After the two military affairs agents got the screw, there was no residence and returned to the hotel. Poland belongs to the scope of the Soviet Union, and Americans are out of mighty night, but very dangerous things.

And for absolute safety, the two screws on their suitcases are also replaced, and the screws with the German markers of the World War II are disguised. It seems to be two ordinary businessmen, even if people know that people are agents; there is nothing to carry any illegal items, they are not too much. Not too happy now, at least too high. It is more unable to contact in China, you must reduce the possibility of exposure.

Early the next morning, the two were departed; when he left, it has also purchased a lot of goods in the border trade market; everything is very normal.

Going to West Germany, immediately reported to China. The Minister of Defense did not expect that Ian Wright guess is completely correct. Although the two ordinary German screws do not represent anything, but when they appear in the Basement of the Olshin Skyline, and it is good to happen to stay in the bag. When I left, I also bought a lot of products, and the customs transportation also had a box and other objects.

The US Department of Defense is not a court, and it is not a trial of Bao Zixuan. As long as you know where he has obtained technical information, it is already enough. It is no wonder that the Black Cloud Group has developed so quickly in recent years, not just because Bunzi Xuan enough genius, there are many well-known scholars to join, and they have also received German technical information. So research and development of a flying saucer, the role aircraft, the stealth force, and other products are interpreted.

It is definitely more than this information in the inside, and Bun Zi Xuan is affirmed more. These for the United States, absolutely can't let go; you must get it, even if you turn your face.

Winberge made people sent two screws to Washington and Xiangjiang. One of him was reported to the President Rago; one is directly handed over to Ian Rit, let it master the initiative in the negotiation.

Wen Bo came to the White House. At this time, the President Ren is waiting for him. The Minister of Defense wants to see president, still have some privileges. As long as the other party does not meet foreign heads, it will basically take time.

Winberg is an unusual and calm person. It is basically not in the door; it can come directly, indicating that things are not small. Plus Ian Wright past Xiangjiang, maybe there is a direct relationship with this matter.

In the President of the White House, there was a smile in the office: "Winberg minister, so anxious thing, is there any urgent matter."

The other is not bad, or you can't work together for so long; it can be said that Wen Bo is absolutely ill, after all, when he is governor from Ragang, the other party is his head.

Caspa Winberg has no hesitant, and directly takes out a screw to work.

Although Ren is curious, it still took the screw. Winberg is a very calm person, never joking at work. Although it is just a screw, it is said that it is hidden with secrets.

Even if you don't understand the situation, you also understand that this screw from Germany during the World War II; Is there any kind of secret in this?

Reagan: "What does Winberg ministers want to express, or what this screw is in a different place."

Caspa Winberg: "The General Ian Wright has reached Xiangjiang. He found when he studied the information on the plane. In the 81-year Bag Xuan's movement in Poland, unlike his act. And Poland The Damin once belongs to Dongpus, and this German military officer cradle. "

"In the late World War, Germany did not surprise any technical information. I didn't expect it before, but as Black Cloud Group continued to have a successful new weaponry to develop success, it is not helpful. Bao Zixuan is in genius, it is impossible Everything knows.

"So I immediately arranged the agent of the military in the past to investigate, I won't worry about people; they found two screws in the Olshin Observatory underground."

"Although there is no thing in addition to the two screws. But the staff of the Black Cloud Group has stationed a period of time in the observatory. When Baixuan left Poland, it took a lot of big boxes."

"The world is absolutely less coincidental, the Black Cloud Group will inevitably gain technical information left by Germany."

Valley Ren: "This clue is very important, no wonder the black cloud group has developed so fast. And the intelligence shows that they have changed many German old tanks and machine tools. Explain that there is already a detailed technical drawing; Bao Zixuan itself is not a genius Fake, but the development is so rapid, but also with powerful external support. "

"Let Ian Wright touch, try to get Bun Zixuan to get something good in Poland. The United States can't let go of any powerful own opportunity. If this is smart enough, you should know how to do it."

The United States is in the field of science and technology, especially in the space field, can be crowning around the world; German scientists bringing back from the year. Lie in the United States, domestic engineering technicians, want to open the gap with the Soviet Union, is not so easy. The role of German science and technology will definitely can't let Bao Zi Xuan alone.

It is impossible for the other party now, after all, the Black Cloud Group has been studying for technical materials for a long time; but there is still no problem.

Reagan made the secretary to the Secretary for William Joseph - Kathy, let him come over the White House.

Although I saw the ability of the military affairs, I am responsible for intelligence work, especially the intelligence work involving the company, or is responsible for the professional.

I heard the President Renji is William-Joseph-Case, Winberg is somewhat disappointed, but did not show it. Want to make the President to recognize the ability of the military affairs, it is impossible for a short time. As long as it makes it understand, the military situation is very combat, it is already enough. And investigate the Black Cloud Group and Bunxuan, still have a scruple; let the Central situation rubbing your ass.

I received a phone call from the White House, Caser, did not dare to have a hesitation, and then came over the first time. Although I don't know what is going on, the President Reagan is meeting with the Minister of Defense Winberg, he still knows. The two must have important things, and they need intelligence department to cooperate, which is also a good opportunity for performance.

Reagan did not have nonsense, and his screws were handed directly to William - Joseph - Case. At the same time, Wenberg introduced the situation once, and let the Secretary for the Central Bureau of Love clearly, the things of the dragon.

I heard the Black Cloud Group was German technology from Poland, and the Secretary of Caser agreed. In fact, it has been thinking about the inside of the CITIES, and Bun Zixuan will take the initiative to participate in the military exercise, and the military will go to Olen. There are many people in Poland, there are many places where Ol Shin doesn't have much advantage.

It seems that people's purpose is technical information, and investment is just a matter of way. The practice of the Ministry of Defense, let him be a little unhappy. Since Ol Shin may have problems, then you should notify the CIA. Now I will do it yourself, meaning that the CIA is not so important.

Now people are heroes. He doesn't say anything, can only beat the teeth into the belly. But this ugly will not be white out, encounter a suitable opportunity, must have to find the venue.

Ragan is an educated man, of course, I hope to compete with each other. The premise is that this situation is very good under his control. The Ministry of National Defense is too strong, and the Minister of Defense will threaten his status. The situation is too strong, will not be the next Hoover, no one can say it.

Therefore, it is absolutely uncomfortable to silence, so it is very disadvantageous to the whole country.

Reagan: "At present, it seems that Bunzi Xuan must have a lot of technical information from Poland. I hope that the CITIES will be clear. There is also technical information left by the Germans, we must carefully organize; can not put it in the warehouse, let it get from new Evil color. "

Ragang thinks that it is better than they, just think about how to get the benefits from Bao Zi Xuan, get what you want. How can I forget that the United States has also seized a lot of technical drawings from Germany. It seems that the sky is given up, and it is really good to say that there is a good thing in it; it is not discovered by people.

The Ministry of Defense, this kind of technical information is true in the warehouse in the CIA, must be sorted out; continue in, which is a serious waste of resources.

In fact, William Joseph - Cases also thought about the exposure of Baozi Xuan to German technical information; not to let him be defeated, at least to reduce its international influence. But in Rago does not benefit, he is not good to claim, can only investigate and say it.

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