In the Ministry of National Defense, Ian Wright, I didn't expect to dream, Bao Zi Xuan actually developed the UFO. This young man is always able to create miracles, but unfortunately, the other party is not American; otherwise, it really doesn't have to put the Soviet Union in the eyes. The President sent him to negotiate with the other party, and negotiated it. Mainly given the requirements too high, and there is no difference in the same way.

It is difficult to do, but this is his work, you can only do it. The soldiers took the order as the order, the president as the highest commander of the Third Army, and there was the right to order any officer and soldier.

The Central Bureau is not idle. In recent days, the frequency of satellite investigating Xiangjiang is added. At the same time, the ground intelligence personnel are also actively exploring news; before negotiation, it is to maximize the various intelligence of the UFO; thereby adding chips to Ian Witter.

In fact, William Joseph - Kathi said that the Soviet Union has got a flying saucer technology and has its own bottom gas. As the Secretary for the US Central Bureau, of course, what is the state of this Polar bear. Gorbachev is actively cleaning up domestic military forces, improving people's livelihood; however also has funds and energy to invest in new projects.

Bao Zixuan is still stupid, and will not bring people to develop products, otherwise he is impossible to earn such a huge wealth. What is the idea of ​​businessmen, everyone is clear. As long as it is willing to pay, I believe that the other party will not refuse.

However, this payment is multifaceted, funds, policies, and promises may include inside.

Come over, Xiangjiang must be low-key, maybe you can't hit the Soviet Union, but you can't get too bright. Ian Wright is also a high-ranking, with the lady and two assistants. Said to be an assistant, in fact, the same bodyguards are almost, all the elites of the Army Special Forces, and his own strength is not weak. This is the incense, is not the battlefield of Afghanistan, so it will not be tight.

Mrs. Diplomacy is often able to play unexpected effects. Bunxuan's wife just had a child, and the lady came over and visited it. At the same time, this is a very good cover. After all, there are very few people to bring their ladies to negotiate weapons and equipment procurement.

Ian Wright is still studying various information on the plane, including the COCIETEATICS to provide it, the technical information seized in Germany, and Bunzi Xuan may come into contact with the time, place, and conditions.

With his understanding of Bunxuan, the other party should not receive technical information directly from the Soviet Union. It will inevitably be subject to people, and will never use itself as a chess piece for a person who likes chess.

Without the overall thing, the boy will not do it. If it is a Sovien who provides technical information, how to assign research and development results. Moreover, the Soviet military has not found the R & D plan of the USA, at least the CSI and other other intelligence organizations have not found. If the Soviets are hidden, it is not impossible; but the current situation in the old man is basically less reality.

View the information found that Baozi Xuan has been to Poland in 81 years, which is before and after the Western 81 military exercise.

And it is good to go through the city of Poland North City, Poland, and know where to be Dongpusu, is the birthplace of Germany. Before World War I was the core of Germany, it was the hometown of Germany's handsters. If there is any important technical information, it is very possible.

What is Baozi Xuan, it is definitely not just to buy agricultural machinery in the past; and build a border trade market. Although Olsh Tsuen's machinery is now famous in the world, there is a headed investment bonus. The border market in the black cloud investment has also become an important commodity distribution, and merchants a day are endless.

All this may be a scorpion, the purpose is to obtain technical information. Miraceae graduates billionaires, if only simple wants to make money, they have not satisfied their appetite.

Even if they make money, they are more likely to engage in relevant challenges. Businessmen like to make money, but for this group of sciencers, they can't take them as ordinary businessmen. They want to make money, but they also want to make the public to recognize, do challenge. And Bun Zixuan does this person like to use the best, will not deliberately pay attention to costs.

Before the Poland Olshin's agricultural machinery, it may not be able to connect the secondary level. How can it be seen with a proud personality of the other person.

In addition to the Chinese continent and Japan, Black Cloud Group has not investd over real estate projects in any part of the world. Even if you choose to invest in real estate, Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States, and France is much better than Poland. Then there is only one problem, to cover some purposes.

Wealth, gold, jewelery and other customs, each other may like it, but it will not be so much vigorous, and it is too much circle. Obviously Olshin has technical information left by the Germans, although I don't know if Bunxuan is an intelligence obtained from. But that is not important, send someone to investigate it clearly.

I didn't think of this year. It is estimated that after 4 years of development, construction; the remains left by the Germans are likely to be destroyed. Ian Wright is not weak, and immediately thinks to build a supermarketing market; will definitely take the same place, maybe you will leave a spider silk.

Since Bunzi's way to get technical information, it is necessary to investigate some.

After arriving in Xiangjiang, it will not meet with Bao Xuan in the first time. It is a private identity, but it is an assistant to the US Defense Minister, and the army will be. Whether you walk, you will be with some friends, and the British army is in the Xiangjiang army.

After everything is good, transfer your discovery and guess to the country directly. However, this old kid has also left one hand, and did not pass it to the CIA, and directly transferred to the Ministry of Defense; some credits can not let the CIA preemptive.

The Ministry of National Defense and the Central Bureau have indeed cooperated, but after all, it is two institutions; the defense budget and intelligence spending are also very large, and it can be limited. The US military accounts too much resources, which will get huge amounts every year, which allows the Central Bureau and other departments. Therefore, the two departments are often in the dark, and they are in a large number of military volumes; and involve some column factors such as national security, the expenditure is increasing.

Ian Wright is very simple, the military itself has intelligence departments, let them investigate the specific situation in the past. Its purpose is very obvious, let Rigan know; the ability of the US military information department is not weak, but it has not been a chance.

After the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Defense received the report of Ian Wright, and suddenly he attached to it. This is a good opportunity to prove strength and ability, and you can brush a wave in front of the president.

Directly ordered US military intelligence officials to start investigations on the conjecture of Ian Wright.

Ol Shin is more than four years ago, it is not too much to describe it. Economic development is more crowning throughout Poland, and if the development is developed in this speed, GDP has the opportunity to exceed Warsaw in ten years. It is the influence of the Black Cloud Group, as well as the economic benefits that Bun Zixuan can drive.

Most of the Poland Agricultural Machinery is produced here and then sells around the world. The border market is a resort of European mainland merchants; businessmen who do trade in Europe, if they have not been to Olsh, may not be recognized.

Originally Bao Zixuan has invested in the past, it is to hide the eyes and ears. Unexpected effect is not bad, and no one can take over such a big project, can only continue to operate by the Black Cloud Group. There is a bag of this golden word sign, and it will also save a lot of trouble.

The US military affairs agent learned that Bunxuan has stayed in the observatory; and with the investigation, the Black Cloud Group developed Olsh Ding is ready to prepare. In fact, for the observatory, black clouds have been demolished, but there is no reason to convince. In any country in the world, it is a troublesome thing that wants to remove historical ancient buildings. Plus the Observatory is also a famous monument. Every year, there are people who are inexplicable, and they can also create some economic news.

Two special workers came to the Observatory and launched in the evening. Professionals are professionals, soon find the underground secret room. It is very disappointing that the two are very disappointed.

But after careful examination, two screws were discovered, and most importantly there were German unique markers during World War II. This makes the two people are jealous, and I have never thought of so soon.

Bao Zixuan is also a hundred mining, still has no experience. It is considered that all inspections have been checked, and the secure skyline, which is still important.

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