Reseeding the Growth of the Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 1176 Reporting and Decision

Through the exploration of aviation experts, William Joseph - Caser is not worthy of attention; the flying saucer is not a small thing, even more worrying than stealth fighting machines and land effects aircraft. After all, this stuff is smaller, and all directions are illuminated in all directions, there is no dead angle at all.

So the problem is coming, if the black cloud is flying to the White House. At that time, the entire US will fall into danger, even if Bao Zi Xuan does not dare, it is difficult to protect the Soviet Union.

It is still earlier than it, but everything must be presented. As the Secretary for the Central Bureau, we must threaten weapons and equipment that threaten national security, killing in the cradle!

Even if you can't fully blocked, you have to master the core technology, this is the bottom line. If Bun Zixuan does not agree, he is the enemy of the United States. Directly deal with the Black Cloud Group, William Joseph - Kathy can not dare. What is said that people are also the first largest in the United States, and they have not made things that harm the US interests. If you really have a bag, you will never have a good fruit.

In the United States, there will be some scruples for legal tax-paying companies. Even if the Emotional Bureau is the same, after all, this is very rich. Directly in the past, the two sides didn't seem to have so much hatred. Once exposed, the international impact is on the one hand, it is estimated that his own family will follow.

Doing business, there is money, when you want to come to death, you want to be a madness of the other party. Since you can't play rogue, you must be solved by other ways.

I heard William-Joseph-Cased to see him, and the root directly allowed the secretary to come in. Not only is a heartbeat problem, more importantly, the other's position is very ming. As the Secretary for the Central Bureau, there is a first time to see the right of the president.

The two major intelligence agencies in the United States, the main situation is mainly external, and the FBI is in the case; the division of labor is still very clear. Without notification in advance, come over the White House directly; inevitably there is an emergency, and the root does not dare to neglect. In case it is involved in national decision-making issues, you must give advice for the first time.

Ragang smiled and said: "William, so anxious, is there anything that is tight!"

For this belly, Ragan is still a more understanding. The opponent's ability is temporarily, but it is not a person who has no orientation, it is impossible to come over the White House without any reason; especially during working hours.

William Joseph - Kathy did not have nonsense, and took photos directly to Reagan.

After seeing the photo, Ragan was obvious. Although he is the president of the United States, it is not very familiar with this discs. Just know that the Germans have developed, as for the specific level, it is really not particularly clear. There are too many things to handle, weapons and equipment research; the President is definitely not to be, and they don't understand. Ranks will participate in them, and they will add themselves from themselves.

Reagan: "Is this a flying saucer! Which country is developed."

Even if you don't understand, this is not a US product. All major aviation manufacturing companies have not reported the one hand, and the US military did not have the budget of the UFO project.

If it is a US company product, it is definitely not a satellite picture. You can take pictures directly, so unclear photos give yourself, it is estimated that the CITIES is also a better way.

William Joseph - Case: "This is a picture taken in Xiangjiang area. It is basically determined to be a flying saucer developed by the Black Cloud Group. Test flight.

"The rise of Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan makes we have two satellites to monitor the dynamics of Xiangjiang, so unless they are night, they will absolutely escape our eyes."

"The flying saucer does not paint any paint, just want to form reflections under the sun.

I heard another black cloud group, I really don't know what to say. Just signed the Square Agreement with Japan, West Germany, and France, has made Japan and West Germany. Don't you sanction of the Black Cloud Group at this time, isn't it nothing to find?

Ramarrily guilty of more countries and companies, which is not conducive to the economic development of the United States.

Ragan: "How do you say that air experts say, what to do this is what you want."

"The national security of the United States is not allowed, this must be kept in mind."

This is to kick him with the ball, come over, but let your president take my mind, I don't want to give you suggestions. Some words can't really say this, the most important thing is not dare. And the president must have to answer, this is the most basic principle of subsidiary.

William Joseph - Kathy: "Aviation expert analysis, it is probably that the Black Cloud Group has received technical information and drawings left by the Germans. After all, this flying saucer is very similar to the technical drawings of us, saying is from one person. The hand will not be strange. "

"After 40 years, two engineers can think of a piece; there will be a little difference, after all, they can't be the same person. So problem, the Black Cloud Group gets information and analyzes that it may be a Soviet Union."

"The Soviet intelligence department of the Soviet Union is very good, sneaking what technical information is sneaked, and it is not difficult for them."

"To know the period of the World War, the most important cutting-edge weapon production base in Germany, most of them are occupied by the Soviet Union. We will get the technical information of the UFO, and it is not unfortunate."

"And, in the case of clearing the ability and technical strength research and development, change the funds back, and it is also reasonable."

"At present, this flying saucer has not formed combat power, but the time given by the aviation experts only one year. That is to say, the black cloud flying disc will be a completely mature product, which is a huge threat to the United States."

William Joseph - Cased the analysis of aviation experts, and reported to the Root. Don't say that it is really a model. At least Raggang thinks that this Director is definitely moving his brain;

However, there is no analysis of the light. As a president, it must maintain the core interests of the United States; say that it is a bit exaggerated, but at least you can't make the people pick out the problem.

Ragan: "So what do you think is going to do, it is not good to make people, you must think about a good policy.

It seems that there is no statement, it is actually telling the situation; don't do too much, the means is even more exciting. If there is really a big bold, let Baozi Xuan misady. It may not matter if it is really no longer, if it is retired, it is really not true.

William Joseph - Casede is not a fool, of course, what is the meaning of Ragan. Do you want to have a criminal, this kid is so terrible! It is also what kind of cat is oriented between the two, nor does it troubleshoot this. Presidential presidents need many funds, and Raggang also requires support for major consortals and enterprises.

Obviously, the black cloud subordinate enterprises have provided funds for the Ragan campaign, but the two privately seem to have no situation. The root said that the Secretary for the Crystalism has misunderstand, but this is not a bad thing for both parties.

Since Raggang has shown attitude, William Joseph - Kathy does not want to be a wicked person, saying directly: "The best way is the best in the United States must have a flying saucer, and try not to get the Soviets."

"Although this idea has some innocence, it is really difficult to operate."

I heard Americans, don't let Soviet people have, this kid really has such a big matter. It is necessary to know that Bunzi Xuan has a good relationship with the Soviet relationship, and a lot of projects work together. Is the United States dare to open the Soviet Union on this matter, and it is estimated that the final result will not be too good.

Reagan: "What is the good idea of ​​Kathy, as long as it is appropriate, it will be implemented in accordance with the programs of the Emotional Administration."

William Joseph - Kathy: "Share the intelligence to the military, let them send people to find Bao Zi Xuan negotiations. At present, the most suitable candidates are the general of Ian Wright, and he is in the same bunxuan; plus itself responsible for the military Purchase, very suitable in the past. "

However, this time I don't just want to buy a flying saucer, I have to get all technical information. Although it is difficult, the United States has no other choice.

"If you don't get all the technical information, then the future broke out. The disc aircraft is not discovered by radar, directly bombing the White House, and regret it is not too late."

"The opinions given by aviation experts are only to master the full technical information; in order to develop a counter-radar system, as well as the corresponding weapon equipment."

"So in the past, Xiangjiang negotiation is a good choice, at least will not easily make a tricks with the other party. And Ian Wright's ability is absolutely nothing to say, with Bao Xuan can still talk."

Reagan finally understood why the other party came over to find him, and the report is on the one hand, it may also worry that Ien Wright does not listen to the command of the CIR, this child is really a lot. It is good to be US tacit, as for personal gains, there is still not that I still care.

Ragan: "Just signed a square agreement with Japan, West Germany, France, and the United Kingdom; there must be obvious to this Japan and West Germany. The next month must meet the new leaders of the Soviet Union Gorbachav, discuss the destruction of the mid-course ballistic Missile things. Now we can safeguard the Soviet country's security only their army, you must let the Soviet army disintegrate from internal, and it is still difficult to defend this polar bear. Therefore, for other things, it must not be too much too much. To be clearly remembered, the Soviet Union is the biggest enemy. "

I heard this, William Joseph - Kathi will now understand what it means. Perhaps this is much more profound than him, how can it be a national boss?

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