The efficiency of the US military is not low, when Wen Bo will get the screw, the other screw has come to Ian Rit. At the same time, people also introduce things to the dragon, and the side prove that his guess is completely correct.

Ian Wright is calm, the identity of Baozi Xuan is not general, and it is really not good to find someone. And this time is to get the technical information of the UFO, in case it is unpleasant, everyone is not good. It is best to know that this kid is very good, in case it is fully directed to the Soviet Union; for the United States, it is also an incomparable loss.

Plus did not get a white honesty command, I had to take my wife in Xiangjiang. It has been busy working for so many years, but it is really like today, accompany your wife. There is no idle in idle time, always finishing the technical information that Bunxuan may get.

In that, many German top scientists were brought to the United States, forty years; the US government, military, intelligence agencies, and technology companies, their investigations can be described in detail. Weapons and equipment that may be studied, basically quoted. Some are already serious, such as the world's first ballistic missile V-2; there is no meaning; the Gustavian cannon belongs to this, or it is impossible to be directly demolished.

Some techniques have been explained so far, where UFO is a good example. The Black Cloud Group can develop it. It is more detailed in the technical information. It is still hard enough to have itself; these needs to be aware, otherwise it will not talk about what results come.

In order to cooperate with Ian Wright, the US military's well-known technical experts have also come to Xiangjiang; professionals are present, it is not easy to suffer. Before departure, just think about the technical information of the UFO. Now there is a change in the situation, the appetite of the White House and the military is bigger; the task is also more daunting, and it is necessary to work with the professional.

Until the White House has clear instructions, do not hesitate to get the technical information of the black cloud as much as possible. And authorized him to represent the US president to supervise this. The identity is different, and he is not just a military representative, but he represents the entire leader of the country, and must pay attention to it.

Baozi Xuan received a request for Ian Wright, although I didn't know what medicine was sold in the gourd. But after all, it is an old acquaintance, and the other party will come to Xiangjiang; in love, you must see it in public. It is still necessary to slightly.

As for the wife of Ian Wright, the identity is slightly embarrassed.

Before I thought I first contacted my private identity, then the lady had visited the child in the past, and it was in the reason. Now as a president's special envoy, then his wife is in the past, it seems uncomfortable. But since it is coming, it is not good.

After a fierce thought struggle, Ian Wright decided to visit the family with a private identity; as for the next, but also think about it.

It is definitely impossible to ask Bunxuan directly. In the past, the past Poland was not to obtain technical information. Everything is now guess, people can do not recognize, you don't have any way. Directly grasp the rushes of Xiangjiang, do not say Huaxia, it is estimated that the British government will not agree.

Bao Zi Xuan is a flag, if the Americans are not evidence; directly grasp people, the British is not good to explain people. And this international influence is too big, and the most important thing they may not go out. Unless the dispatched the army attacked the Xiangjiang, the words mean the fight with the British, fighting with Huaxia. The consequences of generated may not be unbearable.

When I came to Bunzi Xuanjia, Ian Wright was strange, did not imagine that it was so luxurious, it didn't seem to have a difference with ordinary ride. To know that the other party is the rivers of Xiangjiang,

I don't say anything about this Ian Wright, pay attention to safety, and protect privacy is the temperament of people.

The head is in person to meet his door, smile and say: "Welcome two arrivals, Wright General, Wright Mrs. You can come, really let the cold hostel."

Not anyone eligible for Bunzi Xuan to meet the door, and it is also a face. Although the house does not meet the status of Xiangjiang richest, it is absolutely not a cold house; the Chinese people are not good, too modest.

Ian Wright: "Come over Xiangjiang vacation, thinking about Mr. Bao is here; and the family is still happy, of course, come over."

After coming to the living room, I saw the twin daughter, and the Mrs. Ian Wright was very happy. As a lady of the general, it is also very familiar with this occasion. Then I have given a gift that I am ready to give Zhang Teiyan, it seems that it has already negotiated in the United States. Therefore, the gift is their home; the most important is the object of Huaxia, a pair of jade, worth the value.

Women chat together with children, Zhang Ziran's English is absolutely no problem, after all, studying in UK for many years.

Two men in Valley are also tested with each other, but Ian Rit knows the depth, after all, is at home, many things are inconvenient. If you think about the threat of your door, you will flush your face even if you have a good temper.

In less than an hour, couples choose to leave. And I will have a good time after tomorrow, friends come over, this is the minimum polite problem.

After Ian Wright, the head of the bag was caught into meditation. As the US defense minister helped, the army will lead to the army; it will not be able to come over the river. If this is a US military, it is impossible. After all, they don't need to be good to any country and businesses. Inside the inside, there must be a secret, the idea of ​​the flying saucer, suddenly understands what it means.

The United States has military investigation satellites around the world, even if the radar can't find anything, is there any satellite in space? It seems that the other party finds the flying saucer, Ian Wright, is preparing to negotiate.

The other party is responsible for the US military procurement, negotiate the UFO procurement contract, and the technical transfer is also in the reason.

Since you know the goal of the other party, you will do a lot of things; at this time, the richest is about to maximize such interest, and I don't know how much Americans have more intelligence than he expected.

After the completion of the complexion, Ian Wright sent his wife back to the hotel, and he came to the US office in Xiangjiang. Niomest is not white, and many countries in the world have offices in Xiangjiang, let alone a powerful US.

Ian Wright picked up the encrypted phone and called with the Minister of Defense Wenberg. Before the official negotiations of the same Bag Xuan, he also had to pass a call. The things involved are not small, many have exceeded his terms of reference.

I saw the opposite side of Winberg sound: "Is Ian Wright? I am Winberg."

Although it is an encrypted telephone, in order to confirm the identity for security; after all, the contents of the two are still in the top secret stage.

Ian Wright: "Minister, I am Ian Wright."

Winberg: "How is Xiangjiang situation, you see Bunzi Xuan today."

Ian Wright: "I took my wife today. I passed the bunxuan family. It was a private identity. At present, the other party did not know anything, but he should be able to find some ends with his intelligence. I got together after tomorrow; before the negotiation, I would like to know what the white honey is meaning. "

After coming over the Xiangjiang, I found that Bunzi Xuan's strength is much stronger than imagination. The Black Cloud Manufacturing has completed the layout, but anything in the world can be produced as long as it is Bao Zi Xuan. Plus the other party's technical information left by the Germans, it is already unsightly.

In fact, Wenberger is also a bit difficult. If you want to sanction of the Black Cloud Group, this thing is not in the scope of protection of the Ministry of National Defense. Business doors and tax departments will not agree. The US economic development is slow, at this time, the company's first enterprises will be attended by the kitches. At that time, other departments will say that the Ministry of Defense thinks about spending money every day, and also dragging legs in the domestic economy.

United to cut military expenses, his national defense minister really did his head.

Wen Bo said: "The White House does not want to interact contradiction. At present, the Soviet Union is the biggest enemy. For the Black Cloud Group and Bunzi, you should try to pull it. But you can't raise the tiger, you can grasp your own."

The scale is grasped, Ian Wright really wants to be hit. This is what he wants him to come back, if you talk, then you will be happy. If the same buns are contradictory, there will be someone to come out; but he wants to bear the corresponding responsibility, there is no good person. But now people have come to Xiangjiang, can only do things hard my scalp.

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