, who can put me down. Wine, no matter what kind of varieties, you can bring a box back,

I heard the boss said a woman, many young people are still awkward. One month holiday, you can really find one. The Black Cloud Group is not only in Xiangjiang, and it belongs to the golden word sign in the world. Black cloud staff, and still engineers, find girlfriends is really difficult.

And my friend is boss encouragement, and what can be worried.

People who have a boring room will not pay attention to girlfriend problems, they may be more interested in seeding. The boss can drink, not a secret in the whole world. Single alone may be its opponent, but you can't stand more today. As the saying goes, the tiger racks can't live in the group, I don't believe that so many people still have one.

Baozi Xuan's waypnean, continued: "I respect everyone, I wish you good health."

It's very comfortable to say it.

The boss is so refreshing, as a staff, certainly can't be garlic; even if people who don't drink alcohol, they will eat.

Sa Buff is a Sovier, and he is born with half a catty. As a pilot, it is not allowed to drink at all in the army; after all, we must conduct a preparation class. Even if the technology is hard, I don't dare to drive a plane.

I experienced a flying saucer today, although I haven't been driving before, but the overall feeling is still very easy. When the ground simulated flight, he found that the product of the Black Cloud Group prefer to use the LCD monitor. At this point, the Soviet aircraft has been completely backward, and there are too many instruments, it is easy to illuminate visual fatigue. The entire aircraft is highly automated, and the electronic computing opportunity helps solve many detection, which is more insubable in this Soviet aircraft.

In the electronic field, there are too many Soviet Unions. But now there is no relationship with him, you can only hope that the group of Moscow can pay attention to it.

He is already the employee of the Black Cloud Group, can't do a high salary. Therefore, the black cloud flying disc exchange returned to the Soviet Union, and it was negated after a flash in his mind.

And he also wants to say goodbye to the past, perhaps with wine is a good choice.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, I saw the chief engineer Yang Koskkkki standing in front of the window; with a glass of red wine, it seems to have any thoughts.

The head is said to say: "Professor Yang Cardovski, today is a happy day, as the biggest hero, can not be able to enjoy the scenery alone. Although you are more older than us, you can also have more young People communicate. "

The biggest hero is really worthy. The group is ready to all materials, and he is most integrated. However, the boss can say this, still very happy, Bao Zi Xuan recognizes his achievements, but it is stronger than anything.

Yang Kedovski: "Don't say it, I am embarrassed."

"A little meager work, I don't dare to say this. Because technical information is enough, my work is not too difficult."

Scientific research projects need technology accumulation, although the old man is very thick, but it is not enough to develop a flying saucer. This self-knowledge is

Perhaps you can change any a little experienced engineer, you can do it well. Can become a general engineer is very happy, but I don't dare to grab the merit.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "I don't dare to say so since I don't have this project, but I will never have such a good result. It is because of your experience, expertise, and technical reserves; project will be so smooth. "

"Say, don't talk about work, I always can't change it. I will indulge today, what is going on tomorrow."

The old man does not drink, does not mean that the following young engineer does not drink. Many of them are polish, since the decentralization is to do it. Let the Polish engineers and scholars enter the project, and the research and development progress is absolutely no problem.

Professor Yang Cardovsky is very presented in Warsaw University, and Polish scholars may be more recognized. In the team management, it will be more heartbered. Poland is very affected by the Soviet Union, and the wine culture is also very rich. It may not be very understandable for Huaxia White wine, but for the wine and red wine of European winery, it is still very clear.

The boss said that as long as he put him down, pick a box of good wine; people who like to drink alcohol, the temptation is absolutely not small.

Two people returned to the hall, and some people came over and respect; after all, these two were the absolute protagonist of celebration.

It is also very bored that Bunxuan is also very high. The final banquet has been over at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and it is ended at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night; but no one has received an extra reward from the boss, and I feel some regret.


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