Just when the head of the head is held with employees, the Secretary of the Secretary of the Central Bureau of Love, William Joseph - Kathy is not idle. He is analyzing the satellite photo, I want to take a good look at the black cloud group.

As one of the world's largest intelligence organizations, the Secretary of the United States; not to mention the right weight, at least care about the business, more intelligence issues between countries. Can be connected to William - Joseph - Kathy is depressed, the Black Cloud Group is so uncomfortable. I know that Bunzi Xuan wife just had a child! Don't take a child at home, actually get out, and it is a pleasant depressed.

It has been improving the Black Cloud Group rating, and it can be found that he can't get the footsteps that people move forward. In the end, it is not a creative in the US, or the opponent's strength is too strong. How to advanced weapons and equipment, the latest electronic products, is the first to develop success in the Black Cloud Group. Does domestic companies can't fight for an angry, let him save this situation!

At this time, our Caser Secretary has reminded the United States all famous companies, or if they are incompetent, intelligence work is not so much. It's a bit late now, and you can only investigate things first.

Although the satellite photo is not very clear, you can see some clues. Although it has been hidden, there are many American military investigates. Xiangjiang has been listed as a key monitoring object because of the existence of the Black Cloud Group. However, because the aircraft does not have a paint, the titanium alloy reflects very badly under the sun, and the analysis is added to some extent.

But what kind of masters can be said, you can say that all kinds of elites of all walks of life. Aviation experts have come to the office of the director; professional things are handed over to the special person. After seeing photos, it is also obvious. After all, how can this legendary aircraft, how can it be developed, and it is already mature.

William Joseph - Kathy: "I feel like I see the photo."

I heard this, aviation experts immediately said, and very seriously said: "It is very similar to the drawings we master. It may be originally designed to be from Germany. But there is a big change; if this kind of aircraft is mastered by the Soviet, then for the United States It is a serious threat. "

Seeing a few photos, you can analyze so much, it is not bad. However, the other party said that they were mastered by the Soviet Union and a serious threat to the United States. Is the Black Cloud Group mastered? There is no threat to the United States! The situation is the same, so we must pay attention to it.

William Joseph - Kathy: "Can it be sure that the Germans left?"

This makes the aviation experts are somewhat difficult. After all, there is not very complete in the World War II German UFO drawings and design concepts. At that time, some experts believe that the core information was deliberately destroyed. Now this product has only two possibilities. One is that there is a high technical strength, developing a flying saucer; one is to use the full technical information left by the Germans to copy a UFO product. The latter may be large, after all, from the photo; the technical information seized by the flying saucer products is very similar, not helpful.

The aviation experts of the CYRATION Aviation experts have been very serious: "I can't affirm it at present, but I haven't left from the photo. Although I have made some changes, the shape of this UFO product is too similar to the products in our technical library. It is a mold that is engraved. If you think that two scientists in forty years I think of the development of flying saukers, I believe it; but the products developed, so similar, the possibility is very low. "

"It is absolutely the elite in the elite. If it is just imitation, it doesn't matter. But from the new development, they will never do so similar to the shape. After all, the products left by the Germans, the wind tunnel test How reasonable and counter-sky. Engineering and technical personnel have their own stubborn and proud, easy to imitate it. "

"So I dare to conclude that the other party will definitely get all the technical information left by the Germans, at least more detailed than we master."

"And just get technical information.

"From photo analysis, the flight height of the flying saucer is not low, and the flight posture can be changed by rotating the propeller. Description the other party wants to produce V-22 fishwag aircraft is not a difficult thing. From the appearance, the propeller processing difficulty of UFO products, More complicated than the fish eagle plane. "

"The aircraft that controls such a complex, is very high in computer performance. Is the Japanese provided a chip to the Soviet Union, or they got from other ways."

"The Second World War II, only the technical information you have got with the Soviet Union. But most German scientific research centers, including Pena Mund, are in the Soviet area; not helpful."

I heard aviation expert analysis, Caser Director caught pensive. Is there a Soviets selling technical information to Bunxuan, because they feel that they can't come out; nor without this possible. After all, the Soviets can sell the most advanced fighters, and what else can not be sold!

I haven't thought that Bao Zi Xuan has received technical information through their own channel, otherwise it will be clear.

William Joseph - Kathy: "This flying saucer is not a Soviet product, and it is not worried about this point."

I didn't think about the Soviet product, and aviation experts think about what.

After carefully viewing photos, I quickly discovered the clues.

Aviation experts: "If it is R & D, the Black Cloud Group is developed, then it is not surprising."

"Before the Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan have tried to pay attention to it, this is still not enough. They can produce any industrial products, including airplanes and cars. Now give them technical drawings, let them help NASA processing rockets, I will not feel strangeness."

"And my school is the most terrible place, with powerful innovative thinking and processing power. For example, this time his daughter is born, seeing the baby supplies is unreasonable; immediately think of improvement, but also doing the product so good In fact, this is just a little, I don't know if you find it. One month, black cloud baby products can be promoted to any corner of the world. "

"This doesn't just need powerful sales channels, which is more important to capacity."

"When other companies want to peel off the plant, the Black Cloud Group has turned against it. Further improve the industrial system, it is not to be subject to people."

"Iron and steel companies exchanged from Germany, plus itself with super intensive ability. If the technical information from the Soviet Union, it is not difficult to develop the flying saucer at all."

"The Black Cloud Group is in the field of computer science, it is definitely the existence of the top two in the world; it is estimated that only IBM can be a higher. For control of the flying saucer, there should be no problem. And even if the Soviet official did not reveal information, It can be difficult to ensure that the people are yin. "

"Bun Zixuan itself is to learn aviation power professional, there is a favorite of instinctivity for the aircraft. A young man with money, talented, and ability, is not surprising."

I heard aviation experts analyzed that the Secretary of Casy had a feeling of Mouton. Before just wanted to help the information of the information, but the effect was very small. After all, the Black Cloud Group has a lot of security personnel, and it is strict for the core member. The periphery is limited, and there is no effect at all.

It seems that this group of science and engineers understand the science and engineering men. They will analyze things from R & D, production, data, technology and other related fields, and judge the problem is more rational and scientific.

William Joseph - Kathy: "Although the intelligence is limited, it is a senior aviation field expert in the CSI; what you think is the level of this flying saucer has reached."

Americans are very strict to Xiangjiang's surveillance. If there is any wind blowing, it is absolutely hidden. The flying saucer is likely to be the first time, after all, the time in the air is very short, otherwise these photos are not only.

The CEO of the aviation experts think about it: "See photos, and combined with the technical information left by the Germans. The product has not yet formed a combat force, and the flying saucer belongs to the high-altitude aircraft. It needs to be verified by continuous test flight. Before No experience can be referred to; even if the Germans, more stay in the theoretical design phase. "

"But I think if Bao Zi Xuan is determined, it should solve all problems within a year."

I haven't formed combat power, and the problem is much better. Americans can seize the opportunity, negotiating with Baoxuan Xuan. However, these are not what he can decide, and must be reported to the President Ren.

Then the two communicate some details, William Joseph - Cases are prepared to go to the White House and report to the Rigang.

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