Ending the call with the Minister of Defense, Ian Wit is caught in meditation. I used to feel the Xiangjiang River, and the mission is still very easy. More things you want to seek, more difficult, things are more difficult. Bao Zixuan is not a small role; just guess the other party gets German technology, but there is no direct evidence. Plus its international influence, negotiations may fall into passive.

Although it is authorized, it is also necessary to master the scale; in invisible, bring a layer of shackles. Then you can't take the excitement, you can't completely sin.

Ian Witter began to analyze the technical experts and intelligence personnel. Bunxuan got the technical information of many weaponry in Poland. First, there is a root aircraft, Tianyang cannon, battle stealth, flying machine, flying saucer; after all, these four weapons and equipment Black Cloud Group have developed results, and the fact is better than elite.

Then, Germany, Germany, Tour, Tank, V-2 missile, Gustaf, submarine, jet aircraft, etc. However, these are outdated, at least a lot of existing products in the United States. Germany has left too many black technology, and maybe there is any weapon that is not known; can only go to test, it should pay special attention when negotiation.

When Ian Wright is actively preparing, Bao Zi Xuan is also thinking. UFO technology must not keep it, Ian Wit is personally come over, and there will be many problems. The American is willing to get, it is not lost. May not just want to buy simple purchase, I am afraid that I have to pack it with the technology.

Still too weak, otherwise it will not be this situation. There are no other countries, and I have seen American companies to develop a superior weapons and equipment, they will be purchased directly, and they don't sell it; It seems that the UFO technology must be shared, so how to maximize the interest, it is the only thing that needs to be considered. But it should also pay attention to the scale. At this time, Baixuan has no ability to threaten the United States. It's too much to do, there is no difference between life.

Just when the two sides are actively prepared, the time is very fast.

As the host, it must be first arrived. After all, I have dinner with the US military high-level talks; still pay attention to confidentiality. Therefore, it is the best choice inside the black cloud; there is a private clubhouse, wherever I ban, please Ien, Wright is a nice choice.

Private meeting is usually open to the outside, basically there is important guests to use as a reception site. Bao Zixuan is still used for the first time, customers come over and have the following people, and he will easily come out. Wasting time is on the one hand, the most important thing is not much necessary; the participation is too much, but it is not good.

Ian Wright entered the Black Club, it feels very elegant. At least in the decoration, there is a Chinese classical charm in the furnishings. It seems that Bunzi Xuan is also a person who will enjoy. In fact, where he knew, this is the following people are prepared; a private club, there is no need to decide in Bao Zixuan personally.

Authentic Huaxia Court, please invite a small gas. During the period, the two did not drink, after all, I will enter the topic; Ian Wright knows that the alcohol is not the opponent of this child, and it is easier to drink.

Dinner without wine, time is too fast. After the two were finished, I came to a tea room next to it, prepared to formally began to talk.

In fact, Ian Wright has an electronic jammer, which is to prevent some people from talking. It is only a broken.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "General Ian Wright, this time, there is something that is in Xiangjiang. As an old friend, it is a bit influential to be in Xiangjiang, as long as it can be helped, it will define it."

This is said, but Ian Wright does not eat this. In front of you, this kid is definitely personal, and you may have already guessed, what is the purpose of this Xiangjiang. Just, it is not to show attitude.

Ian Wright did not speak, but took out an envelope and gave it to Bunxuan. I saw a photo of the flying disc test, and suddenly understood what it meant. It is good to prepare for early, and the expression does not change. Black Cloud Group has developed any new product, and it is not required to report to the United States. But it was found to be a morning and evening, but I didn't expect to be so fast. It seems that the United States has high degree of importance to him, at least higher than you think.

Bao Zi Xuan said: "What is the matter at the time! This is just the little girl just developed, and it is still in the test flight. As long as it is a product mature, the US military wants, there is no problem."

Something is like this, it seems that this child will know the purpose of his trip. If you purchase a product, you need to personally go to the horse in person, what is it?

Ian Wright: "The technical strength of the Black Cloud Group is really a look. However, from the photo, this aircraft is very similar to the flying saucer developed by Germany during the World War II."

After I finished the technical drawings; I just wanted to see what the Bao Zixuan is the expression.

However, it is destined to let him down, Bun Zixuan does not have any expression, it seems to be as nothing.

At this time, the head of the package is really unchaul, just don't want to be in front of the Americans.

Bunzi Xuan: "Solver aircraft is designed, it is a disk shape. It is like a car, it requires four wheels. Therefore, the external shape is almost, mainly to see the internal structure. Sight of the aircraft can be on the day, Germany design Products; it seems to stay in theoretical stage, and there is no patent. The Black Cloud Group has developed a flying saucer, and should not make any law! "

I didn't have angry at this point in this kid in and rare mulmonary, Ian Wright. It is not a recognition that it is self-contained, and people are indeed doing.

German products are to apply for patents, but also to recognize others in the world. Those scientists and engineers are not caught, but they dare to think about the patents to make money. Because the Germans are not eligible to apply for patents, other countries companies and engineers cannot account for this cheap.

The face of engineering technicians is very important. If you have the results of the development of others, it will definitely be spit with the world.

Ian Wright: "Mr. Bao is from the engineer. It is definitely good at scientific research patents. However, there is no wallless wall in the world; if you want to know, unless you are."

"A tourist in the United States discovered some items when he was traveling in Olshin Skywatertine. I heard that Mr. Bao has been there, and the Black Cloud Group has many investments in Ol Shin."

"As far as I know that Black Cloud Group is rarely engaged in real estate industries, in addition to outside Huaxia and Japan; no more real estate in any area in the world. Up to buy stores and branches office; business development is one Can't find it. "

"Is Poland is really advantageous and potential than Germany and the United Kingdom, it seems that it is not too good!"

I heard Ian Wright referred to Olshdine, and Baozi Xuan used to rely on the river in the sea to describe it. Although I know this morning, I just didn't expect it to discover Americans. I have been too smooth before, so that something is slight, I have forgotten that there is still a lot of people in the world.

A country that is disintegrating in the Soviet Union, can the talent reserve be less? The so-called talents are just in all directions; not just engineering technicians, intelligence experts are absolutely indispensable.

Baozi Xuanzhen said: "Before the past Poland Ordin, just feel that agricultural machinery can be. I have purchased a lot of pastures around the world, and there are several of the United States. Need to use a large number of agricultural machinery, German product prices Too high; and stubborn German people still refuse to cut prices, can only choose other. "

"Just came to Poland, I heard that Agricultural machinery produced by Olshin is good. After the past, it was found that the local area is very suitable for opening the border market. The Mayor is also a kindness and capable manager."

"Whether it is agricultural machinery, or a border market; for black clouds and I personally, it is a business. It is currently good to make a lot, and the two projects have earned a lot. If Ian Wright, what day, Retired, I still want to start business. It is really a lot of opportunities to go to Ol Shin, where there will be many opportunities. "

If it is an ordinary businessman, this is absolutely no problem. Businessmen make money is king, as for investment, it is not so important; it is a special existence. The Black Cloud Group likes to study high-tech, this is not a secret in the world; it will never have a past Poland in the past.

There are many ways to make money, and some wallets must be rich.

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